Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
YUP.. Im back.. Yeah I had left bro. Went to MP (Marijuana Passion) forum. I had thought I liked it there, all to come to find out there a bunch of DNA genetics lovers there, and had 1 asshole follow me around from thread to thread trying to cause problems for NO reason. Hell the Mods even took up 4 this guy. They dished out - rep on others that spoke their minds. Just a bunch of wanna be jerks over there imo. :) Here to stay. Hell yeah I missed you guys.. haha
Dankster...you're back! Or perhaps you never left...did you leave? Or did you miss us too much and have a change of heart?


Well-Known Member
I hear that. I have to. Back a few years ago I would play around with all that stuff. lol Even mixed "Kool aid" to my water back in the day cause NONE of these strains that claimed to turn colors, or be a certain color never would change. Hell even with temperature drops. So that's when I set out on my journey making strains that WILL live up to their names ;)
i tried honey instead of molasses
i think my plants liked it
also tried raw cane sugar seemed to do ok


Well-Known Member
Something has always weighed on my mind. lol Who's ever thought about all these pop stars/singers/actors that's "died" suddenly, unsuspected, not really ill, that may have faked their own death? :confused: one that really sticks in my mind is a video I recall seeing a few months back. "Let me state I have NOTHING against any of them". ;) But 1 in particular (video) really got me. IDK if anyone else noted it but when MJ (Michael Jackson) passed away, as the helicopter was passing by, I guess another air craft was near the other air craft, well I was looking in to see if I could see his body on the gurney, what I seen was allot more then that! I seen what I thought @ that time his (MJ) body sit straight up.. Now maybe this just could have been his body reaction to rigamortis setting in, or a trick of the camera... but IDK. looks like he sit up to me. lol Who else seen it :confused:
not saying he is alive, wasn't a huge fan, but did like his 80's music such as Billy Jean, and Thriller. :)
My theory is if you're rich and powerful enough they'll fake your death and send you to nibiru to live the rest of your life as a human god among aliens.

In all seriousness you never know, but yea weird shit.

I doubt it though, only because MJ seemed like he was dying way before he was actually dying.

Just add MJ to the list of celebrities with fake deaths

Paul Walker
Michael Jackson


Well-Known Member
YUP.. I didnt think so either until I seen his body sit up in the helicopter ;) you forgot this guy bro ;)
My theory is if you're rich and powerful enough they'll fake your death and send you to nibiru to live the rest of your life as a human god among aliens.

In all seriousness you never know, but yea weird shit.

I doubt it though, only because MJ seemed like he was dying way before he was actually dying.

Just add MJ to the list of celebrities with fake deaths

Paul Walker
Michael Jackson


Well-Known Member
You know whats fun about being an admin, no one has access to my machine and I have this window in the very bottom corner waiting for an issue to arise.. :lol:
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