The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Bahahahaha - you dudes are funny! Is it seriously ONLY dudes here? In the America's...ladi's grow too!!!!

Or maybe it's just not allowed in the UK?

Maybe I should blow my Ladi Conch:


Calling @sunni , @Flaming Pie , @S3love , @roseypeach , @lahadaextranjera !!!!!

Let's Va-J up this thread!
Yup just blokes

Oh ladies can grow dont get me wrong but normally the second a new face appears in here everyone is all over em being a cunt for no reason yet because you have tits they are all suddenly behaving........just find it a bit strange lol


Well-Known Member
Ur a bit fuckin weird arnt ye....dunno wether that's the Canadian or the Scottish in u
LIttle column A, and a little TYRANOSAURAUS!

bahahahaha. I'm just playin. I'm nuts, but NOT in a murderie way. I live by these rules:

Do no harm to humans, and all that jazz.

Oh, and I'm MMJ all the way! So life is, kinda awesome! hahahaha