New Wisconsin voter ID Law


Well-Known Member
let's cut to the chase here.

What we really need is to just let the DNC cast the votes of the poor for them. It will be so much more convenient for the poor; they won't have to pay for any transportation costs, or government documents, and they won't have to bother figuring out those byzantine voting machines with hanging chad. They can just sleep in, like every other day.
So you are OK with the Republicans disenfranchising elgible voters?


Well-Known Member
Whatever dude obviously nothing short of someone else voting for then would make yiu happy, is my grandma allowed to send me to the voting booth with a note In her place if she is bed ridden? No, that is why you can mail your vote in now and also part of the reason you must show id now, its not just on voting day.
Mail in the vote?
Cutting that out as well.
Guess you didnt read anything I posted

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So you are OK with the Republicans disenfranchising elgible voters?
I think the minimum voting age should be 30. I think only taxpayers should get a vote to increase taxes. I think only US citizens should get a vote in the US. I think these restrictions should apply to Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and felines.


Well-Known Member
Voting is destroying this country.

Absolute universal voting was never an intent of our founders.

26 year old white land owning males is a bit too restrictive.

I would eliminate the presidential election all together. Congress, through the HoR should appoint the president, to be ratified by the Senate. Senatorial elections should also be eliminated, the state governments should once again appoint them.

This would do a lot of good. Firstly, it would remove a lot money from politics. Secondly, it would likely remove a lot of the polarization we have today, perhaps the executive and legislative branches could work together. It would also weaken the parties, at least the two biggest, probably allowing for smaller third parties to emerge.

America was a unique experience at the time of it's founding. However, now this form of government has been perfected a bit. Most democratic republics appoint their executive.

Voting should be restricted to 18 year olds who file a tax return. This return would be used as the voter ID. It would only be valid for voting if the person was not on Government assistance.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Voting is destroying this country.

Absolute universal voting was never an intent of our founders.

26 year old white land owning males is a bit too restrictive.

I would eliminate the presidential election all together. Congress, through the HoR should appoint the president, to be ratified by the Senate. Senatorial elections should also be eliminated, the state governments should once again appoint them.

This would do a lot of good. Firstly, it would remove a lot money from politics. Secondly, it would likely remove a lot of the polarization we have today, perhaps the executive and legislative branches could work together. It would also weaken the parties, at least the two biggest, probably allowing for smaller third parties to emerge.

America was a unique experience at the time of it's founding. However, now this form of government has been perfected a bit. Most democratic republics appoint their executive.

Voting should be restricted to 18 year olds who file a tax return. This return would be used as the voter ID. It would only be valid for voting if the person was not on Government assistance.
I like your ideas! Cheesy will insist you are a racist, intent on disenfranchising those who can't spell disenfranchise.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Mail in the vote?
Cutting that out as well.
Guess you didnt read anything I posted

In oregon we have 100% mail in for voting and I have not had to show ID or anything after I registered decades ago. So you only have to do it once in a life time unless you move or want to reregister with a different party. What is so hard about a one time deal? you would have to be pretty helpless or lazy.


Well-Known Member

In oregon we have 100% mail in for voting and I have not had to show ID or anything after I registered decades ago. So you only have to do it once in a life time unless you move or want to reregister with a different party. What is so hard about a one time deal? you would have to be pretty helpless or lazy.
That's Oregon.
What about the rest of the country?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That's Oregon.
What about the rest of the country?

Hell I don't know whats up with the other states. Maybe we should have mail in ballots nation wide because it's easy and seems to work. You don't even have to pay postage if you drop it off at the post office or there is a drive through at the court house. pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
Yes. And you have to show ID to get the ballot.
But thanks for playing
you mean the thing they offer for free that takes minimal effort on the voters part... right keep grasping at straws to make the argument that this is a way to keep the poor/disabled from voting...


Well-Known Member
you mean the thing they offer for free that takes minimal effort on the voters part... right keep grasping at straws to make the argument that this is a way to keep the poor/disabled from voting...
Aside from Wisconsin which states offer a completely free ID card? If a fee is involved it is essentially a poll tax.

I am against poll taxes.

If the requirements to vote are not an undue burden and cost $0.00, I one hundred percent support that. Free IDs for citizens who ask for one.

Everyone, keep in mind that a state ID and driver's license are separate though they both function well as identification documents.


Well-Known Member

When it is the same for everybody how is that voter suppression?
because it purposely targets the poor, students, elderly, and minorities, idiot.

since i was nice enough to answer your question, maybe you tardloafs can return the favor:

how many cases of voter fraud were there in the last election that could have been prevented by voter ID?



Well-Known Member
While not law, every job I have had has me come with a picture id, social and birth certificate.... more to the point every time I use a bank/cash a check they ask for id...
they ask for your ID when you use cash?

goddamn, the anecdotes get stupider and stupider.


Well-Known Member
of course you are, back door disenfranchisement favors your republican heroes who can't win on the merits alone because your ideas are loathesome and unwelcome in this nation.
Can't win on merits?

Isn't offering the poor and minorities a hand out through the ballot box the same thing not being able to win on the merits?

It's buying votes.