60 to 100 watt household bulbs?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

what kind of lights?
you need CFLs.. compact fluorescen lights.. they sell them at Homedepot or walmart.. you want the biggest size.. 42/150 watts.


picture please


Well-Known Member
I dont have pic of plant done died starting over trying to learn before they get big i have 25 sprouting now so if one dies i have more to try with i can get bulbs i dont want tall pants just enough for my use only simple growing but this ph level shit is confusing Im a pothead dont know this shit need simple way all natural


New Member
Dooood ...

You need to read ALL the growing posts on the site. All, or most of your questions will be answered that way.

To answer you question here though ... no, household lightbulbs will not work.

Good luck.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HEY DUDE!!! listen up.. IT IS FREAKING easy.. you just put a little bit of water into a plastic holder (supplied) and then put in a few drops of PH solution(supplied)... then you look at what color the water changed to.. and compare it to a chart... it is so freaking easy..

General Hydroponics pH Control Kit

just purchase this kit.. it will explain itself.. and once you do it, it will give you an entire new level of confidecne with growing..

LOOK... there is plant food (nutrients/fertilizer) in the soil ... and a plant can not eat or get access to the food unless the soil is PH'd aorund 6.0 - 7.0

so you will PH your water and then pour that water into your soil. then your plant can eat.. it is simple..

it would be like me giving you a plate of food and then tieing your hands behind your back so that you could not eat.. just ph your water so that your plants can eat.....


you can do it..

there is nothing confusing about it.. if you can look at a color chart and use an eye dropper then you can do it..


fat sam

Well-Known Member
well if you want to produce any buds you need to get a grasp of ph, a wrong ph means that even though the nutes are there they are not available to the plants so its important


Well-Known Member
If by household bulbs you mean the roundish ones with the little wire thingy in it, the answer is no.