Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
See, we`re all led to believe the racist that opened the gas station was.....What, Buck....was What ?
i'm just going by history.

civil rights was instituted after many white-owned businesses in the south denied service to blacks.

are you familiar with history?


Well-Known Member
History also dictates a whole country against Jewish. You never touch on anything but racism against Blacks.


Well-Known Member
History also dictates a whole country against Jewish. You never touch on anything but racism against Blacks.
that's not true, i also call out misogyny, xenophobia, bigotry against muslims, hispanics. the plight of the native americans and other persecuted groups.

i've even stuck my neck out for the mormon's polygamy.

you're really not very bright at all, which is not surprising. racism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated.


Well-Known Member
Never implied you live in Egypt. But you got that where ? You created it to armor yourself against my AP rounds.


Well-Known Member
Never implied you live in Egypt. But you got that where ? You created it to armor yourself against my AP rounds.
you really have an inflated opinion of your own mental faculties. i promise you that no one is more impressed with yourself than you are.


Well-Known Member
Buck, you said a racist opened the gas station. Nothing more, leaving the reader to at best...guess.
if you bothered to look at the context of the debate that robby and i were having, you'd know we were discussing his opposition to civil rights.

hell, if you had one iota of american history knowledge...nevermind.

pearls before swine.