northeast outdoor 2014


Well-Known Member
Good thing you had those backups. I say lay out there on your back in some camo gear with peanutbutter on your chest. While holding a knife. As soon as the beaver starts munching bear hug that fool and stick em! look em right in the eye and tell him bud sent you. :o
Lol bud I usually already have two out of three.I can't get him yet.he's holding a lot of water around my girls.good obstacle.but once ok twice I will have a new hat for the winter.


Well-Known Member
went out today to check the girls feed some,transplant others and bring some more soil in. I haven't had that much time this year to get them established like I would like to .a few are doing good which are the ones I uploaded. some are not growing a lot due to extra water near by .i am trying some 45 and 60 gal smart pots they seem to be holding more water than I thought. had a few that were pruned for free cause they grew thru the wire .i guess that the chances with guerilla style.


Well-Known Member
Spent all morning bringing the rest of the dirt in and moving the girls around .what a muddy now all the girls are in there summer homes.just need some dry weather so the roots stretch some then they can shoot long as the animals stay away for the next couple weeks I will be in good shape.


Well-Known Member
iv been growing around the east for long time... skunk cabbage is no good it grows in swampy areas to much water come fall. and the next prob your going to have is all that grass it hold moister under it. makes mold and the spores then come out all over your plants. making them have spots all over them... you will never stop a beaver only with a bullet... i like when they build dams i let them kill off all the veg for a few yrs then i remove the beavers and dam. the flooded area will be a great loctaion. for container or a above ground grow. raised beds. sometimes i just pile a few logs up at least 2 feet. then its enough to keep the roots out of water... and the flooded area wont grow grass for a yr.


Well-Known Member
Actually the two areas in pics are not in beaver dam area it's my other spot which has the beaver issue.I put the old grass around the pots for camo .all the plants are in 5 gal to 65 gal pots ,grow bags or smart pots.I thank you for your input on the skunk cabbage ,I have had great results in that location though


Well-Known Member
went out and feed the girls.glad I had started more some animal keeps nibbling on them.two plants have been eat twice and still are coming back.some look great ,not all.water has finally gone down with this great weather,nice to go thru shin deep water not pocket deep,lol.



Well-Known Member
Nice planting bro, other than them being above ground, they look stealthy !

If I were you I'd dig holes and hide them just a little bit better..

good luck :)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Good thing you had those backups. I say lay out there on your back in some camo gear with peanutbutter on your chest. While holding a knife. As soon as the beaver starts munching bear hug that fool and stick em! look em right in the eye and tell him bud sent you. :o
Funny as fuck. Some shit Silas Robertson would do.