

Active Member
a friend of mine had the cops in his house for another reason and there were plants in his bathroom. the cops first of all weren't invited in and one cop was a nosey lil pig fuck so he walked to the hallway and saw the plants in the distance on the sink. he then says something like 314 trafficking on his radio. I believe he retracted the 314 because nothing happened and they left. my question is should he get rid of them (3 plants) in case that officer gets a search warrant? or will he have enough time to flush before they storm the door? p.s. fuck the law

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yes, for god's sake, get rid of them and be safe!
a friend of mine had the cops in his house for another reason and there were plants in his bathroom. the cops first of all weren't invited in and one cop was a nosey lil pig fuck so he walked to the hallway and saw the plants in the distance on the sink. he then says something like 314 trafficking on his radio. I believe he retracted the 314 because nothing happened and they left. my question is should he get rid of them (3 plants) in case that officer gets a search warrant? or will he have enough time to flush before they storm the door? p.s. fuck the law


Well-Known Member
It would be without question to remove the plants from his house...after something like that. SEE five post in one minute. Get them out.


Well-Known Member
If you cant figure this out on your own, then you probably should not be growing. I am not saying that to be a dick. You are just gonna PUT YOURSELF in jail.


Active Member
yea. i had a cop scare today too.

two cop cars pulled up in front of my house. i was shitting bricks.

but then they walked up the street. and i was chill again


Well-Known Member
well i dont know where you are at in that states.. but i know some one that had a grow house they got busted and nothing but a slap on the hand. so i wouldnt worry about 2 or 3 plants .. but thats just me.. i always think there are bigger fish to fry..


Active Member
it was a small rubbermaid setup. there wre like 10 plants all together, flushed 8. Im thinking he could have enough time to keep 2 (they're not entirely too huge) by the toilet so that his gf can stall and he could flush if they were to come back. why wouldn't the cop just try and do something then if he watned to? he called in a 'trafficking' issue but then retracted it. he looks like he could be a dick but he could not be it's a 50/50. I know he didn't have jurisdiction to walk around but if he wanted to he would have busted him then idk if calling it in was a scare tactic or not. but there's always the possibility of them getting a warrant. if they see an eyeball in the peephole (like they did earlier) and he said one second and they waited, will they wait with a warrant? I think he'd have enough time to get rid of 2


Active Member
thats the thing they never were technically let in.. they kinda just walked in it was never a verbal 'come in officer' and they were in the living room taking a report so he had no right to go snooping around. they left on a chill note so I dont know if he wants to get rid of his hard work just yet.


Well-Known Member
u dont have much time they bust down your door and point guns at you it 2 plants id let them have then insed of getin shot lol


Active Member
you think they will bust down immediately? he could chop them bitches in about 15 seconds so I dont know.. they're lst'd and in first 3 days of flwr


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make sense. Once the police see the plants they don't need a warrant, they have probable cause. Very strange.


Active Member
yes.. but he didn't have probable cause to go walking through his apt. but then again his gf is a dumbass for leaving the door open for him to see them down the hallway. im use to cops doing whatever the hell they want to do so but maybe he wants to do it by the books but then again he was there a long time.. so im not sure if he will issue a warrant or not is the only reason why im debating on if he should keep them. I just want to know if anyone knows if there's an exact amount of time in their protocol after they knock on the door and say police to when they bust the door down cause if it's enough time ill just slice 'em up IF that time arrives (hopefully not)


Well-Known Member
I just asked my husband, whom happens to be a retired cop.
He says to get them out of there now. He said because of the threat of violating your 4th amendment right, the cop is putting what he saw in his report (for the initial reason he was there) then the cop will have a search warrant issued. This protects the cop from any liability and will help the charge stand up in court.
He also said I was correct on the probable cause, however, because of your 4th amendment right this cop is protecting his ass.