Better president: George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

Who is a superior President, Barack Obama Or George W. Bush?

  • George W. Bush was a superior President.

    Votes: 26 52.0%
  • Barack Obama is a better President than George W. Bush.

    Votes: 24 48.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Who is the better president? Republican George W. Bush who started the disastrous Iraq war, mishandled hurricane Katrina and crashed the economy with the help of the Republican led house and senate or Barack Obama, the man who fixed the economy and was against the Iraq war from the beginning?
i'm going with the guy who has created 9+ million new jobs and slashed the deficit to a third.

it's also nice to see my friends are now able to get married and anyone can just walk into a store and buy weed legally.
I totally agree. The last Republican president we had almost destroyed the country.

It took a black Democrat to fix it.
i'm going with the guy who has created 9+ million new jobs and slashed the deficit to a third.

it's also nice to see my friends are now able to get married and anyone can just walk into a store and buy weed legally.
how many public sector, or public sector related jobs?

bullshit Federal jobs we don't need, and can't afford.
Obama by an enormous margin, and I still consider him a terrible president

Bush was the worst president we've had in the last century, hands down

I dunno.. Nixon got his ass run outta office. That takes some doing. If memory serves, he also won re-election by the widest margin since George Washington.
Who is the better president? Republican George W. Bush who started the disastrous Iraq war, mishandled hurricane Katrina and crashed the economy with the help of the Republican led house and senate or Barack Obama, the man who fixed the economy and was against the Iraq war from the beginning?

i'm sorry, was the president in charge of a republican senate and house bragging about home ownership and running his campaign on home ownership somehow not relevant to your point?


Promoting home ownership vs blocking reforms are 2 different ball parks. Democrats were given the evidence and refused to believe it thus blocking any reform. Which could have prevented the crisis. Bush promoting home ownership is a campaign stunt.
Promoting home ownership vs blocking reforms are 2 different ball parks. Democrats were given the evidence and refused to believe it thus blocking any reform. Which could have prevented the crisis. Bush promoting home ownership is a campaign stunt.
How did they block reform when Republicans controlled both the House and Senate? Sounds to me like you are making excuses.
barney frank secretly controlled the entire united states.
What cracks me up the most about this is that the Republicans are all about regulating the financial industry according to the conservatives on this site. Regulations? The Republicans were all for 'em, it was the Democrats blocking these much needed regulations!!!11

LOL! Make up your minds.