My CFL Set up First Grow


Well-Known Member
That's all under CFL? That's pretty big.. How do you like those air pots? I just ordered a few, I'm going to try them out with this grow.
I'm a newb still but I did a lot of research on the air-pots...There was a lot of positives reviews...I like them a lot...I think they aerate the roots well, and the air pruning gets rid of root bound....I've seen some pretty good grows with them, and now I have one myself, lol....

Ya I am surprised how big this thing is...I was supposed to have two plants this grow but one hermed on me so as a result this plant has been hogging all the lights to herself...I think she likes them, lol....

I have around 500 watts of cfls on her....It's hard to tell from the pic but there are also two 2ft T5HO's behind her on the back wall...those are 24 watts each.....

So all in all about 550 watts on her, lol.


Well-Known Member
not at all it's what I use, and so do a lot of other's a pic I just took of my plant that I vegged under 18-6...I used cfls through the whole grow.

The main cola started leaning over today so I ghetto rigged a coat hanger to hold her up.View attachment 3156720
i see your using flexible light fittings. how do you like them? I was thinking about getting a couple when i ordered my y splitters off ebay but decided against it due to lack of funds.


Well-Known Member
i see your using flexible light fittings. how do you like them? I was thinking about getting a couple when i ordered my y splitters off ebay but decided against it due to lack of funds.
They're awesome...They give you total control as to where you want to put the light...I had one that I did a u-turn with and put it directly over the main cola...I also have a few that drop straight down to the lower regions of the plant....Yes cfls don't get depth penetration like other lights but if you use the extensions it really doesn't matter.

I noticed on ebay prices are a bit higher in the US than if you order from China...


Well-Known Member
They're awesome...They give you total control as to where you want to put the light...I had one that I did a u-turn with and put it directly over the main cola...I also have a few that drop straight down to the lower regions of the plant....Yes cfls don't get depth penetration like other lights but if you use the extensions it really doesn't matter.

I noticed on ebay prices are a bit higher in the US than if you order from China...
im in Australia and it the same here, unfortunately most Amazon products dont ship to aust which is disappointing.

think i maight buy a couple and give them a go


Well-Known Member
Well this morning i looked at my plant and its roots have grown out of the bottom of the cup so i decided to transplant it into something a little bigger. My airpots haven't came yet (bummer) they should be here thursday. But she looks good and healthy to me so far .. Thoughts?DSC_0032.JPGDSC_0032.JPG DSC_0032.JPG DSC_0031.JPG


Your doing ok so far but if you don't make some changes it's not gonna make it. When the plant raises it's leaves like that it's stressed and you need to figure out what's wrong. The leaves should always look like they just hanging out, not too high and not droopy but just hanging out.

1. Start by raising the light the at least 6 inches.

2.Get a cheap ph test kit, the drops work great. I've been growing for 4 years and I still use them. After awhile you'll get a feel for the water in your area and it'll get easy, balance the water between 5.0-6.0 and you can't go wrong.

3. Did you put holes in the bottom of that party cup so excess water drains off? If not poke some holes in the bottom.

4. Purchase some perlite for when you up can to a larger to mix in the dirt so it drains well but retains moisture.

5. When watering once you see water draining out the bottom it's had enough. Also keep the medium moist not wet, there's a difference. Again eventually you'll get a feel for it.

6. At this stage the cotyledon's shouldn't be turning yellow at this stage. That should not happen until the 3 or 4th set. I also see that the new leaves growing in are yellow already which means it's really sick but not dead you can still save it.

Try these things and hopefully we can pull this little one through. Lastly I know some silly fucker will say I don't know what I'm talking about. Before you post a silly ass comment I'll simply say in advance FUCK YOU!

This is a seedling from an old grow of mine. Keep'm green! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
welcome cwhall! :cool: looks to me like your plant is stressed. you should be greener at this point. leaves are loosing color--are you watering too often? something is going close are you keeping your CFLs? keep growing! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I did figure i had my light to close so , I raised it up more yesterday and it looks like the color is coming back.. I only water every 3days or when its dry. DSC_0034_2.jpg DSC_0038_2.jpg DSC_0034_2.jpg


I'd suggest you get some Happy Frog soil for the new seeds or buy some course perlite to mix with what you got and mix.


Well-Known Member
i have about 220 watts on one plant. spacecowboy. that is an impressive plant! how many watts are you running?
thanks 420 ! I have about 500 watts of cfl bulbs on her, and 48 watts of two T5HO's which are mounted vertically on the back wall.....So about 550 total....My cab is designed for more plants....I actually started with 6 plants this grow....4 turned out to be male, and 1 hermed...Or was it 3 were male and 2 hermed ? I can't remember, lol....

Anyways she has the whole grow cab all to herself, and she is able to hog all the light ! lol