Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
Extreme? 6 other men in his platoon lost their lives looking for a deserter. He deserves what all other deserters deserve. It's a special place in Kansas.
Where in the fuck did you get that information? MSLSD? The White House? It's already an acceptable fact from the men in his platoon that he "walked away from his post" BY HIMSELF, with FREE WILL. Jesus Christ, are people here that stupid?
perfect example of republican ideology: you are guilty until proven innocent^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

you don't know anything about this fuck off:finger:


Well-Known Member
Dan Witmer · Top Commenter · Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

You want it from the horses mouth?? Here ya go..We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are. We get hits on our voice intercepter that Taliban has him, and we were close. We come to realize that the kid deserted his post, snuck out of camp and sought out Taliban… to join them. We were in a defensive position at OP Mest, where your focus is to keep people out. He knew where the blind spots were to slip out and that's what he did. It was supposed to be a 4-day mission but turned into several months of active searching. Everyone was spun up to find this guy. News outlets all over the country were putting out false information. It was hard to see, especially when we knew the truth about what happened and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Many others from various units were wounded or killed while actively looking for Bergdahl. Fighting Increased. IEDs and enemy ambushes increased. The Taliban knew that we were looking for him in high numbers and our movements were predictable. Because of Bergdahl, more men were out in danger, and more attacks on friendly camps and positions were conducted while we were out looking for him. His actions impacted the region more than anyone wants to admit. There is also no way to know what he told the Taliban: Our movements, locations, tactics, weak points on vehicles and other things for the enemy to exploit are just a few possibilities. The Government knows full well that he deserted. It looks bad and is a good propaganda piece for the Taliban. They refuse to acknowledge it. Hell they even promoted him to Sergeant which makes me sick. I feel for his family who only want their son/brother back. They don’t know the truth, or refuse to acknowledge it as well. What he did affected his family and his whole town back home, who don’t know the truth. Either way what matters is that good men died because of him. He has been lying on all those Taliban videos about everything since his “capture”. If he ever returns, he should be tried under the UCMJ for being a deserter and judged for what he did. Bergdahl is not a hero, he is not a soldier or an Infantryman. He failed his brothers. Now, sons and daughters are growing up without their fathers who died for him and he will have to face that truth someday."
sound more like mental illness break with reality than cannot condemn a man for that..are you saying they should NOT have gone?

why do you hate our troops so much especially since YOU voted for it, for this war?


Well-Known Member
If you think "every life has the same value" just pull out a fake pistol at one of Obama's speeches. You will get a quick lesson in the relative worth of your life compared to Obama's.

If we agreed to free five Taliban jihadists to free one soldier, do you think the Taliban in Afghanistan might be emboldened to capture Americans? What about the US stated policy of "no negotiations with terrorists"?
1. well since you asked, i did attend the presidents grass roots speech in delray beach on 10/23/12, stood right next to secret service as there were no seats left (right in an aisle which is against protocol..schuylaar convinced them to let her stay); they don't talk much.

2. um, the war is over. prisoner trades are always made at the end. this includes your beloved reagan AND the mastermind that is bush.

3. fuck off:finger:

4. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That was when I was too young and stupid and un-trained.

You would just start crying I imagine. And I bet you have never had a home invasion and been held at gun point.
Break into my house, I fucking dare you...

You'd leave looking like a cheese-grater.


Well-Known Member
Well Dodge. That is no answer. You have never held anyone at gun point either, nor brandished a weapon for real. You have no idea if you will just start crying., Big talk, Walter.


Well-Known Member
Well Dodge. That is no answer. You have never held anyone at gun point either, nor brandished a weapon for real. You have no idea if you will just start crying., Big talk, Walter.

Just cos we dont have the AR "School Shooter" 15 doesnt mean we dont have firearms.

Doer strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Who knows? Saw a guy last night from the platoon, He was up the hill at the machine gun nest all night with 5 other guys. He said when he came down after dawn, Bowie was gone,

He said he witnessed that Bowie took no gear with him, but some minimal supplies. No rifle. No Webvest, helmet, etc.

So, he was being rather careful in his words. He said they turned in the sworn statements that said the guy walk out of a firebase in the middle of the night,

Then the reporters asked about the Taliban signal intercepts that night that said they caught him with no weapon taking a crap.

Well, I could tell by then this warrior was getting a little sick of it. I could almost hear him thinking, (It is a FIre Base!!, You do NOT go outside the wire alone at night, with no permission to take A CRAP, you stupid BITCH!!!!)

He said, "What he was doing, Ma"am, I have no idea, But, he went out wandering among the bad guys at night with no weapon."

I don't know if you all realized this, but for Combat Infantry, to not have your weapon will gain you harsh punishment from the day they issue it, to the day it goes back to the armorer.

It is the Creed.

I am the Infantry.
I am my country's strength in war.
Her deterrent in peace.
I am the heart of the fight...
wherever, whenever.
I carry America's faith and honor
against her enemies.
I am the Queen of Battle.
I am what my country expects me to be...


Well-Known Member
Who knows? Saw a guy last night from the platoon, He was up the hill at the machine gun nest all night with 5 other guys. He said when he came down after dawn, Bowie was gone,

He said he witnessed that Bowie took no gear with him, but some minimal supplies. No rifle. No Webvest, helmet, etc.

So, he was being rather careful in his words. He said they turned in the sworn statements that said the guy walk out of a firebase in the middle of the night,

Then the reporters asked about the Taliban signal intercepts that night that said they caught him with no weapon taking a crap.

Well, I could tell by then this warrior was getting a little sick of it. I could almost hear him thinking, (It is a FIre Base!!, You do NOT go outside the wire alone at night, with no permission to take A CRAP, you stupid BITCH!!!!)

He said, "What he was doing, Ma"am, I have no idea, But, he went out wandering among the bad guys at night with no weapon."

I don't know if you all realized this, but for Combat Infantry, to not have your weapon will gain you harsh punishment from the day they issue it, to the day it goes back to the armorer.

It is the Creed.

I am the Infantry.
I am my country's strength in war.
Her deterrent in peace.
I am the heart of the fight...
wherever, whenever.
I carry America's faith and honor
against her enemies.
I am the Queen of Battle.
I am what my country expects me to be...
You arnt military...

Oh sorry, I forgot they just drop you into the warzones with a bag of gravel and then VICTORY! SELF RULE!


Well-Known Member

Just cos we dont have the AR "School Shooter" 15 doesnt mean we dont have firearms.

Doer strikes again...
Nice, Walter. You try the Foxtrot next, You are quite the dancer,

Having a gun is nothing, You don't know anything about combat. Plain and simple.



Well-Known Member
1. well since you asked, i did attend the presidents grass roots speech in delray beach on 10/23/12, stood right next to secret service as there were no seats left (right in an aisle which is against protocol..schuylaar convinced them to let her stay); they don't talk much.

2. um, the war is over. prisoner trades are always made at the end. this includes your beloved reagan AND the mastermind that is bush.

3. fuck off:finger:

4. :mrgreen:
Who said the war is over? The terrorists have not given up nor asked for peace... Just because Obama wants the war to be over for political reasons does not make it so...


Well-Known Member
Here is the Travellers Bare knukle style, Tiny, has been going on about.

Looks pretty gay, A Wing Chun fight last 2 min max until some is seriously hurt,

This shit went on for an hour, Not fighting, Gay Dancing,



Well-Known Member
Here is one way to not gay dance around. Don't let that spinning kick get you.



Well-Known Member
sound more like mental illness break with reality than cannot condemn a man for that..are you saying they should NOT have gone?

why do you hate our troops so much especially since YOU voted for it, for this war?
Make up some more shit.


Well-Known Member
Who said the war is over? The terrorists have not given up nor asked for peace... Just because Obama wants the war to be over for political reasons does not make it so...
Why do you want war? We are about to field Robo-War into Syria. We need a break between conflicts though the war is only just begun,