The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning lads,trim day today, had em in 24 hours of dark (not sure on how effective it is would love to hear everyone's opinion) now gonna wait for a few of the Gfs friends to call over for their lady tea n bitch talk thwn I'll start my trimming..really not looking forward to it, shit always takes me fucking ages.


Well-Known Member
yeh m8 took me and my gf about 5 hours for my last crop i wouldnt want to do it dry tho lol and as for the darkness dude i only know what ive read ( ive gotta stop reading all this shit) some ppl say it push out all remaining energy into its last trichome production and others say not really that much diff and stress the plant a bit but as u have done it now let me know how it is m8


Well-Known Member
Nah man my missus doesn't help, all she does is smoke it.. Just gotta wait for her lame ass mates to leave.
Yeah the amount of shit out there about growing cannabis boggles the mind, its why if I'm not 100% I ask in here, did the same with flushing now i don't flush anymore n haven't noticed a difference...trics are produced to protect the plant from pests n ubv so I'm not sold on aiding tric production, thought there may be some positive stress related benefit to the darkness, but as I type it I realise it's a bit of an oxymoron to say there is any benefit in stress lol ....more I think about it the less I think Ill be doing do it again lol next crop I'm leaving the cheese suprise go 10 weeks n I won't give her any dark period n see for myself.


Well-Known Member
ive tried it a few times 24hr,72hr had stuff from a lazy friend who left it near a week cause he couldnt be arsed to trim the last plant lol

carnt say i noticed any difference.


Well-Known Member
yeh ive come the the idea that the plant is full of nutes so there is no way on flushing it all out any way so i guessing that when some weed gives you a headeck thats down to not drying and curing properly my gf never had a choice i just put 1 plant on the table at a time and said get on with it

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well its a pk booster so yeah it will increase bud production. Best of used about 3 weeks from the end but everyone has their own schedule. Most build up to a full dose and taper off last couple of weeks. You can burn your plants with it usin too much late on.

does make it taste sweeter in my experience


Well-Known Member
Never saw any point in putting your plants in darkness. Done it before and saw fuk all difference (or noticable difference).


Well-Known Member
I don't like having info on my computer (easier to dispose of my phone) but u can always operate under a virtual machine,download the open vpn package for Ubuntu (I've windows n Ubuntu) network manager ting n set her up..right ball ache tbh... Or u can find some free trial vpns online or free ones with silly caps that give u a cock tease..or pay a few quid a month n get a decent one..if ur paranoid vpns are the way to go n I'd recommend it especially if u like downloading movies n all that razz!

Just saw openvpn is also for windows lol enjoy


Well-Known Member
wasnt really paranoid about it been downloading xboxbox 360 games ect for yeahs lol but but as im useing this site now and u said about it id thought id better do it


Well-Known Member
sorted it i was useing a proxy server but wasnt sure if it was working but just looked at my ip address useing and im good
Yeah it masks your ip when surfing but when downloading n uploading your exposed.
Aparently it's not the downloading u get in trouble for its the the uploading your doing when also downloading (I've it capped to the minimum) n u only really need to worry about that crap when youre in America or those places that have cray cray pirating laws...over here if u get caught u get a letter in the post..takes 3 letters or so then they cut off ur Internet for a bit then ur back in action lol... Oh n if using a proxy and the site has javascript or flash ur true ip can be exposed