What?what would a vegan feed their cat?
do vegans try to turn their pets into vegans?....What?
do vegans try to turn their pets into vegans?....
Well I for one will pass on feral hogs. All those herds of buffalo would need to eat too, I suppose we would just tolerate them eating our breqd basket?well if we lived ina vegan world you wouldnt need to ranch them they would just be animals,
lived how they used to per-colonization roam, do what they do be animals.
if you look at per-colonization animals did just fine. they wouldnt be extinct if they lived like a real animal should there obviously would be MILLIONS less because people are not artificially inseminating them and making them live the cycle of veal, calf, milking cow, meat product.
so yes they would be less but they would be animals who do animal things specific to their species
youre still not getting it and bit of a difference between the whole lion than a cow whos a herbivore. lions generally have free roam where they are now, so you cant really compare farm animals to a lion.
Vegans have no use to EAT , or USE animal products, that doesnt mean cows for instance wouldnt be able to be a cow and graze on grass like it should.
Smells like chicken, keep on lickin, smells like trout, back on out.I ate a vegan girl out the other day. Pussy taste like chicken.
many questions sunni
is it ok to feed carnivorous pets meat products
i have heard it is ok to do this as these pets are not intelligent enough to choose to be vegans ?
although this viewpoint seems to convey the message that vegans feel a little but "superior" for choosing not to eat meat
i think snaps made a good point, we are above animals on the food chain , should we feel guilty for eating them ?
we know animals eat each other, which goes back to the point of "being a vegan is a "superior choice of life style"
i have seen a video where dogs are skinned alive for their coats its a horrible thing to see
but still i have no issue eating meat, perhaps this makes me a hypocrite ?
those strange situations where folk eat humans (mountain climbing gone wrong) plane crashes etc
would the human instinct to survive kick in for the vegan or would they refuse human meat and die .. i wonder
is it ok to eat road kill, since the animal is dead anyway ?
it seems that vegans have an issue eating flesh itself, or the thought of it like they develop an aversion to flesh itself
not just the fact that an animal suffered
just my thoughts, not trying to get at your or anything![]()
a cat is an obligatory carnivore, most vegans do not own cats or if they had a cat pervious to being vegan they would feed it a proper diet which includes meat because cats have no choice like humans , they are carnivores and cant live on a vegan diet, again MY OWN OPINION there is a huge debate within the vegan community and there are brands of food marketed to cats for a vegan lifestyle and many cats do just fine but i personally dont believe thats right since the cat is a carnivore.what would a vegan feed their cat?
do you know any meat eater who just regularly feeds their cat mice? probably not if you say you do youre just being argumentative to prove a point ...cats catch mice sure but that doesnt have to do with the lifestyle of the owner.But would a vegan kill a mouse to feed their cat?....or do they fed them carrot's?...
also i wonder why they make non meat products look like meat , they even call these "chicken style pieces"
just seems a little odd
again i think were omnivores, i dont think we are herbs, but alot of vegans think we are again my own views not representing the entire vegan community.if humans were designed only to eat carrots and lettuce etc would we have all flat blunt teeth like a tortoise
im sure i have heard vegans argue that humans are not naturally omnivores ?
Other cats of course.what would a vegan feed their cat?