Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
haha :) stay out of that "politics" thread bro. :)
Thanks.. Yea them idiots banned him for anther user following him around and shit. They wont even allow us to use profanity. WTF is that about.. Geez..

He also got in trouble for posting a pic of damn mushroom.

They have issues.. Good to be back..

Everyone make sure I don't go back to politics.. That is the only time I have issues here. haha


Well-Known Member
Couldnt have said it better myself bro :) I LOVE RIU. I just didnt like all the issues. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing here on out. "Fingers crossed". ;)
You guys can bounce all you want. Nothing compares to the community feel of this site.

There are issues. But there are ALWAYS issues. i will NEVER leave permanently. Just take my breaks from time to time.
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