Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doob check out TC Electronic. They make really light weight stuff. I had one of their amps for a few weeks. I thought it kicked ass. Here's a 250w 1 15" and it only weighs 39 lbs. :) Pretty good price too.

And yeah, about moving, we have been talking about it for years and it's finally go time. Well, next year. Funny you mention drought. Doob, I've been strapped with guilt for using water as long as I can remember. Cali has been in a drought my whole life (at least that's what they say). If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down. Anyways, it's a huge reason I feel so good back where it's humid. I don't feel like part of a huge problem turning on a faucet, or taking a long shower. I judge others using water, talk to businesses about changing their sprinkler timing, etc. Something I couldn't believe when i heard it... you can just dig a hole in the ground and it will fill up with water, be it from rain or ground water, whatever... that's not something that happens in the desert.

Things seem very alive where there is water. It's vibrant. It's exciting.

And whodat... no need to feel bad saying how special you are. Most of us people in the 600 are. Most of us are people that others would love to have in their lives. That's what makes it so great that we get to share each others company. I'm lucky to have you guys in my life, and I'm glad to share myself with the likes of you all.

About guitars, I bought another one. It's an Ibanez 8 string. I'm venturing into undiscovered territory. I'm stoked to see what I come up with having extra range. I'm also starting another one of the online courses I've been taking. Not sure if I shared here... called bunch of free classes. The one I'm doing is called developing your musicianship. It's not too late to join this session... or you could wait for next time.

I sold my jeep yesterday, so we are down to 1 car and 4 cats. Quite different from a month ago. We are to have 2 yard sales in August, so things should look quite different after those. Things are a changin.


Well-Known Member
Baby H is nearly walking. Getting big, getting fun. It's not as much of a chore anymore... more of a challenge. And a fun one, exhausting but fun. Can't say me and my wife have figured out being happily married with a child, but we're working on it. Sucks I kinda lost my best friend, hopefully we sort that out someday.

Little girl took swimming lessons and she's a fish. It was a blast to watch. We went to a park today and I pushed her down the slides and such. It was cool. She's really quite fun.20140716_183813.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well sounds alright Jig I'm glad to hear. HHB!? I truely hope so.

About water out here in Cali,,, we got a 100 million gallon pond, water ain't a problem. I was really surprised to hear up my way we get average the same amount as New Orleans at around 70 inches a year,,, it just happens during the winter up here and during the summer in NOLA. I swim almost every day in the pond I fukin love it, the best way to cool off in the middle of the day.


Well-Known Member
How far east are you going jig? Cuz there's east and then there's EAST lol.

and damn it who every time you talk about where your at I just wanna scream! Especially right now ha.
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Sorry for the Weird Al posts, but he's put out a bunch of new songs & videos.
I'm not a grammar nazi, but I hate when I make errors when I write.
Jamie Foxx once said that, while playing piano for Ray Charles some time during the filming of the movie "Ray", he missed a note by a semi-tone (that's one piano key away from the correct piano key), and Ray stopped him and said, "Now, WHY did you go and miss that note? It was sittin' there waiting, right there next to the correct one. Now, why would you do that!?!?"



Well-Known Member
Awesome pic Jig! that's not a HHbaby, that's a HHGirl!

Some clones potted up, mainly Blue Pits>>
Dog Mum, decided she's also going in. Going to put a vertical screen on her, or something like that. She's just been put in the doorway for the time being as is...>>
And here's the 5 in and settled, a little bit of trusting up has been done>>
And I just thought this pic was cool, looks like a sunset in the background>>:)
Peace and Happy Sundays to all.