Club 600

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Dry ice has always treated me well for yield. I love my bubble hash though! FYI "hide a key" is perfect for transporting anything illegal :-) is a sealed case with a strong magnet glued on it,,, just slap it under your car on any flat metal surface and you're good to go!
"No officer, I have no problem with you searching my vehicle" ;-)
Until you hit a bump. Then smashy smashy.


Well-Known Member
Dry ice has always treated me well for yield. I love my bubble hash though! FYI "hide a key" is perfect for transporting anything illegal :-) is a sealed case with a strong magnet glued on it,,, just slap it under your car on any flat metal surface and you're good to go!
"No officer, I have no problem with you searching my vehicle" ;-)
Well why didn't you hide all those seeds lol!


Well-Known Member
Well it made it from nola to Cali no problem

The bag of beans was way too big gigs,,, a gallon freezer bag full. No worries, ima re-up on some BB gear when the time comes!
Well shit, could of had an army of those bad boys hidden lol. Get like 15-20 of them haha.

I'm having to reup on everything right now lol. Damn it, oh well it's better to be free and start over then locked up and never start again.


Well-Known Member
You know life goes on when youve been of riu for a while then come back to catch up :) Somewhere along the way i lost all memory of what i was reading.. All i remember is ALL CHARGES ARE DROPPED ! Cool enough ;)
My computer is at rep. Been there for a week now! Like its just something sitting in the corner i dont really use that much. WTF! Have a dv5 i splitted and gave a good blowing with p.air. So its running or walking. Fuck its slow.
Waiting to be called in for ultrasoundscanning of my knee, wohoo, might get me somewhere.
My outside spot have been spotted :/ So i took home a few plants last night after not being there for 4 days. With all this crazy heat they looked like shizzz. But a quick watering and they are good again..
Been smoking bho for about 14 days. Ive had more sleepovers the last week than the last 5 years :) They cant handle that good good :)
THRIPS ARE COMMING! :/ Gonna rain for a week straight with thunder and temps around 28c starting Saturday :/
Fuck me its hot..
Hope you are all good and enjoying summer! I get freaking horny. Just wanna stay in bed with the vagina :)IMG_5810.JPG IMG_5816.JPG IMG_5827.JPG IMG_5821.JPG IMG_5817.JPG IMG_5818.JPG IMG_5819.JPG IMG_5826.JPG Some random summer pics :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a little All-Star #5, this wasn't one of my keepers. I have #2 and #4 going still for next round. I think it looks like it has a little blue in it?

I chopped it last night cuz I thought it had selfed/hermied but it turned out I was just really stoned. 7 weeks only.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
A friend called that just got back from a road trip to California thru Colorado. Now he's read to move after seeing all the goodies that are available, including the Dog that he purchased in a Colorado shop. It seems Breeder Boutique is spread far and wide. Prices there are $110 a quarter and some places included stalk in the package. It pays to shop around.

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Well-Known Member
I have a feeling people are going to come to find that it was cheaper to buy it when it was illegal, now that government's have their greedy claws on the purse strings.

I remember a time when my buddies & I swore that we'd stop smoking cigs when they reached the outrageous rip-off price of 75-cents a pack.
I quit when it got to $6 a pack almost 8 years ago.
My buddies still smoke.