Should women be required to...


bud bootlegger
the hair on cyclists is shaved to reduce windburn. i don't shave mine, but have gotten raw from hours of riding...

the rest of it reminds me of this:

These days there's dudes getting facials
Manicured, waxed and botoxed
With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands
You can't grip a tacklebox

With all of these men lining up to get neutered
It's hip now to be feminized
I don't highlight my hair
I've still got a pair
Yeah honey, I'm still a guy

Oh my eyebrows ain't plucked
There's a gun in my truck
Oh thank God, I'm still a guy

lol, that's the metro sexual thing that lahada was talking about..


Well-Known Member
Just a bi-monthly trim. From my chest pubes to my ball fro.

Really though, if you work outdoors in the summer, chafing IS an issue, that can be remedied with a trim. And some bag balm.


Well-Known Member
Nothing feels as good as a shaved nut-sack, just gotta be reall careful. Use one of those 4 bladed razors and pull the skin tight before going over it.
Also, my preference is for a shaved snatch, especially if one is to be dining on it. Hair on tounge feels weird.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Remove the public hair from their labia?
No. Hair is a natural part of puberty, and the decision to keep or remove it should be up to the individual. Pubic hair isn't dirty and doesn't mean the person isn't clean. If you're worried about odor before sex, be courteous and wash up to make sure.
Besides, bald genitals look so startled....


Well-Known Member
My very best guy friend shaved his balls for the first time, at my house, while wasted in high school whilst the rest of the boyz egged him on.

Hilarity ensued.

"Required" is the only thing I have issue with. If any human person, or non-human, told me that I was required to do anything at all in order to make them like me or keep them interested, I would tell them:

"To eat a bag of dicks".


Well-Known Member
I also don't like hair in my mouth, facial hair included. It feels like face-pubes to me. So I made a deal with my boyf - he can grow the biggest, burliest beard he wants to - and my nether region will reflect that.

He shaves now - hahaha.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I also don't like hair in my mouth, facial hair included. It feels like face-pubes to me. So I made a deal with my boyf - he can grow the biggest, burliest beard he wants to - and my nether region will reflect that.

He shaves now - hahaha.
Yeah, I don't mind hair as much as a whisker burned chin,lol.


Well-Known Member
I KNOW! Having a big red-chin blotch from making out with a whisker'd fellow is like a painful stamp of shame...everyone knows you're a SINNER! haha


Well-Known Member
Have the ovaries taken over this originally misogynistic conversation?

Sweet - let's talk about boys and our periods!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure! Except men with a bunch of sisters...they seem to be more enlightened.

Camman men, you totally want to get your mouth and bits all up in there the rest of the time, don't be afraid of a little tampon.

Tampon week usually means blowies and backrubs week in my household. It's a pretty fun week.