STL is about to start rioting.


Well-Known Member
Padawan, I truly hope you find the professional help you
You are literally worthless. Do you understand what that means?


You are worth less to people than what you would be had you not ever even been there in the first place..

Your opinions? Demonstrably meaningless.

Your thoughts? Nobody cares..

Your emotions? Go cry to momma..

You add nothing to this forum and harbor delusions of grandeur, just like Klebold and Harris, just like Tony48219, just like Elliot Roger.. And you're obsessed with rape. My conclusion; I'll see ya in the news some day, you sick fuck. Likely having murdered multiple innocent people. You've expressed enough red flags to warrant a search of your entire house and person if given to the authorities, and likely your basement and attic, where you store the bodies of your victims..

See you on CSI someday, ya sick fuck..


Well-Known Member
These data provided a better understanding of the types of words offenders use in their
assaults. Four distinct themes emerged from the data, namely a caring, persuasion or
reassurance theme; a sexually abusive or explicit language theme; an angry, demeaning or
threatening theme; and a revenge or payback theme

Theme 1: caring, persuasion, reassurance. This theme included words that suggested that the
offender was worried about the victim, words that indicated that the offender was trying to
persuade the victim to do something, or words that were meant to be reassuring in nature.
Some examples of the kinds of words included in this theme were:
Again, admittedly, I might have crossed the sensitivity line, but nowhere in that thread (or anywhere on RIU, in real life, or in my head) do I condone rape or abuse of women. These idiots are grasping at straws and it's hilarious when they bring out the rape card, it's an automatic admission of defeat, and I treat it accordingly
Theme 2: Sexually abusive or explicit language theme. This theme included words used by the
offender that were sexually abusive and demeaning in nature, and/or words that were sexually
explicit. Some examples of the words included in this theme were:
You're a complete fucking pussy.
Theme 3: angry, demeaning or threatening theme. This theme included words that were angry,
aggressive, demeaning or threatening to the victim in nature. Some examples of the kinds of
words included in this theme were:
If you're interested in a physical confrontation, I might actually be down for it.
Theme 4: revenge, payback theme. This theme included words that were revengeful in nature.
Some examples of the kinds of words included in this theme were:
You've expressed enough red flags to warrant a search of your entire house and person if given to the authorities, and likely your basement and attic, where you store the bodies of your victims..


Well-Known Member
These data provided a better understanding of the types of words offenders use in their assaults. Four distinct themes emerged from the data, namely a caring, persuasion or
reassurance theme; a sexually abusive or explicit language theme; an angry, demeaning or
threatening theme; and a revenge or payback theme
This'll be the last time I respond to you. You have zero honor, I wouldn't even call you a man. You simply lie to try to make yourself look good and refuse to acknowledge any valid points made. I seriously doubt you've met anything resembling a healthy relationship with anyone, including friendships or a successful life. Nobody as angry and pent up as you has the ability to focus on anything other than hate.

You take my quotes out of context and try to paint a picture that doesn't exist to people who never read the actual threads the original quotes come from. Here's an example;

Theme 2: Sexually abusive or explicit language theme.
"You're a complete fucking pussy" comes from this thread, post #237, and has zero to do with anything sexual;

Where I was replying to Clayton about him being "a complete fucking pussy" about alluding to threats of physical violence towards me with this post;

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Portland, OR
See that bit at the end there, "Portland, OR"? That's the idiot's way of saying "come get some, I'm in Portland, OR"

He's the one that initiated threats of physical violence. You know that because you read the thread. You purposefully lied in some feeble attempt to impress your halfwit buddies. Go fuck yourself, again.

Theme 3, also speaking to Clayton after his initial threat. Again, having zero to do with anything sexual. You're the retard trying to make it sexual because you're obsessed with rape.

Theme 4, "You've expressed enough red flags to warrant a search of your entire house and person if given to the authorities, and likely your basement and attic, where you store the bodies of your victims.."

From your source that you failed to cite; "
Theme 4: revenge, payback theme. This theme included words that were revengeful in nature.

Some examples of the kinds of words included in this theme were:

‘‘This is what is going to happen if you ever think about leaving me.’’
‘‘I will kill your new boyfriend.’’
‘‘Where is your boyfriend now?’’

Not a single sexual reference again. You try to make it sexual.

You're obsessed with rape, have a creepy obsession with me, and nobody likes you.

I'm not going to read anything you reply back with because it's just going to be more lies covered in bullshit. I hope whatever it is though gets kelly's panties wet, you guys have a good life.


Well-Known Member
Why do you folks act like anything anyone says in here is going to affect you in your everyday life. I mean how can they?

They do not hang out with your circle of friends or acquaintances. They are merely fictitious characters in a never-ending story , nothing more.

Put on your big girl panties and accept it for what it is, NOTHING BUT TYPED FUCKING WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really think that someone saying you are a racist, rapist, have a tiny dick, a giant vagina, right wing, left wing or anything like that makes it so, I certainly hope not, cause if you do, to any degree, you need to cancel your internet and get the fuck outa the house.


A Fictitious Mother Fucker
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Well-Known Member
This'll be the last time I respond to you. You have zero honor, I wouldn't even call you a man. You simply lie to try to make yourself look good and refuse to acknowledge any valid points made. I seriously doubt you've met anything resembling a healthy relationship with anyone, including friendships or a successful life. Nobody as angry and pent up as you has the ability to focus on anything other than hate.

You take my quotes out of context and try to paint a picture that doesn't exist to people who never read the actual threads the original quotes come from. Here's an example;

"You're a complete fucking pussy" comes from this thread, post #237, and has zero to do with anything sexual;

Where I was replying to Clayton about him being "a complete fucking pussy" about alluding to threats of physical violence towards me with this post;

See that bit at the end there, "Portland, OR"? That's the idiot's way of saying "come get some, I'm in Portland, OR"

He's the one that initiated threats of physical violence. You know that because you read the thread. You purposefully lied in some feeble attempt to impress your halfwit buddies. Go fuck yourself, again.

Theme 3, also speaking to Clayton after his initial threat. Again, having zero to do with anything sexual. You're the retard trying to make it sexual because you're obsessed with rape.

Theme 4, "You've expressed enough red flags to warrant a search of your entire house and person if given to the authorities, and likely your basement and attic, where you store the bodies of your victims.."

From your source that you failed to cite; "
Theme 4: revenge, payback theme. This theme included words that were revengeful in nature.

Some examples of the kinds of words included in this theme were:

‘‘This is what is going to happen if you ever think about leaving me.’’
‘‘I will kill your new boyfriend.’’
‘‘Where is your boyfriend now?’’

Not a single sexual reference again. You try to make it sexual.

You're obsessed with rape, have a creepy obsession with me, and nobody likes you.

I'm not going to read anything you reply back with because it's just going to be more lies covered in bullshit. I hope whatever it is though gets kelly's panties wet, you guys have a good life.

Let the rage flow through you, you tiny little man.

I bet you are throwing all your toys against the wall right now.


Well-Known Member
You simply lie to try to make yourself look good and refuse to acknowledge any valid points made. I seriously doubt you've raped anything like I have numerous times.

You take my quotes out of context and try to paint a picture that doesn't exist to people who never read the actual threads the original quotes come from. Here's an example;

"You're a complete fucking pussy you should be raped" comes from this thread, post #237, and has zero to do with anything but rape;

Where I was replying to Clayton about him being "a complete fucking pussy" about alluding to threats of physical violence towards me with because I love a good old fashioned raping;

See that bit at the end there, "Portland, OR"? That's the idiot's way of saying "come rape me, I'm in Portland, OR"

He's the one that initiated threats of physical violence. You know that because you read the thread. You purposefully lied in some feeble attempt to impress your halfwit buddies. Go fuck yourself, again or I will against your will.

Theme 3, also speaking to Clayton after his initial threat. Again, having zero to do with anything but rape. You're the retard trying to make it sexual because you're getting raped if I ever get your address.

Theme 4, "You've expressed enough red flags to warrant a search of your entire house and person if given to the authorities, and likely your basement and attic, where you store the bodies of your victims.."

From your source that you failed to cite; "
Theme 4: revenge, payback theme. This theme included words that were revengeful in nature.

Some examples of the kinds of words included in this theme were:

‘‘This is what is going to happen if you ever think about leaving me.’’
‘‘I will kill your new boyfriend.’’
‘‘Where is your boyfriend now?’’

Not a single sexual reference again. You try to make it sexual.You can't scream rape when you keep giving me these signals.

I'm obsessed with rape, i have a creepy obsession with rape, and nobody likes you so they are never gonna believe you when i go on a rape spree that ends at your house.

I'm not going to read anything you reply back with because it's just going to be more rape covered in a trashbag. I hope whatever it is though gets kelly's panties wet so he doesn't get so torn up during the rape, you guys have a good life while you can because i'm reverse ip searching you and i will find you and rape you until you die.
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Well-Known Member

the "crazed jihadist playset" for young boys from the GI Joe collection by Mattel. it includes:

1 crazed jihadist in full jihadist gear with detachable bloody saber, detachable bloody pocket knife with twist action for smooth beheadings..jointed fingers for pointing upwards while reciting "death to america"..with removable quran..extra bloody gear and american flags sold separately.

1 american anyone with shaved head and orange jumpsuit..head that releases from behind neck in true behead fashion..ready to snap back on for hours of religious war fun that has nothing to do with us..then once america has had enough!..voila`!..snap head back on, remove orange jumpsuit and your american has converted to islam with full islamic jihadist gear.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You seem indignant when people are murdered in a heinous fashion. Do you also get indignant when the USA bombs women and children too? Or don't they count?


Well-Known Member
has anyone seen a bergdahl update?..last i heard he still hasn't met with his think it's because he converted and is now theoretically enemy of the state and we have to hold he doesn't do any of the jihadist bullshit?


Well-Known Member
has anyone seen a bergdahl update?..last i heard he still hasn't met with his think it's because he converted and is now theoretically enemy of the state and we have to hold he doesn't do any of the jihadist bullshit?
Either that or Obama and co pulled off the triple turncoat of the century. Either way his quarantine and debrief has taken a while, there are probably some "brody" concerns there...


Well-Known Member
has anyone seen a bergdahl update?..last i heard he still hasn't met with his think it's because he converted and is now theoretically enemy of the state and we have to hold he doesn't do any of the jihadist bullshit?
He now wants out of the Army, with lifetime veterans benefits. Quite the scumbag.