

Well-Known Member
Damn people really do smoke it... I don't think you could really classify soapbar as cannabis. If you did, it'd be what smoking crack is to snorting pure coke. Have fun smoking crack fellas :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah knife culture is fucked up over here now man, everyday you here about people getting slashed stabbed and killed, its fucked having to watch yourself everywhere you go, even just some kid could have a blade and fuck you up.

I saw that on the news... I remember a friend who looked like the Rock tell me that once this KID comes up to him and says "give me your cash asshole" so he just laughed at the guy..(my friend is a big dude) and the little bastard stuck him witha pen real damage.. he was more amazed at the ball on the guy to even think about attacking him...

Damn people really do smoke it... I don't think you could really classify soapbar as cannabis. If you did, it'd be what smoking crack is to snorting pure coke. Have fun smoking crack fellas :)
Hi Socata...... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I been smoking soap for about 20 years.
I"ve had the good stuff and the bad stuff.
If you buy your shit in small amounts you can"t go far wrong.
But if you buy like a nine bar and its crap your fucked coz it will be very hard to get rid of. Take it back to your dealer and he"ll probly tell you to fuck off.
Before you buy have a good look at it.
See what it smells like.
See what it burns like.
If you think its dodgy don"t buy it.
Its a bit of a gamble.
A few times when i"ve been desperate i"ve bought some dodgy shit but after a couple of spliffs i end up chucking it away.

A few years back the nine bars with the fish stamp on it now that was good stuff.

OH the memories :joint::joint:
I found the bmw z3 print was ok to mix with leaf trim.


Well-Known Member
round here m8 if u dont like it you take it back and get e refund, just have to make sure you keep with the good people that u find in this life.


Well-Known Member
man no offense to you guys from across the water but this thread is really making me not wanna go to london at all sounds like your herb is just god awful

no no no, herb is fine,sometimes really good,was getting from holland yum yum but still good stuff in the uk honest:blsmoke::blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
omg i was talkin about this shit here in america in one post...
this shit is evil, grow your own bud ,and make sure its done right, and not crap filled with the same shit, like smokin fags.


Well-Known Member
Some advise b4 ya wasite your money and poison yourself . i the 90s here all there was was stinky soap bar thou a lil better that it got in the later 90s

how to make soap shit.....
10g of kief (not ess.)

Yur plants follage ( the real shitty stuf has neather of these ,they make it up with any old plant mater with out the crystals )

Bees wax


coffee ..ur favorite blend

and mix it all togeather. other ingredents ..glue ,bin bags with rubbish still in it ,any thing that liquidezes will do the job

hash does not burn black smoke bro id do with out b4 smokeing that shit.

peace h4l , i can tell u how to purifie it if you like with water


Well-Known Member
Damm no wonder you limey's have horrible teeth..........smokeing plastic and shit guys are on a grow site.........why would u smoke this soap shit when you could be growin and smokin this shit all year



Well-Known Member
Its all fake out here haha the grass is worse if u do not know any 1 that grows its all de-crystalized for oil and hash then sprayed to make it look real once again plus it adds weight its a all round winner for the criminal ive been told its from amsterdam so is that the goverment if its true haha
then it gets sent to the kids in the uk who just love soap bar and grit weed

grow yur own..............h4l


Well-Known Member
Damm no wonder you limey's have horrible teeth..........smokeing plastic and shit guys are on a grow site.........why would u smoke this soap shit when you could be growin and smokin this shit all year
That is what I was thinking. Arn;t the laws way easier in the UK? Can't you walk into a headshop and buy seeds? WTF. I also heard that people spray their weed with glass balls (like a sandblaster) to make the weed weigh more and people are getting way sick... I live in Cali and I know there is so much weed going around that if you don';t have the good stuff no on will buy it. It would be harder to make some knock off shit than the real stuff here. If people knew you were selling plastic then you would be blackballed within 6 hrs


Well-Known Member
That is what I was thinking. Arn;t the laws way easier in the UK? Can't you walk into a headshop and buy seeds? WTF. I also heard that people spray their weed with glass balls (like a sandblaster) to make the weed weigh more and people are getting way sick... I live in Cali and I know there is so much weed going around that if you don';t have the good stuff no on will buy it. It would be harder to make some knock off shit than the real stuff here. If people knew you were selling plastic then you would be blackballed within 6 hrs

i dunno how the english get those teeth but ares be sweet :mrgreen: must be there water , or is it only scousers

that must be why the yanks have fake smiles haha ypuse dont get soap bar

do a search on uk grit weed it is as bad as it sounds every 1 does grow there own now thats why the afgani hash is stacked up in thousands of tones in asia the gangsters do not buy it no more as ppl refuse to buy it its been posted on the news section

So the gangsters moved to amsterdam for contects and buy buds with no crystals just grinded glass

Or there is real chinese gear thats who grows mass crops here only thing is its sold wet so a oz weighs 10 or so when dryed hahaha


Well-Known Member
i dunno how the english get those teeth but ares be sweet :mrgreen: must be there water , or is it only scousers

that must be why the yanks have fake smiles haha ypuse dont get soap bar

do a search on uk grit weed it is as bad as it sounds every 1 does grow there own now thats why the afgani hash is stacked up in thousands of tones in asia the gangsters do not buy it no more as ppl refuse to buy it its been posted on the news section

So the gangsters moved to amsterdam for contects and buy buds with no crystals just grinded glass

Or there is real chinese gear thats who grows mass crops here only thing is its sold wet so a oz weighs 10 or so when dryed hahaha
Lets get thing straight, losers and uninformed city kids that carry knives and sniff glue smoke soap and deal weed spinkled with glass beads. I have travelled the world and smoked for 25 years and I can say that cities are magnets for ripoff merchants and bad 'everything'. Labeling 'limeys' as people who smoke shit is insulting, incorrect and my teeth are great. The countryside is where the discerning growers live and soap bar is not 'used' the skunk growers in the SW are amongst the best anywhere and the smoke is as good as any anywhere in the world-fact. Im sure every country has shit versions on smoke, drugs etc etc. Arent all yanks into crystal meth????? (ironic laughter)


Well-Known Member
Lets get thing straight, losers and uninformed city kids that carry knives and sniff glue smoke soap and deal weed spinkled with glass beads. I have travelled the world and smoked for 25 years and I can say that cities are magnets for ripoff merchants and bad 'everything'. Labeling 'limeys' as people who smoke shit is insulting, incorrect and my teeth are great. The countryside is where the discerning growers live and soap bar is not 'used' the skunk growers in the SW are amongst the best anywhere and the smoke is as good as any anywhere in the world-fact. Im sure every country has shit versions on smoke, drugs etc etc. Arent all yanks into crystal meth????? (ironic laughter)

let me get this stright wooomister it was not me that says limes have stinking teeth coz they smoke soap bar it was the 2 yanks above and it was a double insult towards yas sayin your teeth look like shit and smoke shit and im not a yank so no im not on meth never even seen it exect on new jack city

enjoy your world wide smoking travells bro .cheers 4 setting me stright thou haha


Well-Known Member
let me get this stright wooomister it was not me that says limes have stinking teeth coz they smoke soap bar it was the 2 yanks above and it was a double insult towards yas sayin your teeth look like shit and smoke shit and im not a yank so no im not on meth never even seen it exect on new jack city

enjoy your world wide smoking travells bro .cheers 4 setting me stright thou haha
I used your quote not because I disagree, but because it was the only one I agreed with. Sorry for any misunderstanding!:joint: