Is a bubble bucket DWC? Dude you are biting A LOT of for your first grow.
Please for the love of fucking Christ, heed some of my advice. I started with 2 600's over ebb and flow tables and now I have a total of 42k watts in three locations. DWC in vertical bulb rooms and hempy in one of the smaller rooms (11k)
You ARE going to need a co2 system if it's sealed. So you also need a proper PPM controller.
You can probably squeek by with temps in the basement. Your going to want to run a Dehu at night to boost temps and keep humidity in check. Humidity will skyrocket when the lights go out in a sealed space.
Anyways...on to the more important things you need, don't go jizzzing in your pants about hoods and bulbs you need solid basic tools at this point
1. A GOOD PH meter. Blue labs have served me well
2. Ppm meter
3. A fucking good air pump.
Those Eco plus things are utter pieces of shit. They are loud, hot, and don't last. I have four of the 110L ones, you can have them just pay the shipping cost.
Pondmaster pumps!! Quiet, strong, not hot and wow..what a concept you can replace the parts when they wear out. Seriously. Quality shit there
4. Cheap air stones work fine. I have tried them ALL I settled on the 2" round ones (the grey ones). Plan to buy new stones every run. They just get clogged and it's not worth the hassle. We have tried boiling, bleaching, baking, blowing air while boiling.. Fuck it, just buy new ones. When you harvest 60k worth of bud, suddenly $200 for airstones doesn't seem so bad.
5. Run beneficials, run beneficials, run beneficials. End of story
6. By a light meter on eBay and use it.
7. Fuck T5 for vegging dude, get another 400 or better a 600 (you can buy $30 MH bulbs and drive them at 600. T5 are great for clones and baby plants. They LOVE that light..they just are not strong enough for anything over 14" tall
8. Always err on the side of under feeding. Always.
9. Read read and then read some more.
10 and lastly.. The only "boosters" I use are the following. I have always done side by side tests of thing to see how they work.
1. Sea green kelp extract. Foliar feed, add to tea before dumping in the Rez..Awesome stuff
2. Phosphoload. God I love me a little diaziminode and paclobuytrozol.
3. Liquid gold by dry flower products. It's a filmic acid spray and fuck it works so well. I spray every other day from about week 5 till week 8. Really helps out on weight.