• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What do you collect or wish to collect ?


Well-Known Member
I have a few too! My prize is a slice of "Brahin".
That's great! Is that Brahin or Brahn?
I have a piece of Mars (NWA 1195) featured at the NASA/JBL website,
a piece of the Moon (NWA 5406) and a case sample for Mercury.
I also have Core Samples etc....most all being 3.4 Billion years old.

And I collect Redline Hot Wheels. One of my Protos I got offers for $35,000
and I have other rarities at a few grand a piece.
Big money in Redline Hot Wheels. Two of my Millionaire best friends have collections
of over $1,000,000,000. Two pieces were bought at $85,000 for the 2 Hot Wheels
and many others in the 5 digit range.
Redline Hot Wheels made front page of the L.A. Times titled
"Toy Cars For Adult Budgets".



Well-Known Member
That's badass. Do you have any pics?
Here is my piece of Mars (NWA 1195) very rare and featured at the NASA/JBL website
Smithsonian, Harvard University websites etc...

A piece of the Moon (NWA 5406)


A case sample of Mercury


Pallasite 3.4 Billion years old


And many other cool very rare pieces
most being 3.4 Billion years old.
Iron/nickle fused core samples etc...

Thanks for the request!




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the request!

Wow even cooler than I was expecting. The pallasite looks incredible. They all do, but that one pops out. I wonder how they know where some meteorites originated if we haven't been to mercury etc. to take samples? Google time....


Well-Known Member
Wow even cooler than I was expecting. The pallasite looks incredible. They all do, but that one pops out. I wonder how they know where some meteorites originated if we haven't been to mercury etc. to take samples? Google time....
NWA 2999 Ultra-Rare/Unique Angrite Mercury Meteorite
The Case For Samples From Mercury!
What I have is a
.358 gram part slice of NWA 2999, the most interesting Angrite ever found. NWA 2999 was brought back from a Moroccan expedition in August of 2004. This meteorite was not recognized as being anything exceptional until April of 2005, when Greg Hupé found time to investigate the entire haul from this trip. After examining hundreds of suspected meteorites he found 12 complete stones totaling 392 grams that looked somewhat different from the rest. Nobody would have guessed these stones would turn out to be ultra-rare Angrites, because texturally they look completely different from what most would expect. A sample was liberated from one of the stones and sent to Northern Arizona University and a second sample from a different stone was sent to the University of Washington. Both laboratories found that the mineral compositions matched those of Angrites. A decision was made to sample and test each of the 12 stones because the potential for additional important findings is great.
NWA 2999 is unique in having unusual mineral compositions that mimic terrestrial processes leaving some scientists to believe these types of stones could have only formed on a planet-sized body. Unlike most of the other known Angrites, NWA 2999 was found to be a plutonic rock, meaning that it formed underground and was not extruded in a lava flow. Interestingly enough, this sample lacks vesicles. The magnitude of these findings prompted scientists to send off a specimen to the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C. for oxygen isotope testing. The results confirmed that NWA 2999 is the 10th member of the unusual and scarce Angrite group.

My NWA 1195 RARE Mars/Martian Shergottite Meteorite is a
224 milligram part slice of Northwest Africa 1195, a Martian Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Phyric Shergottite found near the Safsaf Oasis on the Algerian/Morocco border. This rare Martian meteorite represents the most primitive lava yet discovered from the planet Mars. It was found in two pieces that were located at separate times totaling only 315 grams. Even though the two pieces had weathered apart for thousands of years they fit back together perfectly. It is the 26th Martian meteorite discovered and is considered by the very few collectors who own a specimen to be twice as lucky as the now famous "Lucky 13" Shergottite because it was found in two parts.

And my NWA 5406 Lunar Moon Meteorite is a
.124 gram part slice of NWA 5406, a Lunar Feldspathic Impact Melt Breccia meteorite found near Siksou Mountain in Western Sahara (Morocco) in 2007. It consists of 6 stones paired with the two stones of NWA 4936. This lunar specimen contains an unusually large amount of free iron for a lunar sample and has many small vesicles within the melt veins.

Various pix

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Middlesbrough meteorite cas 900pix.jpg

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Sorry about the long read!

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Well-Known Member
Leninist, Markist and Maoist propaganda. Books of many types. Communist childrens books, modern firsts, art and photography. WWII ration books and diaries. Photographic negatives from the thirties and forties. Too many collections really - my heart went out of it when the Internet made everything pretty much freely available. It ruined the thrill of the hunt and made it more about how much money you can throw at something. All my collections are dead now. Too much stuff - slows you down.

If you dig the WWII racism, get to a library and check out Dr. suess's wartime stuff. I think he published under Ted Geisel (sic?). It is kind of funny to see Hirohito with a bunch of sneeches. There is a book compiling it all. Probably freely available. Pretty racist from today's perspective.
Ive seen the example of Dr Suess you mentioned,the emperors mouth has about 100 teeth in it & he's grinning ear to ear,people now think shit like that was about racism when its main purpose was to demonize the enemy,the whole world was racist in the 40's,not just whites.

Your right about the internet taking alot of the fun out of it & driving prices outta sight but it isnt all bad,its brought way more collectables within our reach.

Swap meets & flea markets are where i find the best stuff.


Well-Known Member
That's great! Is that Brahin or Brahn?
I have a piece of Mars (NWA 1195) featured at the NASA/JBL website,
a piece of the Moon (NWA 5406) and a case sample for Mercury.
I also have Core Samples etc....most all being 3.4 Billion years old.

And I collect Redline Hot Wheels. One of my Protos I got offers for $35,000
and I have other rarities at a few grand a piece.
Big money in Redline Hot Wheels. Two of my Millionaire best friends have collections
of over $1,000,000,000. Two pieces were bought at $85,000 for the 2 Hot Wheels
and many others in the 5 digit range.
Redline Hot Wheels made front page of the L.A. Times titled
"Toy Cars For Adult Budgets".

Ah hot wheels,awesome,ive got a few myself,my personal favorite is The Green Hornet mobile complete with missle launchers & ive still got the 4 green & red missels that came with it,the package is in rough shape though,my hot wheel collection is pretty lame compared to serious collectors.

I know a collector like the ones you mentioned & money means nothing to him,his interest is in the item,he's a Billionaire investment banker in Fla & his obsession with vintage hifi has got so bad he has a full time staff of collectors,he has his own semi truck & trailer that his main buyer sends direct to my house so he wont get a damaged piece,every now & then he'll call me looking for a specific piece of Mcintosh gear for Japanese clients of his business ,he sent me some pics of the climate controled airplane hanger his collection is stored in & i shit,made me feel better about my collections seeing somebody way worse than me,my wife thought i was insane when i put an addition on our home so i could set up another hifi system.

I'd like to get into collecting 1st generation television sets but i promised my wife i wouldnt find new areas to collect.

If i had the money nothing in my home would be newer than 1945.


Well-Known Member

Dont be sorry for the long read,its impossible to pass any worthwhile info with little one liners most kids are acustomed to,i mysely read one liners last in preference to posts where people take the time to actually say something instead of LoL or Ttyl.


Well-Known Member
I collect Japanese prints. Like my avatar,duh
My wife has some really fantastic hand drawn sketches of herself she smuggled out of Lebanon when she left that country,the artist was a friend of her family & ended up being killed in a bus bomb incident back in the early 80's.

The artist who sketched her used various methods & was growing in popularity before her murder,im not a trained art enthusiast so i wouldnt know good from bad but i know i'd like to collect more sketches like the ones of my wife that were done in charcoal,there is so much fake stuff out there i'd surely get ripped off.

I have a healthy respect for japanese paintings & wood carvings,furniture & other hand made crafts & ive thought about getting into something like collecting jade or ivory but im too uneducated.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and antique Hutchinson style Blob top soda bottles with our family name (I have 3 cases complete with the original case boxes).
I'd show you one, but then, well - you know.
But they look like this.

View attachment 3283463
I understand,the last name deal,dont blame you either.

I have quite a few soda pop bottles that ive gathered over the yrs,mainly brands i remember from childhood & all still full of pop,nothing of any real value like your bottles but mainly decorations & conversation pieces.

Dig this,a few yrs back my oldest son & i were talking about my old pop collection & he thought & 50 yr old bottle of coke would taste the same so we opened one up,he tasted it 1st & i was suprised,the old ass coke was still semi drinkable,we did a bottle of squirt next & that was a bad scene,a real bad scene,i smelled it before taking a sip & it smelled like a wino washed his feet in it,my stupid kid tasted it & got a chunk lodged in his throat.


Well-Known Member
That's some cool collecting people. I have managed to pick up some other things along the way. I managed to get the original patent for the Wright brothers airplane, The maps used in the Hiroshima bombing, the recording of the Hindenberg disaster, a bunch of NASA moon photos and the flag that was flying above the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Note: I do not have any of those things. I am joking. I Googled "lost historical item" and took the above list from the first paragraph of a CBS news story. I figured that since H2 is premiering Brett Metzlerz Lost History tomorrow night, it would be funny. But it would not be funny to have gubmint agents kick down my door. Please don't do that. What are the odds of ME having all four of the missing items in the CBS story I cadged this from? So don't be a dick. You didn't find the missing items. If you kick down my door I will do my best to ruin your career because you are a moron.


Well-Known Member
@Milovan I thought it was illegal to own moon rocks. Some 800 pounds were stolen from a nasa research lab (all the samples). All notes were stolen. and very little rocks were recovered.


Well-Known Member
That's some cool collecting people. I have managed to pick up some other things along the way. I managed to get the original patent for the Wright brothers airplane, The maps used in the Hiroshima bombing, the recording of the Hindenberg disaster, a bunch of NASA moon photos and the flag that was flying above the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Note: I do not have any of those things. I am joking. I Googled "lost historical item" and took the above list from the first paragraph of a CBS news story. I figured that since H2 is premiering Brett Metzlerz Lost History tomorrow night, it would be funny. But it would not be funny to have gubmint agents kick down my door. Please don't do that. What are the odds of ME having all four of the missing items in the CBS story I cadged this from? So don't be a dick. You didn't find the missing items. If you kick down my door I will do my best to ruin your career because you are a moron.
Wow,you had me for a minute there,it kinda bummed me out when i saw your disclaimer,i was gonna hit you up & tell you about the reward for some of those items,then i was gonna ask if you were really Rick Harrison from pawn stars,i'd love to visit his home a see his collection.

The coolest collection & presentation of any collectable ive seen was in a guys house i bought some stereo gear from,he didnt give 2 shits about the hifi stuff his deal was civil war stuff , he built a massive 4,000 sq ft addition off his home & had everything displayed like a small battlefield,he had real cannons with manaquins in full uniform manning the cannons,he had dummys with rifles all lined up like a rifle squad,he had a split rail fence dividing both armies & an entire wall of custom glass cases,full from floor to ceiling with pistols,canteens,knives,ammunition,clothing & uniforms as well as possibly the biggest collection of trench art ever assembled privately,if it was in the civil war he had atleast one of it.

This dude had to have been filthy rich & said i was the only stranger to see his collection,he also told me he had a flag that a museaum auctioned off but it wasnt for display he just didnt want another collector to own it.

Hopefully you'll regain your interest in your collections,at the very least set the pieces for display where you see them everyday,who knows you might find it enjoyable again.


Well-Known Member
I collect different kinds of pot. I have 12 so far when I crack new seeds I have to grow the plant at least three times. Its hard for me to let go of a strain sometimes. I think its an obsessive compulsive thing.
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