Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm too cheap to buy one of those. :lol:
Dude it's like a life time investment if you don't break it haha. And it's THICK glass. 160 pin holes to stack those bubbles. I've had it for 4 years and still an everyday piece I use.

It's one of the smoothest percs I know on the market. Pieces single and double honeycomb percs get thrown out the window. Trees and showerheads are just old school now. Hahaha


Well-Known Member
Dude it's like a life time investment if you don't break it haha. And it's THICK glass. 160 pin holes to stack those bubbles. I've had it for 4 years and still an everyday piece I use.

It's one of the smoothest percs I know on the market. Pieces single and double honeycomb percs get thrown out the window. Trees and showerheads are just old school now. Hahaha
I would like one.. Just sticker shock. haha


Well-Known Member
I would like one.. Just sticker shock. haha
I feel ya. Having a collection of glass comes at a price, no insurance haha.

I mean my good friends have broken pieces of mine and they pay for them, over time lol, but they normally are cool about it because they understand the risk. I warn them before every sesh to be honest, straight face, haha.

Recent a friend of mine busted my Stoned Glass Works Waffle Perc v2 bong. Cost him a cool $300 to replace that, my mobius is $450. Funny story how he broke it though.

I was explaining and showing him how mason jars kind of suck compared to the flat plastic food storage things they make because my hand gets stuck in the jar. So of course when I was done explaining and put my mason jar down, he picked it up, got his hand stuck in it, and when he ripped it out he smashed the bong. He didn't tip it over and it broke, that thing fking shattered!!

Damn I'm rambling I'm drunk haha.


Well-Known Member
I got a kill a watt meter to test my kwh so I can figure out why my electric spiked. Its usually around 110 maybe a little more and here is my calculations.
625 grow
170 tv
14 lamp
114 freezer
90 computer
114 fridge
27.048 kwh/day
@ .11 cents per
misc charges
12 dollars
7 dollars

Something isn't right somewhere. I cant test my AC unit with this cause the plug is different so I'm gonna have to get a volt meter with a watt setting and clamp to test the AC unit. Not sure how to test water heater, may have to get someone to do that for me, but my energy bill was 190 this month so it is 70 dollars over at the very least.


Well-Known Member
If you have an energy efficient tv and you turn the setting off the watts it puts out is crazy. I had mine off a moment ago while testing it and it was jumping into the 480watt range when the background was bright.

With energy on it only pulls tops 170.


Well-Known Member
fuel price prolly went up
i have a window unit running at 65 at night and 70 during the day
2 30 + inch monitors on a 300 w desktop on 24/7
huge hot water heater , electric range , dishwasher , front load washer and dryer
running 1000 watts roughly on 18/6 + inline and box fans
my bill was 120 and 7 of that is for the street light o_O


Well-Known Member
Its the water heater. I have a digital electric so I had to turn on the water to see how much it used and it uses 3600kwh when it runs and even when you turn off the water it keeps running on my meter.


Well-Known Member
turn the temp down and it wont take as much to heat up
your old lady prolly wont like it lol O.O
haha, I already did. I turned it back down to 125f. What you think would be a good setting for it? I don't need scalding water so yea. Think I should go down to 110?


Well-Known Member
my vent from my cool tube vents into the space the hot water heater is in i think it saves me money >.< might all be in my head though
Like in the air return?
I was wanting to do that bud read it could cause moister build up and the negative pressure when your ac is running while the other is blowing into the return.

You may not have been referring to that though. LoL