Order Pure DXM Online.


Well-Known Member
Hey brevity I left a message on your profile for the pure dxm lol you got soo much shit for that one post. Anyways I'm more special so pm me the link first xD Then one on your profile is broken it says :(
TradeKey.com is an international chemical supplying company. There are a lot of sites online like this one. The thing is you need to be a company. I signed up as a (made up) company and had suppliers give me a descent quote for pure dxm. But never fallowed through with it because most of the suppliers were from other countries. I also thought that they would match my company name with my actual address and find out that its not legit. So im not sure. I tried looking up about the website and couldnt find any reviews even though they have their own trust star system on the site. Anyways if someone tries this and it works. Please let me know.


Well-Known Member
lol.... guys just do a freebase extract has to be the easiest ive done by far

16 oz of syrup comes out to just over a gram of freebase

i try to do big batches only now like if i do it i do 64 oz of syrup at a time and end up with close to 4.5 grams


Well-Known Member
lol.... guys just do a freebase extract has to be the easiest ive done by far

16 oz of syrup comes out to just over a gram of freebase

i try to do big batches only now like if i do it i do 64 oz of syrup at a time and end up with close to 4.5 grams
Can you PM me a link of how I could get this started? I already have a grow and a pf tek going, would love to get this going as well :)


Well-Known Member
Dude heres a perfect method its waht I use

First of all, go get a bottle of adult robitussin cough syrup(2 bottles :p 600mg is where you need to be). Get the pills if you can. IF you get the pills, put them in a blender, 40 of them! And then strain through a panty hose, BAM pure dxm hbr.

If you get the syrup just drink the shit.. Its not like you'll be doing it all the time.. Jesus, dxm is dxm. Sounds retarded I know, but its what I've had to do out of laziness.


Well-Known Member
the syrup over years really made me yak thats why i just do a extract its EASY

and taking a gel cap of powder is much more apealing than doing any more syrup ive had my fill of dyes


Came across this thread when I was looking for a place to buy from. has 15mg pills, think I'm going to have to try them out. lol

Junior Grow

gross dxm isnt even real drugs is something that helps u get better when ur sick go ake some dmt or acid or something worth ur time

"hey guys guess what?"
"lets take some cough syrup and goto sleep!"
"yeah man that sounds like fun!"
your dumb as dirt.

Joseph Pedulla

New Member
Many maxims sound good until they are scrutinized. Then they break down. This one is no different. It says, "We advance society by creating and destroying the norm." Alex Grey apparently said this. A few problems here. First, if we are always creating and destroying the norm, then that action becomes the norm: creating and destroying. This renders the maxim self-destructive, like the snake eating its tail. Second, no one can be said to have "advanced" except against a fixed standard. I cannot say I am healthier today than I was last week unless I have a standard of good health by which to judge the perceived "progress." If, for example, I believe that good health brings us in the direction of death, then to say, "I am better" would be a very dubious statement. So, to say "We advance society," we must assume we advance it by measuring it against a fixed standard. The standard must not shift or change, or our judgment of progress becomes impossible. There is a very funny scene early on in "Alice in Wonderland" in which the animals all want to have a race. The problem is that when the race starts, they all start running around in their own circles and directions. There is no set finish line determined before the race starts. When all the movement stops and they all come panting back to the Dodo bird, they all ask, "Who has won???" The Dodo thinks for a second and says, "You all have won, and you shall all have prizes!!!" It is perhaps for this lapse in logic that this aviary specimen is extinct. Now, back to our own insanity. To say we advance society, we must advance it against a fixed standard of what society should be. However, if we are constantly "creating and destroying the norm," then there is no fixed standard. We are always changing it. Unless Alex Grey means that creating and destroying become the norm, the statement is senseless. We cannot say we have advanced unless we know the goal. And in all endeavors, the goal must always stand still.
There is a further problem here, though not one of logic. It is an error in observation. Certain people are very fond of saying that norms are created or set, as though a town crier had gone about chanting to everyone that for the next ten years socks must not be worn in summer. It is truer to say of norms that they are noticed, not that they are created. It is the norm that men pursue women, because if one takes the time to go into the high ways and byways of this world, one will find, the vast majority of the time, men pursuing women. There was no first man who "created" this norm. He and all the others simply found themselves doing this, much as they found themselves looking for shelter and feeling a deep desire to cook chickens and eat them. Norms are norms because they are "normal." And normal here means "whatever it is we do by our own nature." And we no more create our own nature than we create the trees, mountains, and water that make up nature. Let's take firm hold, gentlemen, lest we get dizzy!


Walter Pang

New Member
Dear Friends
we are the manufacturer of dxm, the purity is not less than 99%. if anyone need, pls feel free to let me know, my email is tech@cimasci.com, and we can supply most nootropics, thanks.
best regards

Walter Pang

New Member
Hey I have read the DXM FAQ and various other educational DXM documents. Most of these sources state that one can legally order pure powdered DXM online from chemical suppliers. However all over their lists are outdated and the companies no longer exist. I was wandering if anyone knew and DXM distributors that willingly sell to individuals?:joint:kiss-ass
Dear Friend
we are the manufacturer of dxm, the purity is not less than 99%. if you need it, pls feel free to let me know, my email is "tech@cimasci.com", and we also can supply most nootropics, thanks.
best regards