Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
I would like to tell you that thanks to my job, I'm getting my muscle mass back and then some! I was missing the gym like crazy, being out there I don't even think about it. Don't have to. Just do the job, I feel so accomplished too. Not only did I do my job well, I felt good. Physically and mentally, being out in the country does wonders for the soul. ;)

I bet she faults you for your methodology. Didn't you have a difference of opinion with her over that?
We had a disagreement on the fact that she was trying to make everyone participate in something that wasn't graded and had the nerve to send me a PM telling me that I forgot to write some stuff into the discussion area, so I took what she said about the discussions not being graded and made her look like an idiot. I've paid for it ever since with the marks she gives me.


Well-Known Member
We had a disagreement on the fact that she was trying to make everyone participate in something that wasn't graded and had the nerve to send me a PM telling me that I forgot to write some stuff into the discussion area, so I took what she said about the discussions not being graded and made her look like an idiot. I've paid for it ever since with the marks she gives me.

Oops! Maybe an apology or some sort of meeting of minds?


Well-Known Member

Oops! Maybe an apology or some sort of meeting of minds?
HAHA, hell no. I'm not going to apologize for what I said. Here is all I wrote:

I find interesting that we are required to participate in something that is not graded.
^^ was as simple as that. LoL

I'll pass this class, I have like high marks in every other thing but the midterm and the portion that makes up the final I already know the material, so yea. LoL. :mrgreen:
No apologizes here. She should be glad I decided not to make her online life a living hell since I found every account she has ever made. :P


Well-Known Member
I go to advanced networking class tomorrow and what I'm doing there tomorrow completes my assignments for that class for the majority of the semester. Its also my capstone course.

I would be golden if I only had computer classes.


Well-Known Member
right one is the alleged kosher cross
suspect on the left is one of my sativa dom haze crosses about to get transplanted and both are getting staked tonight


Well-Known Member
grower buddy sold me a bag of kosher ..... said it was seeded by his g13 dom x whatever
didnt write it down when i transferred from bag to vial just wrote kosher on it
like 10 beans in a zip
it seems really sativa and didnt start flowering until the lights went down to 11/13


Well-Known Member
grower buddy sold me a bag of kosher ..... said it was seeded by his g13 dom x whatever
didnt write it down when i transferred from bag to vial just wrote kosher on it
like 10 beans in a zip
it seems really sativa and didnt start flowering until the lights went down to 11/13
Must be a different pheno.
How was that kush? I ordered one bean at 26 dollars and it didn't germ. Everyone has told me its a hard hitter.


Well-Known Member
I'll be giving mine some nutes in the next couple days. I used topsoil to supplement until that time. Can you recommend a cheap high in Phosphorus food?
master grower garden starter i think its 4/15/12 humic acid and some micro nutes , its organic tractor supply sells it like 5-6 bucks a quart
i use it as a base nute in veg and then cut the veg nutes and double or triple up on the 4/15/12 in this case