need advice for quitting


Well-Known Member
for the past 6 months ive realized that I need to stop using marijuana, it pretty much controls my life, I cant function without, its not like getting high anymore its just what I do to stop feeling shitty, no matter what I have to smoke every few hours or so or im a nervous anxious wreck. I have very low energy all the time, my eating habits are horrible (I eat like 300 real calories throughout the day then stockpile junk before sleep), I have a general distrust of people, grown antisocial.

I have attempted quitting 10 + times, and I normally make it 1-5 days. i get rid of all bongs bowls etc each time. I can start to see all the negative things start to disappear as I come out of my pot cloud, but the horrible anxiety I get accompanied by lack of drive, energy, and sleep during withdrawal always convinces the "its not the weed its just you" type thoughts to come out, where I will eventually convince myself to hit up weed man.

now this is from years and years of smoking at least a few grams a day this didn't just pop up overnight. and NO, IM NOT SAYING ITS ADDICTIVE, im saying i've made it addictive.

and well, im hoping some of you on here have been through this kinda deal before, weather it was your choice or cause of drug test, can give me some kinda advise or tips on getting through the first 2 hell weeks.

well that's it, im going to smoke my last bong pack, then hide all my stuff for at least a good 3 months, maybe longer depending on how I feel then. hopefully ill have some great tips when I get back :D thanks yall
Leave the house. Even if you feel anxious and dont feel like interacting with people just try and get out and walk around. If youre usually at home just smoking and hanging out then the boredom and restlessness will just suck you back in if you are not out doing something. Plus if you spend a fair amount if time out of your home, when you do come back it will be easier to sleep. Good luck
NO, IM NOT SAYING ITS ADDICTIVE, im saying i've made it addictive

It's not physically addictive but as you found out it can be mentally addictive which in turn, indirectly, can affect you physically.

I don't really have advice for you about stopping as I never tried that, never had a desire to do so. But, if you do start again, stick to smoking only a certain time of day (i.e. in the evening or before going to bed only). Sort of like the more responsible alcoholics do.

It's not physically addictive but as you found out it can be mentally addictive which in turn, indirectly, can affect you physically.

I don't really have advice for you about stopping as I never tried that, never had a desire to do so. But, if you do start again, stick to smoking only a certain time of day (i.e. in the evening or before going to bed only). Sort of like the more responsible alcoholics do.
I do like the idea of that. get shit done during the day then right before sleeping go get good and stoned one time. the problem is right now I cant just do that its too woven in my brain. ima quit for like 30 maybe 45 days then start doin that. maybe have like one day a week where I smoke as much as I want.
Ya, I don't know bud. I would like to take some time off myself but I get so bored sometimes that it is difficult to refrain. If you're already making it 1-5 days then I think you are close to quitting because that's a good start.
you have answered your own question in a way.

Low energy, bad diet, abuse not use of cannabis.

If you let any substance control you, you will not enjoy it after a while

I went through this as well. Try this; Make a gradual workout plan aim for 2 days on one day off. Start off day one by going for a 1/4 mile jog or whatever you can handle, go home and do 3 sets of 3 press ups and 3 sets of 3 sit ups. Day 2 try and go a little bit further with your jog, an 1/8 of a mile more say. Go home and if you could do the press-ups and sit ups the day before, do 3 sets of 4 each. Take your rest day and then continue with very small progression each day. You will find in about 3 weeks you will be jogging for miles and you will be up to about 3 sets of 20 press-ups. At this stage you will start to notice the difference in your fitness and that will spur you on to keep going. Then get some free weights and start doing a little weight training a few days a week too. Same deal, start really small and work up gradually. And you have identified your diet is bad, not too hard to fix that. Take a week off from weed your first week, then use it as a reward on your rest days. That's what I do now and it keeps me motivated and I have a lower tolerance and actually enjoy it rather than it just being that dull buzz you get when you do it everyday.
sounds like you have other issues that you may think are related to marijuana but are not , it seems you might have some sort of anxiety disorder
You basically just need will power mate,

I (used/still do) suffer from Generalized anxiety disorder and legit had to stop smoking for 2 years at one point, to get myself back in order.
It was rough i got bored, to the point of being bitchy about it. i was irritable, no appetite , cranky, moody,
but it goes away eventually.
just gotta stick with it.

and for yourself, you need to real food, anxiety is caused by a lot but there are 2 things that help it
proper food/low caffeine intake
and a good nights sleep every night
and i "cured" my own anxiety simply by switching my diet. i have not had an attack in almost 2 years now
Start growing it. Youll eventually have so much of it around it gets a bit 'tiring'.
Do shit where consuming weed isnt either apporpriate, useful or not allowed.
I definetly wouldnt reccomend anyone to quit smoking weed, but if youve lost the grip then maybe you should RE learm how to use cannabis.
Im the biggest stoner i know, still i dont usually start stoning until late afternoon/evening and probably dont go over a couple of grams a day max! (Actually i know someone who goes through 20g of hash a week, but you know)
Sometimes when i have not much work i will totally and completely abuse the bong, though the day after i just feel like doing the same! hahaha
Also if you dont eat propperly dont chill with people regularly nor exercise you will most likely feel like shit! I believe using weed will exarcebate not wanting to do so because chronic weed use tends to make people indifferent/lazy.
Get some free chickens eggs have em for breakfast, get some beans lentils and chickpeas and make meals out of them for lunch and dinner and snack on fruit when hungry in between. If you eat like that youll feel pretty good in no time. Also dont have weed around and dont smoke it for a fortnight see how it feels. Then SLOWLY start incorporating weed into your life again.
Also get a cat, they transmit a very calm and warm energy when in chilling mode similar to the calmness felt when getting high.
Learn to meditate. Your will increase your focus, understanding, IQ and become an overall better human being. It's not easy to stop any habit and the excercise advise above is also good stuff. You may have to address triggers like people, places and things. Good luck.
Try sativa it will reverse all the things that your going through right now

BUT READ THIS IF ANYTHING if you have to quit then try some dip

When ever I need some weed and I can't get none then I put me in a huge dip of grizzly and the nicotine and the flavor made me forget about weed

I have my own negative effects from weed too

I have depersonalisation and I freak out alot felling like I'm going to be warped away from life

But when I smoke some nice Sativa I feel alot better but sativa isn't that common

I still light up some indica every now and then and not get freaked out
thank all of you, almost all responses were very helpful. this is day 2, and im in hell. but like winston churchill said, when yourgoing through hell, keep going.

am also gunna go to the doc tomorrow see if he can give me anything to help with the panic
Try sativa it will reverse all the things that your going through right now

BUT READ THIS IF ANYTHING if you have to quit then try some dip

When ever I need some weed and I can't get none then I put me in a huge dip of grizzly and the nicotine and the flavor made me forget about weed

Worst Advice EVER! Dylan, if you don't use nicotine now, don't start. Hardest habit to break, bar none.

Try this:

Replace smoking weed with another habit. For example if you smoke after work, take a walk, bike ride, whatever to get endorphins going. Get rid of all your weed/paraphanalia. The key to quitting any bad habit is to have a plan in place and a habit to replace the old behavior. I think weed is a good relaxer/enhancer, but (recreationally speaking) when it eclipses your life, there is indeed a problem. I see weed also as causing people to be more introverted since in enhances alone time as well. Good luck to you. Keep us posted here on how it's going. We'll support you. (though on second thought, an attachment to a weed forum may be counter productive to you goal).

ETA: just read your post about dealing with panic. The same area of the brain that causes panic is the same area used to calm it. I posted this somewhere else, but you can google it. So what happens is that when you panic, and then try and "stop" the panic, it gets worse.

A technique used with those who suffer from panic attacks is to sort of "invite it to come in." In other words, when you feel it coming on, you use your conscious mind to recognize it and sort of stay with it and ride that wave. Don't fight it. That way it can't build and get bigger. Does that make sense?

All a doc wants to do is put you on anti anxiety drugs. I would only go there if all else has failed. Diet, exercise and proper sleep. Those are the building blocks. try those first.
Worst Advice EVER! Dylan, if you don't use nicotine now, don't start. Hardest habit to break, bar none.

Try this:

Replace smoking weed with another habit. For example if you smoke after work, take a walk, bike ride, whatever to get endorphins going. Get rid of all your weed/paraphanalia. The key to quitting any bad habit is to have a plan in place and a habit to replace the old behavior. I think weed is a good relaxer/enhancer, but (recreationally speaking) when it eclipses your life, there is indeed a problem. I see weed also as causing people to be more introverted since in enhances alone time as well. Good luck to you. Keep us posted here on how it's going. We'll support you. (though on second thought, an attachment to a weed forum may be counter productive to you goal).

ETA: just read your post about dealing with panic. The same area of the brain that causes panic is the same area used to calm it. I posted this somewhere else, but you can google it. So what happens is that when you panic, and then try and "stop" the panic, it gets worse.

A technique used with those who suffer from panic attacks is to sort of "invite it to come in." In other words, when you feel it coming on, you use your conscious mind to recognize it and sort of stay with it and ride that wave. Don't fight it. That way it can't build and get bigger. Does that make sense?

All a doc wants to do is put you on anti anxiety drugs. I would only go there if all else has failed. Diet, exercise and proper sleep. Those are the building blocks. try those first.
i smokef cigs from 13-19 and i quit cold turkey no problem been off for years, but weed is a differnet story. i LOVE smoking weed, cigarettes i smoked even though i found them discusting. so they were much easier to quit. but no i wont turn to nicotine, i do
vape though.

and i dont really ever come on here anyore, i basically jusy visit this post.

and ive been on anxiety meds before, pristiq for about 4 months and i didnt like the way it made me so i weened off. im lookin for like a 14 day script for xanax or something, just to get thru tye beginning
I quit all the time lol trying just being a weekend worrior It helps a lot with everything just to cut back that much then when you get your balls back (dont worry thats just man talk for when your feeling better) you can hit it hard again
In my opinion, the hardest part of trying to quit is the terrible vivid dreams/nightmares.

Good luck with quitting but honestly, you probably just need to slow down a little
for the past 6 months ive realized that I need to stop using marijuana, it pretty much controls my life, I cant function without, its not like getting high anymore its just what I do to stop feeling shitty, no matter what I have to smoke every few hours or so or im a nervous anxious wreck. I have very low energy all the time, my eating habits are horrible (I eat like 300 real calories throughout the day then stockpile junk before sleep), I have a general distrust of people, grown antisocial.

I have attempted quitting 10 + times, and I normally make it 1-5 days. i get rid of all bongs bowls etc each time. I can start to see all the negative things start to disappear as I come out of my pot cloud, but the horrible anxiety I get accompanied by lack of drive, energy, and sleep during withdrawal always convinces the "its not the weed its just you" type thoughts to come out, where I will eventually convince myself to hit up weed man.

now this is from years and years of smoking at least a few grams a day this didn't just pop up overnight. and NO, IM NOT SAYING ITS ADDICTIVE, im saying i've made it addictive.

and well, im hoping some of you on here have been through this kinda deal before, weather it was your choice or cause of drug test, can give me some kinda advise or tips on getting through the first 2 hell weeks.

well that's it, im going to smoke my last bong pack, then hide all my stuff for at least a good 3 months, maybe longer depending on how I feel then. hopefully ill have some great tips when I get back :D thanks yall

I had this same exact problem. I was about 18-19. Smoking from then till about 25 so, 6-7 years of constant High. I AM NOT proud of it. But smoking when you're in that age for a while starts to mess with your psyche. It will develop problems later on which you are going through rite now. I think i remember hearing sanjay gupta (cnn's doctor expert) suggest that after 18-21 is a great time to start smoking or then can be smoked constantly without seeing any mental changes. as we are younger we are more keen to these mental changes. As some have suggested. it's best to just stop. I have actually stopped for a couple of years now. same exact situation. but i would hear people look and start talking about me. it destroyed a piece of me. i thought i was going krazy. but in all honesty, it was just being in that high state of mind for so long and the paranoia. some people will even look at you and see it in you. sometimes my friends would see me and start messing with it and joking around even though it was a very serious thing for me. and to this day, i hate them for it. i even walked away from a few friends that thought i was just saying all that bullshit because i wanted "attention" fuck that. i know this is a very serious situation. and that it's not a funny thing. and it should b taken seriously. as of rite now. just stop smoking. and take hookabelly's advice. replace with activities. start working out. start lifting. start fishing. start replacing that downtime. or even simply, if u wanna smoke a bowl. u best do 100 push ups. start changing things up. i have actually been sober for a while now (2-3 years) with occasional "tastings" for when friends say i HAD to try some shatter, wax, or even rare flowers. but i honestly started to hate the feeling of being high. this is because during my clouded haze, i would feel so much of that anxiety come back. I am a person that thinks a lot. and even though that can be a good thing, that can be a very bad thing while high as well. But i am very happy with a clear mind now, and that haze that has gone away. I'm thinking a lot faster on my feet and i dont usually say "fuck it" anymore and getting a lot more things done. actually have become way more productive than most of my friends atm, who ALL smoke weed. but i know your problem and i feel u. just cold turkey. and start to replace ur downtime with video games or something. push ups. you'll feel a lot better. i know this first hand. the first week will be hard, but after that you'll start getting use to it. and if u've become productive, rather than being bored all the time. then you will have started to progress. however if you're still sitting at home, and not getting things done, or have not found an activity that keeps you busy, you are not progressing at all. It's all up to you. friends can help as well too, it's just i found that if your friends are just POTHEADS, they will NOT b of any help. find some friends that like to go out hiking and such, go and enjoy nature. do ACTIVITIES, dont just sit there and talk, unless you need to vent. because all my friends seem to do is sit in a circle and pass the chong. got old for me real quick. Good luck bro.
I had this same exact problem. I was about 18-19. Smoking from then till about 25 so, 6-7 years of constant High. I AM NOT proud of it. But smoking when you're in that age for a while starts to mess with your psyche. It will develop problems later on which you are going through rite now. I think i remember hearing sanjay gupta (cnn's doctor expert) suggest that after 18-21 is a great time to start smoking or then can be smoked constantly without seeing any mental changes. as we are younger we are more keen to these mental changes. As some have suggested. it's best to just stop. I have actually stopped for a couple of years now. same exact situation. but i would hear people look and start talking about me. it destroyed a piece of me. i thought i was going krazy. but in all honesty, it was just being in that high state of mind for so long and the paranoia. some people will even look at you and see it in you. sometimes my friends would see me and start messing with it and joking around even though it was a very serious thing for me. and to this day, i hate them for it. i even walked away from a few friends that thought i was just saying all that bullshit because i wanted "attention" fuck that. i know this is a very serious situation. and that it's not a funny thing. and it should b taken seriously. as of rite now. just stop smoking. and take hookabelly's advice. replace with activities. start working out. start lifting. start fishing. start replacing that downtime. or even simply, if u wanna smoke a bowl. u best do 100 push ups. start changing things up. i have actually been sober for a while now (2-3 years) with occasional "tastings" for when friends say i HAD to try some shatter, wax, or even rare flowers. but i honestly started to hate the feeling of being high. this is because during my clouded haze, i would feel so much of that anxiety come back. I am a person that thinks a lot. and even though that can be a good thing, that can be a very bad thing while high as well. But i am very happy with a clear mind now, and that haze that has gone away. I'm thinking a lot faster on my feet and i dont usually say "fuck it" anymore and getting a lot more things done. actually have become way more productive than most of my friends atm, who ALL smoke weed. but i know your problem and i feel u. just cold turkey. and start to replace ur downtime with video games or something. push ups. you'll feel a lot better. i know this first hand. the first week will be hard, but after that you'll start getting use to it. and if u've become productive, rather than being bored all the time. then you will have started to progress. however if you're still sitting at home, and not getting things done, or have not found an activity that keeps you busy, you are not progressing at all. It's all up to you. friends can help as well too, it's just i found that if your friends are just POTHEADS, they will NOT b of any help. find some friends that like to go out hiking and such, go and enjoy nature. do ACTIVITIES, dont just sit there and talk, unless you need to vent. because all my friends seem to do is sit in a circle and pass the chong. got old for me real quick. Good luck bro.
I felt like I wrote that its so spot on to what im goin thru. im 19 right now.

now im sure I will built momentum at the second week but I lack the willpower to get to there. its not impossible but I got this overwhelming attachment to marijuana. the first week is seriously me being like blank of enjoyment just feeling like desensitized and sad, seems that quitting isn't worth it and that this is life without it.

its good to have someone who knows exactly what im goin thru do you have any good advice for the mental battle of the first week or 2?