MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)


New Member
I don't understand why
you need to add phosphoric acid
or lemon juice, to your RO water,
to keep the plant happy?

What is the purpose of lowering the pH?

A. To help prevent root rot, as fungi and mold like higher ph's in the alkaline levels.

B. ph of 7.0 or higher can lock out nutrients such as magnesium iron and calcium.

C. Too acidic and you lock out things like nitrogen and potasium. An some other non mobile elements.

Having a ph between 6.3 and 6.8 is ideal(5.5-6.3 in hydro).

Hope this clears that up earl.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 12


my plan is to stop using nutes for at least a week or so more, which should let my roots get a little better structure to them, then maybe they can handle nutes....
(they didnt like the nutes yet i don't think)




Well-Known Member
A. To help prevent root rot, as fungi and mold like higher ph's in the alkaline levels.
What is the pH of your RO?

Mine is nuetral,
so not alkaline,
and not the "favorite" environment for algae or mold.

There is nothing in the RO for algae or mold to eat.

My "RO only rez" never gets mold or fungus,
I know, because I drink out of it,
and I don't put phosphoric acid in my drinking water.

B. ph of 7.0 or higher can lock out nutrients such as magnesium iron and calcium.
Since we are flushing with RO,
there is no magnesium or calcium,
that can be "locked out"

The plant still has plenty of nutrients,
inside the roots and leaves,
and the pH does not affect them,
once they are inside the plant.

C. Too acidic and you lock out things like nitrogen and potasium. An some other non mobile elements.
Again RO only...
no P or N ,
or any elements to lock out.

There is nothing "out there"

Having a ph between 6.3 and 6.8 is ideal(5.5-6.3 in hydro).

Hope this clears that up earl.
So no panda,
I am still very confused,
why anyone would find a reason,
to pH adjust pure RO.

I have kept a mature White Widow for 6 weeks, on RO only.

Never put your pH probe into pure RO!



Well-Known Member
Those plants are plenty big enough for a 25% nute load.

What are your nutes, and what is the correct dose?

Name/list everything you would put in 1 gl of solution,
and the amount of each ingredient.

Here is an example of my nute solution,
using AN two part, @ 50% load, (400ppm) in RO:

Sensi Grow A ______0.62 ml
Sensi Grow B ______0.62 ml
M.E.T_____________ 0.8 ml
Humic_____________0.5 ml
fulvic _____________1.0 ml
b-52______________4.0 ml
barricade, up to ____0.3ml (max)
sensizym__________ 5.0 ml


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Earl just read your post, i will list my nutes when i get home, im already running late for work, but there are only 2 atm so its not a big deal i just need to look at the amount on the bottles.

The two i have atm are csn17 (grow), and Cal-Meg

I wanted to get Karma too, i think that is what its called.


Well-Known Member
Unless the csn17 is a one part hydro nute,
you need some other ingredients in your solution.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Heres some info on the 2 nutrients i bought so far, i plan on getting more next friday and any advise is very very appreciated.

Cal-meg Plus

a Calcuim, Magnesium and Iron supplement. with an N-P-K of 2-0-0


CNS17 (Grow)
Commercial Nutrient System, says its a professional hydroponic fertilizer. with an N-P-K of 3-2-4
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N)...............3.0%
Available Phosphate (P205)...2.0%
Soluble Potash (K20)...........4.0%
Calcium (Ca)......................2.8%
Magnesium (Mg).................0.5%

Not sure if this info helps at all, if its useless someone please let me know lol, so next time i don't waist my time. :hump:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 15

Here are some pics, they have a side view followed by a top view of the same plant for all 7.
(They are thirsty, just about to water them) :joint::joint::joint:



Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I was using them both for a couple days then stopped and used reg RO to make sure it wasn't nute burn, the CM is what did it i think cause i was giving them a little too much i did the math a little wrong and got mixed up or something, i reread the CM and realized i gave them about double what it suggested so i think thats my problem, plus they are in around 85-87 degree heat usually (trying to get my dad to lower the AC for the house to 77 rather than 82 lol).


Active Member
hi dr shakalu i spoke to you about wat lights i should use veg my plant, just a qiuck one how tall should my plant be after 3 weeks on 24 hour light?

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 17

Trimmed a few browning leaves from the bottom of my plants.
Overall they look pretty good, still getting brown tips on new growth, but not as bad as it was.

lol its funny to me that no one has asked about the looped plant lol!!!


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New Member
Looks alot like how my grow started, good luck man, you will figure this plant out soon enough. They have a nice groove you need to get in, then it will grow furiously.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man, i think im dealing with nute burn or something, but i will figure it out im sure, lol plus i have multi strains, but i am starting to notice which are in the same family! This is just getting fun now! lol