
also i wonder why they make non meat products look like meat , they even call these "chicken style pieces"
just seems a little odd


do vegans try to turn their pets into vegans?....

pets cant make the choice to be vegans, so its supposed to be ok for them to eat meat they are acting on natural instincts ,
humans can make the choice not to eat meat and override the instinct to eat meat because of greater intelligence ?
if humans were designed only to eat carrots and lettuce etc would we have all flat blunt teeth like a tortoise
im sure i have heard vegans argue that humans are not naturally omnivores ?
well if we lived ina vegan world you wouldnt need to ranch them they would just be animals,
lived how they used to per-colonization roam, do what they do be animals.

if you look at per-colonization animals did just fine. they wouldnt be extinct if they lived like a real animal should there obviously would be MILLIONS less because people are not artificially inseminating them and making them live the cycle of veal, calf, milking cow, meat product.
so yes they would be less but they would be animals who do animal things specific to their species

youre still not getting it and bit of a difference between the whole lion than a cow whos a herbivore. lions generally have free roam where they are now, so you cant really compare farm animals to a lion.

Vegans have no use to EAT , or USE animal products, that doesnt mean cows for instance wouldnt be able to be a cow and graze on grass like it should.
Well I for one will pass on feral hogs. All those herds of buffalo would need to eat too, I suppose we would just tolerate them eating our breqd basket?

Animals would be in the way, competition for resources. Then out come the rifles and what a waste of meat.

Anyway you look at it, they have it pretty good now unless they are a veal calf or poultry stuffed in packed houses. But, meats meat and man's gotta eat. I'm sure there are some Koreans frying up some puppy right now too. In the end, we are really the bigger problem, promoting the extinction of all species through pollution and climate change. I suppose the vegan way is simply a slow starvation of the offensive human species into extinction.

And hunting is fun too. Human nature is to be a predator. Rebellion against nature is doomed to defeat. We as a species are building a massive population living a house of cards, detatched from natural processes as we speak.

If exposed to hunger, natural selection, we'll all be eating meat or dying. Face it, most people haven't ever hunted or farmed. They just go to Wal-Mart or Safeway. In nature a LOT more nutritional value is had from shooting one deer in one day than hoping to reap a crop with minths of labor. So when push comes to shove, meat is a great food supply that can walk around on the hoof and follow your family until it's time to eat.
I'm kinda frightened by a non-meat containing meat replacement, which isn't tofu (soy). Guessing by the name (Quorn) that they use corn?

I'm also frightened by the in vitro stuff they are calling meat. Perhaps it would be a bit more acceptable to me if I were on a deep space mission.

Physiologically, we are omnivores. Our digestive tract isn't long enough, nor properly equipped chemically, to properly survive from eating only plant material. Homo-sapiens also owes to the consumption of meat, the size and function of our brains, among other things.

I respect the fact that we are now capable of choosing whether we wish to continue being omnivores or not, it means that right now, most of our needs are easily taken care of, for now. Some food for thought, though. Where would we be if our ancestors never took up eating the other animals?
many questions sunni :)

is it ok to feed carnivorous pets meat products
i have heard it is ok to do this as these pets are not intelligent enough to choose to be vegans ?

although this viewpoint seems to convey the message that vegans feel a little but "superior" for choosing not to eat meat

i think snaps made a good point, we are above animals on the food chain , should we feel guilty for eating them ?
we know animals eat each other, which goes back to the point of "being a vegan is a "superior choice of life style"

i have seen a video where dogs are skinned alive for their coats its a horrible thing to see
but still i have no issue eating meat, perhaps this makes me a hypocrite ?

those strange situations where folk eat humans (mountain climbing gone wrong) plane crashes etc
would the human instinct to survive kick in for the vegan or would they refuse human meat and die .. i wonder

is it ok to eat road kill, since the animal is dead anyway ?

it seems that vegans have an issue eating flesh itself, or the thought of it like they develop an aversion to flesh itself
not just the fact that an animal suffered

just my thoughts, not trying to get at your or anything :)

ill try to answer from my point of view again my views dont reflect every vegan . so what i say may not be for other vegans.

the way i see it is my bunny is a herbivore so i feed it a diet that allows it to live a good life, IF i had cats they are obligatory carnivores so i must feed a meat diet. it would be unfair to have a carnivorous pet and feed it as a herbivore because it would (not could) get sick.

I dont think were REALLY above animals in the food chain in the sense people use it to be argumentative with.
but if i am top of food chain i need to make sure that the land and animals on it, live out a good life for my future, my childrens and so on and so forth
and so far we are doing nothing to make that happen. so i try to live in a life in the least harm possible, this includes my previous comment on plastic and rubbers etc.

people see dogs and cows differently, if you dont like supporting the fur industry but eat meat go for it, one less fur coat in demand for you!

i couldnt answer the survival situation because its a rare case, and i havent ever been in that predicament where i had to eat human flesh ?

i wouldnt eat road kill...
what would a vegan feed their cat?
a cat is an obligatory carnivore, most vegans do not own cats or if they had a cat pervious to being vegan they would feed it a proper diet which includes meat because cats have no choice like humans , they are carnivores and cant live on a vegan diet, again MY OWN OPINION there is a huge debate within the vegan community and there are brands of food marketed to cats for a vegan lifestyle and many cats do just fine but i personally dont believe thats right since the cat is a carnivore.
I HAVE A CHOICE , they dont. again MY OWN OPINION not reflecting every vegan. (this is important to know)

But would a vegan kill a mouse to feed their cat?....or do they fed them carrot's?...
do you know any meat eater who just regularly feeds their cat mice? probably not if you say you do youre just being argumentative to prove a point ...cats catch mice sure but that doesnt have to do with the lifestyle of the owner.
also i wonder why they make non meat products look like meat , they even call these "chicken style pieces"
just seems a little odd



Im glad someone brought up meat looking alternatives because it can be highly misunderstood MOST vegans do not actually eat these.
or LONG TERM vegans do not usually eat them.
people who grew up in life from baby as a vegan or vegetarian DO NOT EVER eat these.

these products are made for people who are transitioning to veganism so they basically can have their cake and eat it too
people generally do give up meat on taste they give it up because they dont like the processes animals have to go through so they see it as a way to eat a sausage without harming an animal.

I personally eat plenty of veggie burgers never herd of this brand myself.
There are people who are really health concious or think they are and they choose these because of the lesser calorie content (they are usually not vegans or vegetarians) but they do it for lower calorie/ no sat fats.

if humans were designed only to eat carrots and lettuce etc would we have all flat blunt teeth like a tortoise
im sure i have heard vegans argue that humans are not naturally omnivores ?
again i think were omnivores, i dont think we are herbs, but alot of vegans think we are again my own views not representing the entire vegan community.