Club 600


Well-Known Member
Wish i were there(U.K.). I'm in the U.S.....And here are a few reasons why: E's...,;) music: got turned on to sex pistols "never mind the...." (sid & nancy) movie in the 80's, discovered ska/roots/Pato Bantan, (skankin) early 90's (modern day also). Your Weather: I like season change and love rain. it's summer year round here (gets old). Great Cinema, i can't watch an American film on Netflix anymore. The Independent films make London seem killer, and surrounding countryside. It appears that many interesting cultures rooted there. E's*....I read mdma has been decriminalized in London (no arrest for small amount/personal use?) Same article stated the going price right now in u.k. is: 3 for £5. I would be unstoppable/until ya'll kick me out of Great Britain. I know this is lame/I've been awake gardening and at the dispensary for 30? Hrs:) working/puffing. I also have a high school friend/drummer originally from Scotland got arrested in Chicago (heroine etc..) was then deported and resides in London. FISH/CHIPS, all right this must be completely lame for anyone reading this (sorry U.K. residents) I really am trying to show my love. I'll post thus then remember the cool stuff I was gonna say:) This "Fire OG, bubble hash is working". I don't drink anymore and already feel like I'm gonna regret posting on no sleep/hash bound. Thanks for bearing with me.
For your first offence of possession they give you a street warning n confiscate it providing its only a small amount thats obviously for personal use, and some police forces will only do it if you have a previously clean record

Average in the UK atm is £10/G for weed and obviously a bit more at mates rates

An yup, drive 30mins out of london and you are in the countryside lol


Well-Known Member
Hey jig I'm gonna be moving soon and thinking about buying just a tent frame would having them 12/12 now and then putting them on 18/6 once I get my new spot set up affect them too bad ?
It shouldn't affect them too bad, depends on how long they are in 12/12 before going back into 18/6. But to be honest, I don't have too much experience going back and forth like that. Just experience with clones in 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I didn't finish it, but just need a pack of shims so I can finish the trim.
It's next on my list for this weekend.
You & the wife: yammer yammer yammer about the wall...
Did she call you!?
That little...
Tell her "I'll get to it when I get to it, honey! Sheesh!"....
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Well-Known Member
Morning Droogies, was up at 3:30 this morning unable to had to be the stillest night ever, very hot, and not a fart of wind in the air. Didn't go down to well with my beers and rather large burger with rouquefort cheese inside that I ate late on, felt like I had a cow sitting on my chest all night. Flip side to it, I got to foliar feed my plants 2 hours before lights came on, which I was wondering how I was going to do without dragging myself out of bed one night (timer runs from 6am to midnight at the moment). Have a good weekend folks.