Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

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Well-Known Member
Wow, you make the wipin your ass comment and then ask for help and truth is I saw your thread and passed on it due to the comments you had made in that other thread LOL

If it were mine I'd cull it, I don't mess with weaklings but I don't agree that it's genetic as it was growing to much like the others. You have a def of at least 5 nutes going on which indicates a root problem, roots could've gotten burned by a hot spot in the soil or a bug could be eaten on em, if I'm right (and I usually am) it will be a bitch to try and save !!!
5 nut defs why is other plants fine and healthy ? Ill go with genetics as non of the other r suffering at all


Well-Known Member
Ok .... Hogbud ... Somehow we wound up here ... Can you reel this thread back to your original intentions. I have read what you posted ... But have no idea what we are discussing right now ... Lol


Well-Known Member
Ok .... Hogbud ... Somehow we wound up here ... Can you reel this thread back to your original intentions. I have read what you posted ... But have no idea what we are discussing right now ... Lol
me either LOL


Well-Known Member
Yes. The early amber, ok I am back on track ... Still rereading the first page to get back on track.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I agree but it is one of those things that I think people either get or they do not.


Well-Known Member
Ok .... Hogbud ... Somehow we wound up here ... Can you reel this thread back to your original intentions. I have read what you posted ... But have no idea what we are discussing right now ... Lol
Thanks for that...


Well-Known Member
agreed !!!
I believe we need the experts to literally come out of the woods, explain what they know to open minded scientists, and then can confirm, modify, or debunk "issues" ... Problem is - people; for we are talking in terms of medicine, while most can say how something will act within the body, everyone is different, and the results will vary.

The openness of the mind ... it either allows knowledge to flow or makes it come to a grinding halt.


Well-Known Member
Well the early harvest seems to be a big deal now a days, Some seem to think it is about greed/money, I can see that some think it is all about the new dabbing phase? I really don't care as I only grow for me therefore I harvest for me.

I have grown G13 Pineapple Express several times and it always seemed to finish in week 9, I would always harvest in week 10. Recently I left the bottom of a harvested plant go to senescence (lil over 12 weeks) and it was SO MUCH better, in all dept's better smell, taste, high, etc. and was not at all couchlock but rather heady/trippy which surprised me, but opened a door to open minded thoughts that most of what is said in forums is generalizations that don't always apply !!! That older PE had over 50% amber trics and yet no couchlock,,,,, go figure.

My point is that each of us has to learn these things about each and every strain we grow if we want to get the best herb possible, the generalizations do not always apply !!!

I will splain the brown bush later tonight, am on my lunch hour now
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