

Well-Known Member
Figured I'd chime in on this since it has it's own thread. Are you supposed to add molasses to your water in addition to normal flowering nutes, or in replacement of?


Well-Known Member
no its goes with it:) molasses will NOT burn your plant and should not be factored into nutes,or ppm levels,,just stick to the 2 tablespoons per a gallon when u feed,are ur kosher


Well-Known Member
no its goes with it:) molasses will NOT burn your plant and should not be factored into nutes,or ppm levels,,just stick to the 2 tablespoons per a gallon when u feed,are ur kosher

Thanks! I just started flowering a couple of my girls, and am going to start using molasses to fatten em up :) Cuz who doesn't love a fatty? :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks cannabitch (feel kinda rude calling ya that!!! lmao).
am sure,once i flower them, the kids'll love you for it too!! :lol:
LMAO!! no need to feel rude. i gave myself the nick. haha.

you're very welcome and give the kids my love! lol


Well-Known Member
I've got a few girls outside this year,I'll be using molasses for flowering,keep us posted on how its goin. goood luck.


Well-Known Member
Well since I drink and smoke a lot I just catch bits and pieces of pertinent tidbits such as this. I been flowering about a month in Hempy Buckets. I been using 1 cap full of Black Strap unsulphured to a gallon of water every third feeding. Doing Pure Blend Pro Bloom in the middle and stale areated tap water on the end. Seems like all that bloom nute do is make it grow. I done outgrowed my lights several time. Started tying it down tonight. Too much N in there I think. Not much difference in it and the grow blend. Yall keep me straight. Thanks.

Big Wheel


Well-Known Member
well i got me some molasses but i can't find liquid form ANYWHERE here!!! can only find 500g pack of granules and capsules!!! capsules ffs!!!! :lol:
so i'm assuming (nevera good idea for me!! :lo: ) the granules are still viable? just need to disolve it right?
oh and cannabitch..gave the kids ur love..they smiled :hump: :lol:


Well-Known Member
well i got me some molasses but i can't find liquid form ANYWHERE here!!! can only find 500g pack of granules and capsules!!! capsules ffs!!!! :lol:
so i'm assuming (nevera good idea for me!! :lo: ) the granules are still viable? just need to disolve it right?
oh and cannabitch..gave the kids ur love..they smiled :hump: :lol:
awww sweet! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I could swear I read several times here on RIU that molasses mucks up hydro grows, yet I didn't see anything in this thread about that. Perhaps I missed it, but thought I'd best mention it anyway. Might save a bloke's special lady.


Well-Known Member
awesome thread great info.

Wish I could just +rep the whole damn thread.

Also, i'll be using them every other week for veg to thicken up my stock and every week in flower for that great resin product :D

thanks for the tips guys.


Well-Known Member
awesome thread great info.

Wish I could just +rep the whole damn thread.

Also, i'll be using them every other week for veg to thicken up my stock and every week in flower for that great resin product :D

thanks for the tips guys.

good plan man. glad we all could be helpful to you. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what are mollases?
When sugar is refined, the juice squeezed from the plants is boiled until it becomes a syrupy mixture. Molasses is the remaining brownish liquid.

A thick, dark, heavy sweet syrup.

Some of us put 1 or 2 tablespoons in a gallon of water and water our plants with it. It helps the buds fatten up. :hump:

For shits and giggles i took a picture of my jar of molasses for ya. lol.

You can buy it at any local grocery store. It's with the pancake syrup.



Well-Known Member
I could swear I read several times here on RIU that molasses mucks up hydro grows, yet I didn't see anything in this thread about that. Perhaps I missed it, but thought I'd best mention it anyway. Might save a bloke's special lady.
Really i have been using it for two weeks now my mix of nutes is as fallows

hygrozyme 5ml/l
sensi bloom a/b 6.7 ml/l
big bud/ 5ml/4l
molasses 1tbs/20l

I have noticed a big difference and it is great big fat happy buds


Well-Known Member
just gave my medusa and white widow their first taste of the sweet stuff. about 2 tablesponns a gallon. anyone know how long before you notice a difference. not too sure about flowering time as my plants were started 12/12 from seed but theyre almost 2 months old total. buds are about the size of large marbles. good few of them too. i was happy enough with my progress but hopefully it will be even better now!!!!


Active Member
I use two tablespoons per gallon of water, as soon as my plants start to preflower!!!! Continue to use a good bloom nut also like: tiger bloom, big bud, super bloom(6-54-12) pretty high in phosphorus, but i have had great luck with it anf you can purchase it at ace for 7.99 a bottle. Its a powder that u mix with water and your black-strap mollasses!!!!!!! Result~~~ Big,Fat,Sugary,Healthy Buds!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! *everything i say in this thread is a pure guess*


Well-Known Member
When does everyone stop using mollasess? I have used it up till the last two weeks of flower along with my nutes. Then stopped and water only from there. I was wondering what it would hurt to use the mollasess and water only during those last two weeks? Anyone trying that?