Mad Hamish
Well-Known Member
Life of the party.
If only we got them in S.A... Mustang is an American exclusive, sadly for us. Last I saw in real life was the old 5.0you should go the mustang gt route
That's Australia... looks like a c series Mercedes for meGet a Holden commodore SS
I was going to make a joke about putting you on ignore for never sending me those finished pics of your growyou two should put eachother on ignore or ill do it for you both
I don't ignore anybody. I pay attention to whomever is talking, whether it offends me or not. If a guy wants to get a rise out of me by making a joke out of a family friends murder then they will get a rise Sunni. I allow total freedom of speech, but this does not mean I need to accept a troll going a tad too far. Everybody but that guy decided to bury the hatchet. I am no hippie. Please don't ask me to act like one. I woukd deeply appreciate it. I have lost several friends to murder. It is no joke. A is needs to know that death isnt funny. If i am not allowed to tell him that then ban two should put eachother on ignore or ill do it for you both
HOLDEN? Really? Will wonders never cease. Not like I will buy something with no available parts in the country but anyhow. Had to get rid of the Mondeo for that reason, it sucked. Tucson is looking up my alley. At least it can go more places than a normal car, looks like you can load it up proper and it tows quite well. Our money is called the Rand, useless in global terms. You can buy one for ten of your cents. This makes SA super cheap for Americans to travel to. Come here you will live like a king wielding dollars.I saw it for sale on a SA site 95k of whatever your money is called lol
Well spoken. Freedom means accepting consequence. Like if I am going to consider your statement, I will have to admit to hitting Amos below the belt as hard as I could. So to be fair I owe him a couple of free shots. Good point Sir. I do however disagree on the point that a private entity operates outside the the concept, as that freedom was not granted by government at all, but instead is supposed to be protected by government. A problem I find with Americans, well not a problem a big cultural difference really, is you see your government as seperate from you and kinda above you. Us Africans feel the government belongs to the people. It serves the will of society, as it should (theoretically, ours is corrupt as fuk), it does not impose its will upon us. So freedom is universal to us. But as you say, there is no freedom of consequence. Hence I do weigh my decisions on the boards accordingly. In the end, what othr people think of me is none of my business. I am a crazy mofo, look at my screen name its right in there. And in the end it is none of my business if a community feels I am welcome or not. I am not going to fake it to look nice, that is an insult to all of you. I am going to be direct and upfront and brutally honest and totally tactless. It truly is how I am.A common misconception of freedom of speech. Our (US) government cannot silence ones speech, a private entity such as this message board can do what it wishes.
Freedom of speech isn't freedom of consequences either.
I just realized how cheap bhodis seeds are on sale, and if the RIU code works even cheaper!!! I think I can afford a pack and would appreciate someone giving me some advice on exactly which one to pick.
I am a little overwhelmed with his offerings they all look so good so I guess I should give you what I am looking for and you can point me in the right direction or laugh at me for being poor ( due to spending all my money on LEDs)
Whatcha looking for?
get the $15 RD ash tray lolsorry I edited it in there for everyone, I was smoking a bowl and totally forgot to hit enter after I edited LOLOL
also if possible can you use one from attitude that is in stock because im thinking of pulling the trigger like NOW before the promo changes. I have also had 100% success with attitude even though I am always disappointed in the 20 dollar wallet or whatever that looks like its worth 10 cents.