Smoking While Preggers

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with pain meds for labor.IT FUCKING HURTS.Ihave never felt so much pain in my life.So to hell with the do em all natural if you want.My first was natural, and it was the most awful experience of my life. My second labor, even though I had complications, was quiet and stress free for me, because there was no pain.In my opinion, the guy who administered my anesthetic is a gleaming golden god and I hope he busts fifty nuts a day.
Wow.. really? Now, with the first boy, he was a planned C-section, and then I rode a horse and went into labor (I thought it was a really bad upset stomach). By the time I got to the hospital I was one seriously scared, puking little puppy. Don't fuck around with an epidural, put me OUT. I didn't meet him until he was several hours old, but the rest of the family did. I knew the moment we met that something was wrong with him, but he was 12 when he was finally diagnosed with autism. Remember, this is the kid with whom I did NOTHING--no aspirin, certainly no ciggies, no pot, I don't drink so no booze, nothing.

The second boy was a full 3 days labor. I finally got my epi after begging, then becoming exceedingly irate (between pukes), and JUST as I was dilating enough for birth, the epi wore off. He took 29 minutes to come into the world from that point, and nurse with the umbilicus still attached. I would say that we are very, very closely bonded. I smoked when I was pregnant with him. Nothing resembling a regular basis, but I did.

Either way, with both of my boys, I was pretty focused on them. The oldest one required a pretty strong dedication because he was admitted to NICU for ten days due to a very poorly administered vitamin K shot that made his little leg swell up hard and red. When I found that out, they'd already started the antibiotics and his tube feeds, too late, or I would have told them that his reaction is exactly as mine is when I'm given a shot badly. After I was released (5day stay) I went to the hospital several times a day with my breast milk that I had hand-fucking pumped so he could have the best I had to offer.

Hehheh.. I gave milk like a cow, now that I think about it. I ended up giving a lot more milk than he took, so a lot of it, including some of my colostrum, went to the other babies in NICU. I was really happy I could do that for them, especially the day I took my son home.


Well-Known Member

Orally ingested fluoride helps the development of tooth enamel in humans up to age 3. Topically applied fluoride (toothpaste) is good for your teeth for your whole life. Professors at dental universities drink out of the water fountain. Yes, the government is evil, but they aren't crafty.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Florida, I'm curious, how much of the article you posted did you read?
I read ALL OF IT… did you?… I admit I’m a little hazy on some of the medical terminology…. however I can certainly get clarification straight from a physician on anything you would like to challenge.

Did you read any of the other article cited? Are you dismissing Dreher's study out of hand, or have you simply been unable to find anything else on it? I have been unable to find the actual study.
YES I read it…. 5 times… and YEP… I’m dismissing it COMPLETELY! Did YOU read it? Not once is there is a discussion of how many people the good Doctor observed….nothing about her control group (other then “suggested“). There is NOTHING clinically documented to support her findings…. other then her words in an interview! If I had posted such an incomplete article I would have been FRIED here!

I really don't think that the debate is that it's good for a fetus so much as how harmful it is, or is not.
Until we know more… why would we, as a community, not be open to the possibility that it’s bad for a fetus? We support the use of mj for adults… but not for people under 18…. so why would we advocate it’s use without caution to pregnant mothers?

Can you address the idea that not only are studies that may show inaccuracies or even outright misstatements about the deleterious effects might be squelched?
Unfortunately… I can’t. While I would love to spout off something….ANYTHING that supports mj use is good for a fetus’….. I can’t because I don’t have it. Everyone I talk to…and everything I read (with hard medical facts) leads me to believe that mj is meant for ADULTS with fully formed brains only.

I hate to say this but it's clear to me that you did not read the article fdd posted, or you would know that no one is advocating smoking an infant out. Yet, you've insisted on using the imagery of someone blowing smoke forcefully into an infant's face. You don't think you're gonna be met with a little resistance, especially from mothers such as myself when you start using those types of inflammatory comments?
I read what FDD linked to…. Did you? That article contains NO data other then “quoted statements”…. Hell the article doesn’t’ even detail anything about how it was conducted other then “these are her findings”…..WTF???? If I posted an article like that…without hard HUMAN TISSUE SLIDES …. You all would have a field day calling me on it!

FDD seems to be the messiah….if he posts a link … well then it must be the gospel!!!! I have news for you all… I respect him as much as you all…but when I see BULLSHIT with no FACTUAL data to back it up…. I’m going to CALL IT!

As to the whole “inflammatory comments” statement….well I certainly didn’t mean to come off that way…. and quite frankly I don’t see where I did. Perhaps you have me confused with another poster????

(sigh) I guess I'm just a really horrible, horrible mother who doesn't know a thing about bearing, raising, or protecting her own children (or even the children of others, eh?) since I smoked some while I was pregnant with my second child. :(

LOL… a bit melodramatic don’t you think???


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of women who have smoked marijuana while pregnant and had perfectly healthy babies. And I've never met a woman with a child who was disabled because she smoked marijuana. Crack maybe, or cigarettes, but never met anyone with a problem cuz their mom smoked marijuana.


New Member
Does anyone remember the Thalidomide babies? That was a drug handed out by doctors for morning sickness. Just because a doctor says it's ok doesn't mean it is, just because a doctor says it isn't ok doesn't mean it isn't........

Everytime I took one of those little blue pills for morning sickness Thalidomide babies were always in the back of my mind. Will my baby be deformed from this? I'm scared of this pill but I need it too. If I could go back in time, I'd flush those blue pills and use weed for sickness for both kids.


Does anyone remember the Thalidomide babies? That was a drug handed out by doctors for morning sickness. Just because a doctor says it's ok doesn't mean it is, just because a doctor says it isn't ok doesn't mean it isn't........

Everytime I took one of those little blue pills for morning sickness Thalidomide babies were always in the back of my mind. Will my baby be deformed from this? I'm scared of this pill but I need it too. If I could go back in time, I'd flush those blue pills and use weed for sickness for both kids.

you wont sway any of the naysayers no matter what is brought up.... they will blindly trust the doctors no matter what they say...:wall:


Well-Known Member
Dr's did this ..............

Thalidomide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thalidomide was developed by German pharmaceutical company Grünenthal in Stolberg (Rhineland) near Aachen. It was sold from 1957 to 1961 in almost 50 countries under at least 40 names, including Distaval, Talimol, Nibrol, Sedimide, Quietoplex, Contergan, Neurosedyn, and Softenon. Thalidomide was chiefly sold and prescribed during the late 1950s and early 1960s to pregnant women, as an antiemetic to combat morning sickness and as an aid to help them sleep. Before its release, inadequate tests were performed to assess the drug's safety, with catastrophic results for the children of women who had taken thalidomide during their pregnancies.


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
you wont sway any of the naysayers no matter what is brought up.... they will blindly trust the doctors no matter what they say...:wall:
And the posters here who also posted links to articles where research supporting mj use done and touted its use???? Are those posters not blindly trusting those doctors??..

I especially love how the one with no hard clinical data.... nothing more then a glorified interview "claiming" proven data but not really showing it is being hailed here as undeniable "proof"... (talk about using that word foot loose and fancy free)....

You go ahead and beat your little smilie face against the wall.... your statement accusing some of doing the same exact thing others are doing is tantamount to.....



Well-Known Member
I am on the fence with this one.
On one side I agree with FlGirl. I believe that a mother should not use marijuana while pregnant if it is being used for recreational use ONLY.
On the other side I believe that marijuana use should be permitted to use during pregnancy for medicinal purposes.
I guess until further studies are done no one will know for sure exactly the pros and cons of using during pregnancy.
I think in the meantime, all moms to be should use their own judgment..
I also believe that it is not my place to judge ANYONE regardless of their beliefs.
Just a thought.


New Member
you wont sway any of the naysayers no matter what is brought up.... they will blindly trust the doctors no matter what they say...:wall:
Christ, some of you act like we are denying the unborn child some kind of nute. Its weed. We have no proof either way if it harms the baby. But if there is a chance it does then why even do it? Just because YOU want to believe it so bad that you have to think all doctors are out to fool you into NOT doing it? And then some of you guys equate NOT giving your unborn children weed with past practices that killed or deformed them. Where is the logic in that? You are giving an unborn fetus drugs. A developing child. Someone who has no say.

My wife was sick as hell, she threw up, stayed in bed some days but she never thought about doing something that would hurt the fetus. Oh yeah, here come the epi debate which is pure bullshit. There was no dif in our children (one was natural and the other my wife got the epi). Both are healthy. And just because someone's mother smoked and they turned out ok doesn't mean a thing. I know mothers who did all the right things and had babies with problems. Its how things are.

Bottom line, I wouldn't do anything that would POSSIBLY hurt the child. That RIGHT THERE is reason enough.

And again I ask the question; Can't you give up weed for nine months to ensure the health of your child?


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

I must have missed the posts here where someone was supporting the use of Thalidomide..... or could it be that this is nothing more then deflection of the topic at hand?

If you all are so quick to call doctors into question then why do you so quickly accept the "study" conducted by Dr. Dreher?

LOL... that's a rhetorical question... no need to answer... it's pretty obvious that the consensus here is to only believe a doctor if they support your side of the debate....clinical data be damned.


Well-Known Member
No, she didn't. Not one. But she did take vitamins and she hated them because she burped them up and they tasted horrible.
The reason I asked is because I would like to know if anyone has taken the prescribed meds without a problem. I have a read a lot about the moms that have used marijuana to help for their nausea, and they all state the same problems. Then I read about all of the adverse side effects from the prescribed meds....Is there anyone out here that gave up pot and opted for the prescriptions and had a good experience?


I must have missed the posts here where someone was supporting the use of Thalidomide..... or could it be that this is nothing more then deflection of the topic at hand?

If you all are so quick to call doctors into question then why do you so quickly accept the "study" conducted by Dr. Dreher?

LOL... that's a rhetorical question... no need to answer... it's pretty obvious that the consensus here is to only believe a doctor if they support your side of the debate....clinical data be damned.

that seems to be the main problem... "clinical data" all seems to be conflicting; so i guess it's just a matter of what clinical data you trust to be the most accurate...


Well-Known Member
I must have missed the posts here where someone was supporting the use of Thalidomide..... or could it be that this is nothing more then deflection of the topic at hand?

If you all are so quick to call doctors into question then why do you so quickly accept the "study" conducted by Dr. Dreher?

LOL... that's a rhetorical question... no need to answer... it's pretty obvious that the consensus here is to only believe a doctor if they support your side of the debate....clinical data be damned.

i don't believe MOST DR.s, and who ever said i was "so quick to accept" anything? i didn't even read the study conducted by Dr Dreher. i know enough pot heads. :blsmoke:

everybody was saying, "well my Dr said". Dr's say a lot of things. :peace: