Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
No problem. You got a nice HD tv to watch it on or what?
Hell no but I got this nice 17 inch laptop HD display ;) That's why I never watch service. Wasn't it you told me about the Google tv thing? What do I need again? my ex doesn't know it yet but he's buying me one. He promised me the tv we got for free when we bought his car along with getting my satellite installed. It's LCD and has all the inputs on it


Well-Known Member
Hell no but I got this nice 17 inch laptop HD display ;) That's why I never watch service. Wasn't it you told me about the Google tv thing? What do I need again? my ex doesn't know it yet but he's buying me one. He promised me the tv we got for free when we bought his car along with getting my satellite installed. It's LCD and has all the inputs on it
Yea, chrome cast. It works nicely and now there is a program that allows you to stream any video file format without having to do a work around to stream videos.

I have a 42" plasma(720p) that I'm watching right now and a 30" lcd in the bedroom.(1080p)


Well-Known Member
so i have decided im transplanting one of the haze girls into a 7 gal bucket :D
wow that is a big container. 1lb plant?
Damn sorry to hear that. Hope today is better for you ;)
Its ok. sorry I was so short with you, was just really aggravated yesterday cause it seemed like everything was going wrong. Just one of those days I guess. Not to mention I think my middle man "friend" has been trying to get over on me for a while by charging me 20-40 extra for reg weed when I already have to drive 30 miles to go get it. He makes a phone call at that is it. He also must think its funny to pretend that weed dealers only have weed on the fucking weekend. I asked at the beginning of this week for an ounce and I know for a fact he will call me tomorrow or tonight asking if I still want that.

Hopefully my nephew comes through and I can go tell the dip shit to kick rocks.


Well-Known Member
wow that is a big container. 1lb plant?

Its ok. sorry I was so short with you, was just really aggravated yesterday cause it seemed like everything was going wrong. Just one of those days I guess. Not to mention I think my middle man "friend" has been trying to get over on me for a while by charging me 20-40 extra for reg weed when I already have to drive 30 miles to go get it. He makes a phone call at that is it. He also must think its funny to pretend that weed dealers only have weed on the fucking weekend. I asked at the beginning of this week for an ounce and I know for a fact he will call me tomorrow or tonight asking if I still want that.

Hopefully my nephew comes through and I can go tell the dip shit to kick rocks.
Aw its cool bro, I know how it is believe me. I had one of those days the day Weekend dealers..:D Hope your nephew takes care of you, that's some bullshit right there. If you have to do with the other guy, let him know he's losing your business and I bet those prices drop. ;)


Well-Known Member
Aw its cool bro, I know how it is believe me. I had one of those days the day Weekend dealers..:D Hope your nephew takes care of you, that's some bullshit right there. If you have to do with the other guy, let him know he's losing your business and I bet those prices drop. ;)
I'll be letting him know he is losing my friendship, we were supposed to be cool and not get over on each other like that. You wouldn't believe how much computer work and ordering shit for him on the dark web cause he is to stupid to do it himself.

He's lucky I don't go beat the shit out of him, but I don't do things like that anymore. I just try and let things go and if I need to end a friendship I will. A friend isn't someone trying to make money off you and you needing your meds. That is a crook and I don't take kindly to that.

I used to deal in weed when I was younger and I know that reg doesn't increase in price and by what it has its only been by like 10 dollars. I even ran it through my pot head nephew to be sure. You know how much he said an ounce of reg goes for? 105 to 110. Yep, that is the right price.


Well-Known Member
What's being a coke head have to do with it? I used to be a coke head..:D

Haha J/K bro, I did enjoy though :lol:
He is unlike any coke head I've ever seen. He does a gram in less than 2 days. That is probably why is trying to over charge me so he can get some off the wall cut product to put up his nose.


Well-Known Member
What about my fiancee just text me to tell me that her work said she needed to be at work at noon 30 instead of 2:30pm and then she got there and they said she wasn't supposed to be there till 2:30.


Well-Known Member
Reported and keep in mind I've seen where you posted your personal info on where you are moving. Good job. :clap:

Its not that hard to find a property when you have info like 2300sq ft and it being a split level in boulder county.

Also know the price range.