Drooping & Curling; She is sad. Help please


New Member
Hello, my Sour Diesel is having a rough time and I could use some help. I got the plant as a clone 10 days ago, transplanted it to Summit Soils Base Camp soil with approximately 25% perlite in there 5 days ago. It's been under a double bulb fluorescent until this morning when my ballast arrived, now its under a 1000W HPS.

The first signs somethings was awry was slight yellowing in the creases of new leaves 1 days after transplant. 2 days ago her leaves began to droop. Yesterday they drooped further and this morning they were actually on the ground.



Well-Known Member
Looks like possibly too much water? How much have you been watering it? Just a thought, not 100% sure because many other factors could be involved.

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New Member
I have been watering it about every other day, but not to the point of coming out the bottom. The pots are 5 gallon size. Overwatering was initially my thought but other plants that hadn't been watered as frequently started showing the same problems and they were upright within minutes of getting some water.


Well-Known Member
It could be the light change AND/OR transplant shock.

Don't give her any nutes or water for a few days is what I would do.

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New Member
Okay, I haven't given any nutes yet and I'll hold on watering. The roots were about 1/2" outside the block when transplanted. I poked around a bit and some are over 2" now

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
its not anything but you overwatering.let those pots dry till their light.dont be scared, if the plants need water they will droop, not a big deal.if u keep ovrwtrg they will stay yellow not grow and get rot or something else.you will get to know the feel of when they need water just by the weight of pot .5gal w/3.5 ft bushy plant gets water every 4 days i cant imagine those clones are using more water than that.quit worrying so much{i know easier said than done} i did way more harm than good when i first started.let them dry .you cant fix any prob overnite.good luck nice choice w/strain yummy!!

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
all u can do is wait. the soil still looks soaked how heavy are pots? that looks bad but ive seen them come right back,also seen em die.if u can remove some water it would help those arent goin to use any water and it will take too long for it to air dry.imo


Well-Known Member
5gal pot w/small clone watered till runoff every other day and u think it needs more water?
New clones in a pot that big are tough to manage (speaking from experience). To water the soil you have to put WAY more water than needed for the tiny roots on the clone. The only way I got a clone to take was waiting for a solid little root ball, transplanting into a small 1 gallon (or less) pot, and then into the 3-5 gallon for flower.