This kid just killed 6 people and wrote a 145 page manifesto

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
we got our asses whooped if we stepped out of bounds. kids today get grounded to their call of duty games...
Good point.
We got beat for good reasons or paddled in school.
With all the liberal laws nowadays you can't hit
a child in school much less at home.
Your kids could put you in jail.

Good initial laws but they get abused.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
First off, I'm sorry but I never saw the link last night.
If I would have, I would have pointed out that all the people mentioned were adults.

Could you imagine Joanie on Happy Days scared to go to school because Potsie and The Fonz were planning an attack?

Kids now are different and I'm not sure what changed.
James Huberty killed 21 people adults and children at a local McDonald's .... no worrys apology accepted! !
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
a98884_Mary Bell.jpg

The 11-Year-Old British Girl Who Strangled Two Little Boys

In May 1968, Mary Flora Bell strangled four-year-old Martin Brown in a derelict house in Scotswood, an inner-city suburb of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

In July of that same year, Mary Bell and friend Norma Joyce Bell (no relation), 13, strangled and mutilated 3-year-old Brian Howe.

An open verdict had originally been recorded for Brown's death as there was no evidence of foul play — although Bell had strangled him, her grip was not hard enough to leave any marks.

Eventually, his death was linked with Howe's killing and in August 1968 the girls were charged with two counts of manslaughter.

The Home Office psychiatrist told the court Mary had a psychopathic disorder for which she needed treatment. However, a detective chief inspector who interrogated Mary found her to be "very cunning and insidious."

As the verdict was read out, Mary broke down. Norma was acquitted and Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Since her release from prison in 1980, Mary's identity has been protected by a court order, which has also been extended to protect the identity of her daughter, born on May 25, 1984
I found this interesting!!!


Well-Known Member
Good point.
We got beat for good reasons or paddled in school.
With all the liberal laws nowadays you can't hit
a child in school much less at home.
Your kids could put you in jail.

Good initial laws but they get abused.
Oh I def misinterpreted you at first, my bad. yep no paddle, teachers get in trouble just for looking at a kid wrong, parents in trouble for simple discipline caught by a "witnesses", ppl awarded for losing n everyone's a winner (oh shit I sound right wing), adults can't hide ANYTHING from kids to retain their innocents bcuz of the internet / available info out there, yes yes the media too, overly medicated gluttanous pigs = average American, our poor are doing better than a lot of countries' more fortunate ppl, just to become educated we have to go into immense amounts of debt...the list doesn't end.


Well-Known Member
First off, I'm sorry but I never saw the link last night.
If I would have, I would have pointed out that all the people mentioned were adults.

Could you imagine Joanie on Happy Days scared to go to school because Potsie and The Fonz were planning an attack?

Kids now are different and I'm not sure what changed.
As if the Fonz would ever plot with Potzie. That's Ralph Malph's job.


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine Joanie on Happy Days scared to go to school because Potsie and The Fonz were planning an attack?

Kids now are different and I'm not sure what changed.
Erin Moran (actor that played Joanie) ended up addicted to drugs and living in a travel trailer. The reason I make that point is because those motives still existed in the 1950's but as others have said communities weren't as aware because of the slower (or non-existent) dissemination of information.

Nutes, you appear to be a Christian man, so then you would know that evil motivation/intent has existed since Cain and Abel. I know it appears these mass shootings are more rampant, and the style of murder may be. However many sources have noted that the overall murder rate is the lowest it's been in history. Yes I know, skewed stats, yadda yadda, which is why I am leary of stats anyway. But I guess my main point is this (and you should know the source I'm quoting here) "THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN."

I wasn't implying Fox news was unbiased.
LOL, not at all.
They lean as far right as CNN leans left.
The mere mention of Fox news in the political form upsets a lot of people.
Ah ok, point taken.


Well-Known Member
Good point.
We got beat for good reasons or paddled in school.
With all the liberal laws nowadays you can't hit
a child in school much less at home.
Your kids could put you in jail.

Good initial laws but they get abused.
I agree that parenting styles have become way too oriented towards the "I'm my kid's friend" vs. an authority figure, but I don't think paddling in school or spanking is the answer. Those forms of punishment have been proven ineffective. I do think the breakdown of families in recent decades has a lot to do with these angry kids. How much time did this guy's parents actually spend with him? Sure they tried to get him help, but did they throw $ at the problem and $ at him? Or did they really spend time with their kids? Were their kids, like everything else, ornaments? accessories? Trendy to have? That's what I always wonder.
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Well-Known Member
I agree that parenting styles have become way to oriented towards the "I'm my kid's friend" vs. an authority figure, but I don't think paddling in school or spanking is the answer. Those forms of punishment have been proven ineffective. I do think the breakdown of families in recent decades has a lot to do with these angry kids. How much time did this guy's parents actually spend with him? Sure they tried to get him help, but did they throw $ at the problem and $ at him? Or did they really spend time with their kids? Were their kids, like everything else, ornaments? accessories? Trendy to have? That's what I always wonder.
The true essence of "family" and a sense of "community" has all but dissolved in the US.

gawdamn texting widgets...


Well-Known Member
I dunno about family, but I think that community has been lacking in the American psyche from the get go - at least in relative terms to the ROtW. There is a whole lot of emphasis on individual rights in our founding documents and I think, at times, it ends up coming across politically as just promoting and rewarding outright selfishness. I'm not talking the sort of selfishness in which one just simply follows their own interests... I'm talking about the total lack of compassion and consideration to fellow citizens in pursuit of one's interests.

Maybe I am making too much of this - but I see it in people's behavior in traffic. Oh, you have the right of way? Well fuck you. I'm going! I feel that it is not too far a throw from just common everyday impoliteness to really bad business behavior. Am I ripping you off? Sorry - fuck you - I want to get rich. I see a lot of this (blended with paranoia) in the gun rights movement.

But I do think it is more prevalent today. Perhaps it is just the fact that the piece of pie per capita is shrinking.

But God? I'm of the mind that we invented God to civilize mankind. Tired of barbarians pillaging and raping? Give them a religion that frowns on it.

I don't believe in God and yet I do not think it is ok to do wrong. I accept moral rectitude without needing a metaphor or a threat. I don't really understand people who think that religion is the basis of being good to each other and I have lost track of religious people i have known who act immorally. Maybe some people need that threat to keep from committing atrocities. I'm not stopping them. But trying to create a moral society by force feeding our children a lie seems counterproductive.

And yes, I wish Americans did have a greater sense of community. I wish we were willing to trade some of our rugged individualism for a kinder, gentler, more just, society but it seems pretty far from happening. The knee jerk reaction of certain segments of our political spectrum against anything that gives "power" to the government (i.e. limiting access to guns) is discouraging - as is the tendancy to blow everything out of proportion by throwing epithets like Socialist around. Perhaps I just wish our educational system helped more people understand nuances.

On another note.... The #notallmen vs #yesallwomen thing. The point goes to the ladies. I had never thought of it exactly that way. I am one of the 'not all men', but I cannot deny the horror women must feel from the possibility/inevitability of being harassed. In my youth I have personally applied strong physical pressure to a couple of members of my gender who got date rapey with people I knew - but I know this is not the answer. So seriously, what can us men do to make the world better?


Well-Known Member
Charlie Starkweather anyone? How about the simplier times of Son of Sam? How about the easier time of the National Guard shooting college students at Kent state? There's also that simplier time when peace activists and presidents were assasinated. Oh how about the much simplier times when automatic machine guns were used by the mafia to mow down people in the wide open and the NRA got behind banning automatic weapons in the hands of the general populace. How about the simplier time when the savings and loans scandal cost the country billions and the president was nearly assasinated and that's the same guy that gave terrorists military arms for hostages, cuz ya know America.....


Well-Known Member
I dunno about family, but I think that community has been lacking in the American psyche from the get go - at least in relative terms to the ROtW. There is a whole lot of emphasis on individual rights in our founding documents and I think, at times, it ends up coming across politically as just promoting and rewarding outright selfishness. I'm not talking the sort of selfishness in which one just simply follows their own interests... I'm talking about the total lack of compassion and consideration to fellow citizens in pursuit of one's interests.

Maybe I am making too much of this - but I see it in people's behavior in traffic. Oh, you have the right of way? Well fuck you. I'm going! I feel that it is not too far a throw from just common everyday impoliteness to really bad business behavior. Am I ripping you off? Sorry - fuck you - I want to get rich. I see a lot of this (blended with paranoia) in the gun rights movement.

But I do think it is more prevalent today. Perhaps it is just the fact that the piece of pie per capita is shrinking.

On another note.... The #notallmen vs #yesallwomen thing. The point goes to the ladies. I had never thought of it exactly that way. I am one of the 'not all men', but I cannot deny the horror women must feel from the possibility/inevitability of being harassed. In my youth I have personally applied strong physical pressure to a couple of members of my gender who got date rapey with people I knew - but I know this is not the answer. So seriously, what can us men do to make the world better?


You said it my man. It's totally our culture's perception, whether real or not that our "piece of the pie is shrinking, so I gotta get mine." Yes Yes Yes!

(not sure on this thread where the #not all men thing was posted so not certain of the

On your other note, about men making the world better, I have my own (likely) unconventional ideas on that too. In a nutshell I think (at least her in
the Pac. NW) the lack of involvement on the father's part and certain mothers with a hardcore agenda* have raised a whole generation of sons lacking in any sort of maleness.

Should men be sensitive? Hell yes, but from what I've seen in the past 15 years in my community and it's schools, social groups, etc, in the young men is a total abdication of any leadership, assertiveness, and protective instincts. (in other words, total pussified guys). Lack of dads in the home raising sons, teachers (mostly women) attempting to blot out any perceived "acts of aggression" in little boys, etc. How can men make the
world better? BE WARRIORS dammit. Not unreasoning, knuckle dragging slobs, but Noble, valiant, courageous men..

This is not the ONLY thing IMO, there are of course many, but this was the first response that came to my mind after reading your comment.
*no disrespect to single mothers, I am talking about a specific group/style of single motherhood that undermines any male authority and thinks men in general are irrelevant.

ETA: I guess this could happen in 2 parent homes as well, with one or both parents being self absorbed and ignoring the kid, I was just sharing what I've seen overtly.
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Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
James Huberty killed 21 people adults and children at a local McDonald's .... no worrys apology accepted! !
I'm not saying it has never happened before, I'm asking why it's so prevalent now.
Angry school kids killing their peers on a monthly basis or less.

That British girl was unique.
Where are the girl shooters nowadays?


Well-Known Member
@ padwanbater:

Capatalism can be good in the sense of driving the economy, but too many get greedy as in your pic above. However, I am in favor of LESS gov. involvement on BOTH party lines. My view is more like this:



Well-Known Member
@ padwanbater:

Capatalism can be good in the sense of driving the economy, but too many get greedy as in your pic above. However, I am in favor of LESS gov. involvement on BOTH party lines. My view is more like this:
What about the working welfare? Why is it ok for companies to subsidies a non livable wage with tax payers dollars?I know not all people have positive skill sets. I'm guessing those old vets that were walmart greeters didn't deserve a livable wage? What about the military families on welfare? There's alot. I get what you are saying and don't totally disagree. I think that as our economy has shifted productions to overseas to rely on cheaper labor (prison labor) there are less opportunites for people in this country. Manufacturing doesn't necassarily require great job skills and used to offer a decent wage. Where I'm from the medical industry is huge where as the manufacturing jobs have almost all but disappeared. It's a sad reality.


Well-Known Member
@ padwanbater:

Capatalism can be good in the sense of driving the economy, but too many get greedy as in your pic above. However, I am in favor of LESS gov. involvement on BOTH party lines. My view is more like this:

tracing that image back to google shows it to be a sweetheart of the intellectually devoid well of moronic conservatives and racist crybabies at 'the free republic' and other such similar sites. i especially like all the subtle race-baity references to food stamps and "obamaphones" and "yes you can!", that type of shit really worked well for newt when he was courting the southern evangelical conservative types to try and overtake mitt's lead with moderate repubs.

what that cute but moronic little caricature does not illustrate is that most of those people on the cart eating food actually do work and pay taxes, but their wages are so low that they can not make ends meet.

the fact that most of those people work is especially ironic considering the views of those over at the free republic, who view a livable wage as an affront to the freedoms of those majestic job creators. they love to crow about the "dignity of work", but it's tough to take them seriously when their worldview includes a 40 hour a week worker standing in a food stamp line, a line whose existence they then complain about.

but then again, i guess it's easier to think that hundreds of millions of americans are just lazy rather than realizing that there may be something inherently imbalanced in the system.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I just watched a family on my block unload food, soda, a huge package of paper towels and toilet paper today.
All from Walmarto.
All fine and dandy but they don't work. For years they don't work.
Mom and dad are 23-27 and have 3 kids that go to private school.
They are in good health and speak both English and Spanish.
They have everything they need or want and have no intentions of getting jobs.

"Yes You Can" Shouted Obama.