Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
we dont live together. Ive made that mistake in the past. I said a long time ago I would only live with a woman if she was my wife.
i think thats the smartest thing. i guess i just have bad luck with relationships that your living with each other.
i think thats my new rule.. .lol


Well-Known Member
Ever gotten the willow switch?Zooooweeee those hurt!
No...:shock: I got a belt with HONDA embossed on it.

Good night ladies.....MORNING ALL.........
*tackles Twisty and smothers him with sleepy love*

Ok ladies. I have a question. I have been dating this girl for like a year and things are not that great. We fight alot and honestly I dont think relationships should be this much work. It should not be a source of stress I have enough of that in the rest of my life, work, bills etc. Anyhow I have been thinking about taking a job about 4000 miles away. I have not even said anything to her about because it will not go over well and im not looking forward to the conversation. I guess at the end of the day I dont love her even though I tell her I do. I know its wrong but what can I say its just easier that way. I dont want to break her heart but I dont see it going any other way. Oh and to top it all off we work together. I know I know huge mistake but its done. So now to the question.... What do you think would be the best way to break it to her? I know I want to have a new start when I move and dont want to lead her on and give her the impreshin that some day (like in december when she finishes school) she could also move to the new town and we could live happier ever after. This sucks no mater what happens I will be an asshole in her eyes and I guess shes right.
I think you need to just break up with her. You sound like you're wanting to use your going away as an excuse, but that wouldn't be a good idea, because you'd be giving her that hope, that if she came with you, that you still love her in some way....

You need to break up with her, explain your reasons and end it. Maybe after she gets that you're broken up you can tell her about your job offer, but you should make it very clear that the job has nothing to do with the break up.

Wow, poor guy.... This is just my 2 cents, take it as you will.

There is a middle ground here I think your missing. I believe when ending a relationship, you should try to be nice. The feeling are uncomfertable enough, there is no need to add fuel to the fire. But you really have to break it off, no going back for sex or a second chance with my theory... When you done, you only have an obligation for a certain amount of truth. As long as its nothing fucked up like your leaving her for someone else or something like that, it's ok to with hold things to save someone feelings. Maybe try something like... "We fight way too much, I'm not happy in our relationship. I do care for you, but this is so draining its causing more resentments than happiness and I want to end it before we hate each other. I'v had a job offer that I really want, and I'v decided thats where I want to be. Sorry."

I know things are never that easy, but if you can see where I'm going with that, just stick to your guns. The chips are going to fell where they may. If you work together, that's nothing wrong with making a plan. If you don't live together, that makes it even easier. Put your notice in on your job, and ask it to be kept confidencial. On your last Friday of work, break it off that night. It's not being evil, its self perservation. Do your best not to hurt others while watching out for yourself. But if you make a plan, be prepared to stick to it.

Best of luck!!

Do you live in California? I know someone with a vanity plate that says MSBHAVIN or something like that, and your username just made me think of it...

I say leave in the midlle of the night and don't tell her and never look back.....;)
or you could stage your own death! We could have a funeral for you and everything....even bury you!

Don't trip, we'd give you oxygen tanks, and we'd be back to dig you up when it got dark.

Of course we might get caught, and arrested for...grave robbing?....anyways, we'd get arrested, and booked, and then you'd sufficate and die....

Maybe we should skip the burying you part.


Well-Known Member
No...:shock: I got a belt with HONDA embossed on it.

*tackles Twisty and smothers him with sleepy love*

I think you need to just break up with her. You sound like you're wanting to use your going away as an excuse, but that wouldn't be a good idea, because you'd be giving her that hope, that if she came with you, that you still love her in some way....

You need to break up with her, explain your reasons and end it. Maybe after she gets that you're broken up you can tell her about your job offer, but you should make it very clear that the job has nothing to do with the break up.

Do you live in California? I know someone with a vanity plate that says MSBHAVIN or something like that, and your username just made me think of it...

or you could stage your own death! We could have a funeral for you and everything....even bury you!

Don't trip, we'd give you oxygen tanks, and we'd be back to dig you up when it got dark.

Of course we might get caught, and arrested for...grave robbing?....anyways, we'd get arrested, and booked, and then you'd sufficate and die....

Maybe we should skip the burying you part.
Just burn some branches and put them in a jar. Say we cremated him.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
damn, that's a pretty good idea! *high five*

I've always wondered about cremation. I mean, how do you know those are really Uncle Jack's ashes and not some random stranger? Is it ALL Uncle Jack, or is it Uncle Jack with a spinkle of Jane Doe #12?

What movie is it where they're spreading some guy's ashes, and a gust of wind blows the ashes back at them, and one of the guys screams something like, "James (or whatever the hell the person whose ashes they were's name is) is in my EYE!"


Well-Known Member
That's funny I will call my that too and he said today mom i'm starting kindergarten I'm a big boy then grins real big right mom. soosoo cute


Well-Known Member
They get so big so fast! I remember when my niece was born, she was so tiny. So precious. Now she's 4 and sometimes the things she says sound a lot older than 4 and it makes me sad, cuz she's not a baby anymore....
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