The Dark Knight


Well-Known Member
I just saw that movie, and it was SOOO fucking good, that I just want to talk about it! It was kinda long, but it didn't drag. Heath Ledger rocked the role of the Joker, seriously. EVERY scene with him in it was fucking amazing. I LOVED the beginning. I love when the Joker made the pencil disappear...

It was one of those movies where the whole crowd was oohing and ahhing and laughing and screaming all together.

So has anyone else seen it? I need someone who's seen it!


Well-Known Member
*tackles you and smothers you with love* Naw, I was over in the one on Soledad :razz:

I want to ask you, the thing with the two warehouses....did you see it coming? I did, but my best friend was shocked.

There were so many good parts in that movie I don't know which one to rave about


Well-Known Member
*tackles you and smothers you with love* Naw, I was over in the one on Soledad :razz:

I want to ask you, the thing with the two warehouses....did you see it coming? I did, but my best friend was shocked.

There were so many good parts in that movie I don't know which one to rave about
I kind of saw it coming. Didn't see the "2 face" part coming until it blew up. I'm surprised that the movie kept my attention for the better part of the 2 1/2 hours. I had to get up at 5 am today and caught the 8:00 pm show. I almost fell asleep like 3 times in the beginning. But after that it was smooth sailing.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Really? I loved the beginning. Towards the end it got hard on me cuz I had to go pee and I refused until the end of the movie.

But yeah, the whole thing with two face. I mean, once it happened it hit me. I used to watch the cartoon, and I saw the old movies, so I KNEW his name, and the whole two sided coin thing, but it didn't click.


Well-Known Member
My friend said he could get me free tickets but all the showings sold out!!! Just the 12 oclock midnight showing at midnight on Thursday (or 12.01 on Friday) sold I think 18.4 million dollars with of tickets. JUST THAT SHOWING.And friday it mad 66.4 Million alltogether. Hoiw do I get some cash like that>!?!


Well-Known Member
It was PACKED. Had to wait in line for like an hour and a half. It was awesome though. On of my friends was seeing it for the second time cuz he got to go to some super secret premier at 5 am on Thursday. Bastard.

But since I had so much time sent the guys on a liquor store run, got me some kit kats and sour gummy worms and a drink and took them in in my purse, rather than get ass raped at the concession stand.


Well-Known Member
my buddy said that becuse the midnight one sold out he could get me into the 3oclock one. I don't know about getting out of a movie when the sun is comming up at 6 in the morn. I don't care how good the movie is! heheh I got some other free tickets I ll use soon enough. I hate when it is packed and you have to stare straight up at the screen. I bet me and my Girlfriend wouldn't even be able to sit next to each other. haha. I still haven't seen HellBoy II or HandCock.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I hate about the crowds is not being able to get a good seat. Since I got there early, I got a good seat. And the theatre is the kind where the next row starts down at your legs, so you don't ever have to worry about someone tall bastard sitting down in front of you and blocking your view with his big head.


Well-Known Member
Oh hell yeah. When I came home I announced that I want to find a good quality bootleg until the dvd comes out. Apparently my uncle had a copy, but it was shit. So yeah, I'm on the look out. Going to hit some people up about it tomorrow, see what I can come up with.


Well-Known Member
Okay...all I can say is...amazing. I had work at 4:15 in the morning, said fuck it, went at like a 12:45 showing, by the time I got home I had to be at work in 30 mins. It was worth it. The pencil trick part is one of my favorite! I can't stop thinking about it. The two faced part was sick as fuck man! I'm sad he died, they could have done so much more with him...and in the cartoons didn't two face get poisoned by ivy at one point or something? The oldschool one, not these shitty new ones. Heath will be missed...I wish he hadn't died, they could do three more movies with him and I would go see them without anyones opinions or any trailers cause I know they would be sick as hell!

Dirty Kid

R.I.P. Heath Ledger, the best Joker so far.


Well-Known Member
Dude, when the 2 face thing happened, I was expecting the movie to end soon after, I thought it would be another movie or something. And I totally agree with you, Ledger is the best to play the Joker that I've ever seen. It sucks that he died, but at least he went out with THAT for a last movie. I mean, not that it's ever good for someone to die like that, but if it had happened after his movie Candy, or even Brokeback, it wouldn't be the same, you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
just got home from the here is my question about the joker.....did heath ledger's voice remind anyone of johnny depp in willy wonka? reminded me....and lots of the same mannerisms.... weird...anyway...great movie!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so funny when he walked out of the hospital! ha ha...and no...I looked down to pick up my damn soda when he did the pencil girlfriend didnt take her hand off of her mouth almost the whole movie...ha ha ha...she was a bit disturbed by it. lol..


Well-Known Member
Oh you SUCK! You need to see the whole movie again, just to see that part.

Yeah, I'll admit, there were a few times when I did the girly cringe/wince hand-to-my-mouth type thing. I got really into it. There were some parts where I straight cheered. Like the part where that one guy tells batman a drop from this height wouldn't be enough to kill him.


Well-Known Member
one of the few movies i have seen that the audience applauded at the end...and actually during some other parts as well....too bad ol heath didn't stick around for the sequel.....shitty ending