The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Feeling rough as fuck today, drunk way to much last night, came home and rolled a paki hash joint smoked half of it and ended up spewing, nxt thing I remember is waking up on my couch with my jacket on but no top under it and the half of joint still in ashtray, was a good night lol,
Now I need to hope I feel a bit better before I need to head to work this afternoon,


Well-Known Member
Well thats 1/3rd of the mystery solved, company I bought the HPs bulb from has just emailed me to say that the parcel has been returned to them by Royal Mail as the sticker/address has fallen off/been taken off the parcel and they are going to send it out again today

Now just gotta work out where the other 2 bits have fucking disappeared to


Well-Known Member
kinda early to be gettin in-touch with yer inner homophobia Fred and R3dux. jk jk - but geeze you all are a
dingy lot o' phobes.

"you're" ignored -LO L- haaaa you so funny!
C'mon man lighten the f'k up
were jus fukin normalski mate, u a brainwashed manfukker, noone here wants to talk to a fruit so y dont u jog the fuk on


Well-Known Member
lol wont be the postie, hes a devout christian that loves bible thumping to anyone that will listen lol, if anything its just delayed or something, taken over 10days for that HPS bulb to get bk to the company that sent it an they are only 40miles up the road lol
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Well-Known Member
why u so unlucky mate its freaky?
dunno mate its only been since we moved in here really, before that it was slightly slow but nothing ever went missing, now in less than 2 weeks 3 things have a ll disappeared

other strange thing ive noticed here, if one of you lads send something to me it takes 2-3 days minimum, but if i send something to one of you lot its there next day 95% of the time, same route just different direction lol


Well-Known Member
a little solipsistic of u, but thats what happens when all u have to think about is mansex, its all me me me fags got no responsibility, i got 6 mouths to feed

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
you musta made lotta babies, or help extended family; either way i hear u man work, sleep eat repeat... keep em happy.

my guesses wld be as off as yours. ill tryn not stir shitup