
I'm kinda frightened by a non-meat containing meat replacement, which isn't tofu (soy). Guessing by the name (Quorn) that they use corn?

I'm also frightened by the in vitro stuff they are calling meat. Perhaps it would be a bit more acceptable to me if I were on a deep space mission.

Physiologically, we are omnivores. Our digestive tract isn't long enough, nor properly equipped chemically, to properly survive from eating only plant material. Homo-sapiens also owes to the consumption of meat, the size and function of our brains, among other things.

I respect the fact that we are now capable of choosing whether we wish to continue being omnivores or not, it means that right now, most of our needs are easily taken care of, for now. Some food for thought, though. Where would we be if our ancestors never took up eating the other animals?
ok so more non meat replacements are not soy anymore because of the big soy debacle almost all non meat replacements are kosher, gmo free, basically like every little label like that organic etc.
most of them are made from peas, or like...wheat , but all non gmo.

the invtiro shit scares the fuck out of me personally.

our ancestors used meat really differently from the way we do now, and its not just how they ate meat but also vegetables the earth was more pure, and they only took what they needed they respected the balance of life, and we now have completely put it out of balance.
So Sunni, speaking for just yourself, you view veganism as a lifestyle rather than a diet?
most vegans think of it as a lifestyle.
it isnt jsut about what we put on the plate we dont usually eat palm oil, limit plastic use, limit excessive use of gas

so ill let you a little native story
in the native way, the creator told the natives to boozshoo which means "walk softly on the earth" the creator told the natives that when they put 1 element out of balance the rest would follow suit. so if you killed an animal all parts must be used and shared throughout the community and not to take too many animals for consumption at one time in order to restore balance, they were also told this specific ideal for every other element like water, and soil, trees, they were told mother earth must replenish herself as she is an ever giving loving home.

Today , we see aquifers taking too much water and not enough time to replenish, we see earths soil being destroyed and we see too much animal products going to waste and to feed as food, there is no sharing and mother earths elements are being torn up causing a dis balance in the systems this is how i try to live by. By walking softly on the earth, i try everyday my hardest to minimalism the impact on the earth that i have and what i put into my body is just one small part of my efforts to make the earth sustainable for all of our children and future generations.

Now there are some people who call themselves plant based , and they live a diet, they just eat more plants or all plants and such because they are like a workout junkie kinda deal. they dont generally adapt to the entire life.
i wouldnt eat road kill...

i get the part that you do not what to cause any harm or suffering directly to animals to feed yourself, when humans can survive fine on veggies etc

can you elaborate why you would not eat meat when the animal did not directly suffer to feed you ?
the example i gave was road kill or lab generated meat

you say vegans have a choice , maybe for some the thought of eating flesh makes them nauseous?

i think it is strange that we eat other creatures to survive, its strange but i can still do it
if i had to kill all my own food i would not find this easy though but i think i would get used to it
i do not eat a great deal of meat anyway mostly chicken
do all vegans really have a choice i wonder, or do some of them have a kind of mental block about eating flesh
i get the part that you do not what to cause any harm or suffering directly to animals to feed yourself, when humans can survive fine on veggies etc

can you elaborate why you would not eat meat when the animal did not directly suffer to feed you ?
the example i gave was road kill or lab generated meat

you say vegans have a choice , maybe for some the thought of eating flesh makes them nauseous?

i think it is strange that we eat other creatures to survive, its strange but i can still do it
if i had to kill all my own food i would not find this easy though but i think i would get used to it
i do not eat a great deal of meat anyway mostly chicken
do all vegans really have a choice i wonder, or do some of them have a kind of mental block about eating flesh

i wouldnt eat road kill cause when i was a meat eater i wouldnt have ate, so i can safely assume as a vegan i wouldnt either.

i'll tell you my story on how it all came to be

I was sick with anxiety, i suffered from tummy aches, i had acne, i was overweight, my nails broke, my hair was crappy.
and overally i was unhappy with myself, so i started dieting, and i would diet, ive tried every fad diet and exercise of course and nothing worked.

So im sitting at home watching netflix and i see this documentary vegucated, so i watched it happily like i would any other movie (i like documentaries naturally so its not uncommon) and i was eating a ceaser salad and blue rare steak as per normal which was my favorite dinner.

i couldnt even finish my meal by like 30 minutes into the movie.

and i never looked back, i have no axneity anymore, i havent had a panic or attack in over 4 years. my nails never break, my hair is soft and beautiful (im a hairstylist by trade or was at the time of not being vegan so i knew quite a bit) , and i lost over 50 -60 lbs through exercise and proper eating, basically like all the fat melted off unlike with diets not instantly obviously over time.

so i told myself i would get to a happy weight and go back to eat meat,and cheese oh god cheese.

and i just never did, i really enjoy the way i eat now, i dont miss it, im not deprived nutritionally, i feel good i look good my skin looks fucking great soft too.
I mean i just really like the outcome of how i feel and look now,

I wouldnt eat meat if there was no suffering involved because after 4-5 years ish? my taste buds have completely changed, it would feel unnatural especially in the texture aspect,

now again i cant speak for everyone, i just know that the smell and i work in restaurants all my life, the smell is just off putting now, and it isnt the mental block of the flesh , its just after you dont eat that for like years and years its a whole nother world , youre senses dont find it with an associating pleasure.

I think there are specific people that are per-destented (if you will) to be vegan or vegetarian, just like certain people are really good a math and others are artistically inclined
my mom told me a story about how i would always argue with her when i was a kid that milk was a stupid concept because it was unclear to me why i would drink breast milk from an animal.
now, my mom and family are italian least vegan type people in the world so that thought didnt come from anywhere but me.
that is just my opinion honestly who knows.

it takes a specific kinda person to abstain from meat foods, and as ive been told by just about everyone "i have excellent will power"

I honestly dont, andi just dont wanna eat it.

Someone on this board told me i was denying myself the pleasure of food...but it couldnt be farther from the truth i ENJOY what i eat, i FUCKING LOVE FOOD, i love to eat, i love to cook, i love to bake. ...and i certainly dont deny myself sweet elegant treats or luxurious elegant food its just mine is different but i love it.
i wouldnt eat road kill cause when i was a meat eater i wouldnt have ate, so i can safely assume as a vegan i wouldnt either.

i'll tell you my story on how it all came to be

I was sick with anxiety, i suffered from tummy aches, i had acne, i was overweight, my nails broke, my hair was crappy.
and overally i was unhappy with myself, so i started dieting, and i would diet, ive tried every fad diet and exercise of course and nothing worked.

So im sitting at home watching netflix and i see this documentary vegucated, so i watched it happily like i would any other movie (i like documentaries naturally so its not uncommon) and i was eating a ceaser salad and blue rare steak as per normal which was my favorite dinner.

i couldnt even finish my meal by like 30 minutes into the movie.

and i never looked back, i have no axneity anymore, i havent had a panic or attack in over 4 years. my nails never break, my hair is soft and beautiful (im a hairstylist by trade or was at the time of not being vegan so i knew quite a bit) , and i lost over 50 -60 lbs through exercise and proper eating, basically like all the fat melted off unlike with diets not instantly obviously over time.

so i told myself i would get to a happy weight and go back to eat meat,and cheese oh god cheese.

and i just never did, i really enjoy the way i eat now, i dont miss it, im not deprived nutritionally, i feel good i look good my skin looks fucking great soft too.
I mean i just really like the outcome of how i feel and look now,

I wouldnt eat meat if there was no suffering involved because after 4-5 years ish? my taste buds have completely changed, it would feel unnatural especially in the texture aspect,

now again i cant speak for everyone, i just know that the smell and i work in restaurants all my life, the smell is just off putting now, and it isnt the mental block of the flesh , its just after you dont eat that for like years and years its a whole nother world , youre senses dont find it with an associating pleasure.

I think there are specific people that are per-destented (if you will) to be vegan or vegetarian, just like certain people are really good a math and others are artistically inclined
my mom told me a story about how i would always argue with her when i was a kid that milk was a stupid concept because it was unclear to me why i would drink breast milk from an animal.
now, my mom and family are italian least vegan type people in the world so that thought didnt come from anywhere but me.
that is just my opinion honestly who knows.

it takes a specific kinda person to abstain from meat foods, and as ive been told by just about everyone "i have excellent will power"

I honestly dont, andi just dont wanna eat it.

Someone on this board told me i was denying myself the pleasure of food...but it couldnt be farther from the truth i ENJOY what i eat, i FUCKING LOVE FOOD, i love to eat, i love to cook, i love to bake. ...and i certainly dont deny myself sweet elegant treats or luxurious elegant food its just mine is different but i love it.

That actually does make sense, after so long not eating meat it would be strange
i think its different for adults who make the decision as adults
i knew a guy who was a vegetarian since a child, he said when he found out where sausages really came from it made him feel sick
he could not handle the concept of eating a dead creature, which as i have said is very weird when you think about it

That actually does make sense, after so long not eating meat it would be strange
i think its different for adults who make the decision as adults
i knew a guy who was a vegetarian since a child, he said when he found out where sausages really came from it made him feel sick
he could not handle to concept of eating a dead creature, which as i have said is very weird when you think about it

i have a friend whos been a vegetarian his entire life, hes tried every meat product once in his adult years and simply didnt like it.
so he chooses not to eat it.

but if you look at someone whos culturally vegetarian as oppressed to a western vegetarian or what not its not much different from kids who do eat meat, they will look at vegetarian foods and be like wtf compressed wheat thats nasty.
so its like the same on both sides
if i had to kill all my own food i would not find this easy though but i think i would get used to it
i do not eat a great deal of meat anyway mostly chicken
do all vegans really have a choice i wonder, or do some of them have a kind of mental block about eating flesh

this is a very good and mostly overlooked point by meat eaters. Most of us Americans are so far removed from our food source. We don't grow it or shoot it, yet we consume it. I'm willing to bet that most of us wouldn't relish the idea of shooting our own dinner each day, gutting, cleaning it etc. vs growing it from the ground or harvesting a grain. Not to mention the horrors of factory farming.

I was a vegan for years and now consume meat sometimes. For me it was less about my feelings for the animal and more about the chemicals in the food I was eating as well as nutritional aspect. We raised our own veggies and steer.

My rule of thumb for eating now is choosing foods that are the most nutrient dense. Meat is up there for specific b-vitamins but that's about it. Just about all other nutrients can be obtained through plants and grains. More sustainable, and easy to obtain/grow.
this is a very good and mostly overlooked point by meat eaters. Most of us Americans are so far removed from our food source. We don't grow it or shoot it, yet we consume it. I'm willing to bet that most of us wouldn't relish the idea of shooting our own dinner each day, gutting, cleaning it etc. vs growing it from the ground or harvesting a grain. Not to mention the horrors of factory farming.

I was a vegan for years and now consume meat sometimes. For me it was less about my feelings for the animal and more about the chemicals in the food I was eating as well as nutritional aspect. We raised our own veggies and steer.

My rule of thumb for eating now is choosing foods that are the most nutrient dense. Meat is up there for specific b-vitamins but that's about it. Just about all other nutrients can be obtained through plants and grains. More sustainable, and easy to obtain/grow.

i wish i was as responsible, i eat what taste nice, i just so happen to not really like any red meat
apart from ham/bacon occasionally, i do eat chicken a fair bit and i do like cheese and milk
so i could not be a vegan, i could not give up milk lol
i wish i was as responsible, i eat what taste nice, i just so happen to not really like any red meat
apart from ham/bacon occasionally, i do eat chicken a fair bit and i do like cheese and milk
so i could not be a vegan, i could not give up milk lol
i never liked milk...i drink almond milk it gives me my b12 and since i make a smoothie everyday i never have to worry about b-12 since the almond milk is fortified with extra whatever, too.

i used to have a doctor who was female and she was...hindu or whatever she was a vegan as well. and she always did the minimal check up on me and said i was perfectly healthy, well she moved back to toronto and i was transfer to this other lady doctor
and she looked at my file, and threw a fit and basically ordered every single blood test, and anything that like measured my nutrient levels and all that bullshit

and i was like is ridiculous

i was perfectly healthy. in fact she was "happy to report i was the healthiest 24 year old shes ever seen"
like couldve saved us canadians some tax dollars on all that crap ...
who the hell has an entire shelf worth of tea o_O
maybe shes just a shitty cook though ... ive had some pretty bad vegan food made by little natural restaurants
Why would it matter what u eat? Shit u can eat a weed leaf salad for all i care more power to ya if someone says fuck u for what u eat tell em.they must of just enjoyed a nice roasted cock cuz.fhey are a freakin dick!
Why would it matter what u eat? Shit u can eat a weed leaf salad for all i care more power to ya if someone says fuck u for what u eat tell em.they must of just enjoyed a nice roasted cock cuz.fhey are a freakin dick!
well this post was a question directly related to my lifestyle, so for them asking questions it matters
but yeah i only asked cause i like tea but not a whole self full lol
well this post was a question directly related to my lifestyle, so for them asking questions it matters
Oh i understand its just odd like i dont ask why ppl prefer a bong instead of a pipe i just kno its what they want and.thats all it is
Oh i understand its just odd like i dont ask why ppl prefer a bong instead of a pipe i just kno its what they want and.thats all it is
^_^ :) people are curious, so they ask questions i prefer that to assuming! i also dont mind answering honestly i wouldnt answer
roasted cock


yum :)

It must be hard around the holidays tho huh
no thats a pretty common question
i make lentil loaf, potatoes, green beans, salad, stuffing gravy all vegan and pie, than everyone at the dinner table eats my food too its nice ^_^