Club 600


Well-Known Member
You just want want want huh? Fireballs, purple honeybee, maui x harle...

Lol it's all good everyday on here and IG I see shot and I'm like damn I want that!

It's cold as shit here to. Freaking 14 degrees here! Holy fuck!
Hell yea can't have enough. I have some Honeybee to go throught but those Fireballs are amazing. When it comes to top smoke I'm like a kid in toysrus. Want want want lol


Well-Known Member
@BobBitchen - freaking beautiful girl there bro! Can't wait to pop some of those Fireball beans myself!

The weather here is mid 60s today, mid 50s tomorrow, and lower 30s for the high Thursday. It's going to be single digits with the wind chill Thursdsy morning which is insane cold for here! Sounds like some good weather to be watching from the window with the fire on and a J being passed around :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm getting rid of a couple more things out of the garage :)
I need some space to build shelves on the backside of a wall of my grow room to store some things that are in the van. Might be getting rid of the van soon so I need to be able to fit it all in the garage.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I grew afgooey once. It was a bad experience. I called it pretendica... it looked awesome... tasted awesome... NO HIGH! Literally NONE. Couldnt beleive it. Gave a bunch for some trusted peeps to try and same thing...LOL I ended up binning like 6 zips of it... I was super bummed.

Im learey now of afgooey or af anything...

G I hope yours are bomb dude! they looks stellar.


Well-Known Member
Alpha check out Reggae Seeds, Juanita La Lagrimosa.
Super high cbd and a kick of a buzz to boot.
This has been used to start a lot of med strains.

I have my pellet stove fixed thank God, the coldest weather of the season is here
tomorrow it may get to double digit temps.
The stove again, what was the issue? Always worry about mine going out.