Yea I feel what you saying. I mean you can always run your phenos you know will give you the results your looking for but since you have a cross of those phenos you wanna see what's in them and there's nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes we need a change up and exploring that cross of your prized phenos is something to explore. I have so many beans I want to go through it's not even funny. The next couple years is gonna be crazy
Yea I feel what you saying. I mean you can always run your phenos you know will give you the results your looking for but since you have a cross of those phenos you wanna see what's in them and there's nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes we need a change up and exploring that cross of your prized phenos is something to explore. I have so many beans I want to go through it's not even funny. The next couple years is gonna be crazy
hehe i hear that! yeah i still have beans in the freezer i ordered years ago and have not even opened them yet. yea i hope the cross is worth the extra time and effort, with a little luck i think it may be something good
9 Days these things are really tall but i want to just let them go, im really curious to see what the colas turn out like letting the stretch up a little more. from what i say last time i missed out on quite a bit of weight by continuing to train during the stretch.IMG_0823.JPGIMG_0824.JPG IMG_0825.JPG
yea should mention, i still have not given any kind of N supplementation. only N they are getting is whatever is assimilated by my microbial life in the root zone (: so this is day 9 of flower, they have not gotten any N for about 3 weeks give or take with flushing between veg and transition starting 1 week prior to 12/12 transition. once all vertical growth has stopped completely and bud sites have set in good i will give a small N dose
well i just went to feed the plants and apparently i either misplaced or used the last of my nutes and did not remember doing so. i cant fiind em anywhere i swore i bought extra bottles like i always do, pothead :roll:. so now i got to put clothes on and make a trip to my hydro store to get a bottle of micro and a bottle of bloom, i know i bought some like 2 months ago o_O its got to be the god damn garden knomes or perhaps the Noid i have running around lol
well i just went to feed the plants and apparently i either misplaced or used the last of my nutes and did not remember doing so. i cant fiind em anywhere i swore i bought extra bottles like i always do, pothead :roll:. so now i got to put clothes on and make a trip to my hydro store to get a bottle of micro and a bottle of bloom, i know i bought some like 2 months ago o_O its got to be the god damn garden knomes or perhaps the Noid i have running around lol
Haha what a pian. Youl get home and then probably find the nutes lol
Day 13 Flower

everything has finished stretching now but damn its tall. i went from one extreme to the other, next time ill need to train to shoot for something in between i think unless this works out real well. although i did accomplish what i wanted to, theres plenty of room for the girls to make some nice sized colas, they are about 12" above the screen in some places :?. i guess ill see what happens. everything is really healthy so far, and no tip burn this time! yay!IMG_0826.JPG IMG_0827.JPG IMG_0828.JPG
hey give them some N for the transition into flower, you are going to need it or ur yields will suffer
thanks for the tip glock! i do know they need N in transition, they are getting plenty, i just rely on my microbes to assimilate needed N during transition. i try not to let there be any excess N in this phase to help set buds tight and cut the amount of stretch down to a minimal. it work well once u get the proper ecosystem in the roots, kind of an organic type method in a way i suppose lol
after looking them over, im a little concerned about the front screen. those plants are taller and to the point where they may fall over when they start packing on weight. i guess ill just have to cross that bridge when it comes to it. they all pretty much have some nice bud sites on them going all the way down to the screen so idk it may be worth it to have them tall like that. the two in that front net are brand new phenos too so they definitely stretch for than that one pheno i already had
IMG_0826.JPG IMG_0827.JPG IMG_0828.JPG heres an update, its day 16 of flower. that one POG pheno in the second pic, to the right side has been still stretching ridiculously more than the other two phenos and judging by the leaves it appears to be more sativa dominate than the rest. it has gone out of control lol. the others arent so bad just the one. my canopy on her is about chest high. i cant move the light up anymore cause the others wouldnt be close enough so i think i will just have to tolerate some burn on that one :roll: oh well, i know now if i choose to keep that pheno going i am going to have to train much much more and flip it earlier
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Wow! Such a huge change since the last time I checked your thread, very impressive....I've been wanting to ask you about your July 8th post about topping 6 times in 9 weeks so please bare with me if you don't mind. In getting so many tops, do you just top the terminal bud growth, or are you topping the lateral nodes aswell? Do you skip a node before topping again? My second scrog so I'm striving learn as much as i can from someone who obviously has his stuff together. Any topping advice you have time for I'd really appreciate. Keep up the good work