Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
20150102_190814.jpg This is "Moma dog",while hunting with my other two today she managed to get up on the counter and get my last cookie!
Can't lie, she is happy and chill, won't move much but her tail sure is waggling! Probably doesn't have any arthritis pain? :eyesmoke:(She's retired from hunting two years now).


Global Moderator
Staff member
View attachment 3323978 This is "Moma dog",while hunting with my other two today she managed to get up on the counter and get my last cookie!
Can't lie, she is happy and chill, won't move much but her tail sure is waggling! Probably doesn't have any arthritis pain? :eyesmoke:(She's retired from hunting two years now).
They definitely react different to it.
My Boerboel was in the dumps a while back with a painful leg/back after he crashed running up the back porch steps in the rain/ice.
I gave him a very small piece of a cookie to see if it would settle him & much the opposite happened.
I ended up with a 150 lb dog charging through the house at the slightest noise for hours - he almost mowed Mrs GWN & I down quite a few times.

He's not allowed to partake anymore.