An excuse for the landlord...


Well-Known Member
If this is the type of landlordthat has only been by once before in the course of many months he is not going to go snooping around, sounds locked up & out of the way. My only concern is there a fire alarm in your detached garage!


Well-Known Member
yes the girl friend art thing is i think the way to go. can you cover the grow up with some sheets as if it where hidding a master peace that no one may see untill it is finished. add paints to white sheets for effect


Well-Known Member
Shit I feel sorry for you landlord calls me the gardener... he laughs when he sees my mega plants..... as long as I don't screw with the wiring..he don't care...I look off my balcony and 3 other neighbors are growing.......
Yay HERE...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the windows have black fabric stretched tight across the inside. I spent a couple of hours driving out to a fabric warehouse to find the perfect type; it is a VERY dark black fabric with a high thread count. Looking through the windows just looks like a room with the lights out. Even if you get your face right up in the window you can't tell that there is anything covering it.

And the garage came with steel bars on the windows and a solid wood/steel door with steel gate. The gate is locked with a big ass padlock and the door is held with a 1200 pound magnetic lock controlled by an RFID reader located on the inside of the door. I was concerned that the lock could be defeated by shutting off the power to the property so I hooked it up to a uninteruptable power supply which also feeds the wifi webcam. The cam is set up to ring my cell phone within 3 seconds of the door opening. I can then choose to either view a live feed over the net, or get back the site ASAP. Fortunately, Seattle is a compact city and so I am within 10 minutes of the location 95% of the time.

I was also concerned that my cellular alert could be defeated if the internet was cut but I noticed that if the wifi camera loses connection with the primary wifi network it automatically defaults to another one of the open wifi networks on my street. It took me awhile to figure out how to get it to call my cell. Ultimately I had to pay 10 euro for a skype account which can be controlled through the command line. I created a couple of batch files to work the whole thing. Evenytually I would like to have several camera "zones" with different cellular alerts (ringtones).

One day Id like to have a remotely operated grow that would require very minimal on-site maintanance. Possibly only once every two or three weeks. With an eye to detail and a cunning plan, the grow could be untraceable and so in the unlikely event that it where discovered it could be abandoned.

But from my research it seems that it is much more common for the grower to attract attention to himself and then reveal the grow then for the grow to be discovered first.

how many plants are we talking here? several 1000 watts or just a few in the corner? :-|


Well-Known Member
yes we neeed to no the size of the aera that we are trying to hide.
maybe you could get a magicine in and just have him magic the gararge away wile the landlord is there ?

(PS..... i just had a cone and i feel great)

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
You should get rid of it. Find a way to temporarily take everything down and hide it. Why take the chance? Any of those excuses and I would instantly think there is something in there that is illegal that you don't want me to see like a body, stolen items or drugs. My first thoughts would be a dead girlfriend stashed in a cooler.

Go rent a big uhaul trailer or truck and stick everything in there for the day that the landlord is coming and lock it up and park it in the furthest location from where he will be walking around so to minimize the risk of him smelling it. If you have to leave it all in a truck for one or two days you should be allright. Just make sure you clean the hell out of the back of that truck/trailer with some strong cleaner that will cover that smell before you return it.

I wouldn't mess around with taking chances at all. He may want to inspect more things in regards to fire hazards than just smoke alarm batteries.

Move that shit out.


Well-Known Member
get some boxes for packing (local storage place) get enough to completly cover your grow area. put them together, hell even mark on them "master bedroom etc." if he askes to see the woodshop tell him "ahhh jeeez, i'm using it as storage at the moment, damn mother-inlaw shit is piled high in there". always blame the mother-inlaw. just a thought!!!!


Active Member
If the landlord already saw it as a woodworking shop then don't try to change his mind. Put a respirator around your neck and spray a bit of laquer on your workclothes. Tell him you just finished spraying your latest project and it will be a while before the garage is clear of fumes. Kindly offer to replace any detector batteries in the garage when you return for the next coat.


Well-Known Member
If the landlord already saw it as a woodworking shop then don't try to change his mind. Put a respirator around your neck and spray a bit of laquer on your workclothes. Tell him you just finished spraying your latest project and it will be a while before the garage is clear of fumes. Kindly offer to replace any detector batteries in the garage when you return for the next coat.
thats a damn good idea...but id try to keep the fumes away from the plants


New Member
If the landlord already saw it as a woodworking shop then don't try to change his mind. Put a respirator around your neck and spray a bit of laquer on your workclothes. Tell him you just finished spraying your latest project and it will be a while before the garage is clear of fumes. Kindly offer to replace any detector batteries in the garage when you return for the next coat.
That's pretty good.


Well-Known Member
ive seen pictures of this for hiding alcohol from ra's in college. people would just take a bunch of cereal boxes and hot glue them together and cut the insides out and put it ontop of the bottles and set it in a closet.


Well-Known Member
Dudes right, the girlfriend/artist thing is genius! Couldn't have done better. Since he's been respectful of you in the past, no reason to believe he'll be anything less now. And since I highly doubt there are snoke detectors in the "woodshop", you should be fine!! Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
You should get rid of it. Find a way to temporarily take everything down and hide it. Why take the chance? Any of those excuses and I would instantly think there is something in there that is illegal that you don't want me to see like a body, stolen items or drugs. My first thoughts would be a dead girlfriend stashed in a cooler.

Go rent a big uhaul trailer or truck and stick everything in there for the day that the landlord is coming and lock it up and park it in the furthest location from where he will be walking around so to minimize the risk of him smelling it. If you have to leave it all in a truck for one or two days you should be allright. Just make sure you clean the hell out of the back of that truck/trailer with some strong cleaner that will cover that smell before you return it.

I wouldn't mess around with taking chances at all. He may want to inspect more things in regards to fire hazards than just smoke alarm batteries.

Move that shit out.
Yeah, I think this is probably the best (safest) advice. I tore everything down, sans 4 clones for mums. Why take the chance? If he wanted to get in there and I wouldn't let him, which for obvious reasons I couldnt, he might start freakin out until he got in there.

I put my moms in soil so that the morning the landlord comes over I cn just put them in a big bag in one of those big plastic trash cans with a lid. Ill set it right in front of my table saw and rip a few boards over it. All the sawdust will cover up the smell and keep him from pryin/snoopin/"inspecting" too much.

And now I have some experience so Ill rebuild with everything Ive learned in mind. This isn't too tough, I think that this time Ill build a sealed grow with complete environmental controls.

Im going to build a complete environment control panel with din rail mounted breakers, relays, flip-flops, bluetooth controllers, complete sensor array with data logging, etc. Anyone have any experience using this stuff too grow?