Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers


Well-Known Member
This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.

I gotta disagree. ALL of my bud taste and smell great when dried and is very potent. It is far more of an enjoyable smoke after 3weeks in a jar. Arguing that cure is unnecessary or covers up a growers mistakes is ridiculous.

Grow great plants AND cure and you have top shelf. I can tell when I am smoking fresh and when not. maybe you dont feel the harsh from the fresh stuff? good for you but most of us can tell.
I believe the process is deoxycarbatilization?Ancient hash makers stored and rubbed fresh depending on season. I don't own the equip to test terpenes so I can't comment there . But I do know my lungs like the enzyme taste of a two week jarring an burping regime espoused by growers I respect. @raredankness did I read that u disagreed with river rock selling uncured cannabis . Just askin is it just a habit ?where is the science?
I trim wet and cut the buds to appropriate size, then I throw it all in a wooden wardrobe where it sits for for anywhere between 6 and 14 days. By then everything is perfect then I throw what I can"t smoke in a month in the fridge, in a ziplock.
I can give people nugs that aren't ready and they notice the smell n taste are not there yet.

Also the smell coming from the jar is very chemical/gassy.
very bitey and unpleasant.

I'm not giving you shit just saying
that In my experience people prefer weed that is more than just dry.
I don't know the technical details of why it works, nor do I care, nor claim or believe curing makes buds more potent. What I do know and believe after 30 years of growing, and about 20 years of curing is that whatever the buds turned out like, they taste much better after 2-3 weeks of curing. I come across outdoor all the time, particularly this time of year, typically grown by guys trying to make a quick buck (and know nothing about growing), which hasn't been dried nor cured properly and I can tell the difference immediately, it simply smells and tastes like shit.
I don't know the technical details of why it works, nor do I care, nor claim or believe curing makes buds more potent. What I do know and believe after 30 years of growing, and about 20 years of curing is that whatever the buds turned out like, they taste much better after 2-3 weeks of curing. I come across outdoor all the time, particularly this time of year, typically grown by guys trying to make a quick buck (and know nothing about growing), which hasn't been dried nor cured properly and I can tell the difference immediately, it simply smells and tastes like shit.
I second this, only to add I don't have quite 30 yrs of growing under my belt, but I do have 25 yrs... dried is different than cured.
Totally true on the outdoor guys drying too fast, I think it is also because the outdoor guys have soooo much at one time that they can't cure correctly being all together, in my experience, small amounts of plants dry and cure better when not done in large amounts. My opinion anyways.
This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.

So let me get this straight... you are anti curing, a process through which the plant breaks down any remaining chlorophyll that has a solid foundation in biochemistry, but you are pro flushing, the non-scientific assumption that running water over the roots somehow miraculously removes anything from the leaves? Methinks you have picked the wrong corner in this fight, sir. Flushing in the unnecessary myth, curing is an actual process with benefits. Increased potency is NOT one of those benefits (That part is a myth) but those benefits DO include a smoother smoke, and more pleasing bouquet.
I second this, only to add I don't have quite 30 yrs of growing under my belt, but I do have 25 yrs... dried is different than cured.
Totally true on the outdoor guys drying too fast, I think it is also because the outdoor guys have soooo much at one time that they can't cure correctly being all together, in my experience, small amounts of plants dry and cure better when not done in large amounts. My opinion anyways.
Yeah agreed, I used to do large guerrilla grows and while I understand the challenges, there's always a way. Took me a while to teach my son how to properly harvest/dry/cure, he was always in a hurry. My line to that is you've waited several months, what the hell is another couple of weeks! Quality always wins, particularly for outdoor season when the market's flooded with crap, it lets you stand out from a crowd and move your harvest faster.
it is mostly about genetics and slow drying imo
some plants will make large calyx with little leaf and have a great strong flavour, there is very little green in this bud to begin with
compared to some much darker green leafy plants
when good bud like this is dry it will taste great with no green taste

the green taste comes from the leaf left in the bud which is much darker green even when cured than the calyx
bud that is dried too fast with too much heat also taste green

curing it before it is fully dry allows it to keep longer and stay a little spongy until its needed
if you dry it fully without curing it, the taste/smoke can become too harsh and the bud can dry out too much and become dusty

i find when its cured for 2 months or so it taste smoother but the taste is not much better if at all
curing does nothing miraculous imo

This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.

If you don't cure then you still have fresh chlorophyll in your buds and some cannabinoids have not had time to change more desirably, glad I dont buy it from you!
This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.


Hmmm. The honest answer is: I don't know.

I suspect that you're probably right though. I believe at a minimum jarring weed allows you to lock it in at its perfect state of "dryness" for long periods. Does that weed improve in some way over time? Again, not sure. I've popped open jars months later and swore that it smoked better than when I first tried it, but that could be my noggin playing tricks on me.
If you don't cure then you still have fresh chlorophyll in your buds and some cannabinoids have not had time to change more desirably, glad I dont buy it from you!

I've had @homebrew420 's, and I can tell you that many more people buy his pot than yours for some very good reasons:

Try his and it will be an unforgettably potent, flavorful, aromatic and enjoyable experience. I can honestly say that about everything he's ever given me.

Then again, some people still try to do production with Subcool gear, too. There's always somebody...

And about the two month cure? We do it in a week or less and people rave over how smooth it is. It's just technique, not time.
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I still stand by my first statement, but will agree that a good proper dry will produce acceptable tasting weed.
I cure mine, but not 2 months. I dry slowly, for 7 days, then cure 10 days to 14 days.

I certainly smoke the weed when she is dry at 7 -8 days, and have no complaints. There IS a difference with a quick cure.
Flavors seem fuller to me, and like I said, the old Mist I use to love would not have her "pepper" taste w/o some kind of cure
even when dry........................
I honestly don't know the long end of all this. The OP has a point, but the way OP said it comes across as quite aggressive.

After growing for 15+ years outdoor and a couple indoor, my 'curing' techniques have changed slightly. However, what I can state from experience is that a proper dry, followed by a good long 'cure' is that taste is much smoother... specifically, the 'taste' quality is consistent throughout a single ounce, or a few dozen pounds.

I like consistency in my smoothness. That's why I 'cure', and that's why I've adapted my curing techniques to new things I've learned over the years.

If anything else, curing creates consistency. Nobody can doubt that fact.
