I have Shrooms in my backyard.


Well-Known Member

The wild Shrooms in you're backyard. Will you trip off of those or are those different from the kind of shrooms you use?.



Active Member
tripping shrooms dont grow in NY state. its not warm enough. they are probably death caps. eat them and ur dead.


Well-Known Member
unless u are in flordia or washington state shrooms are very dangerous unless u know what you are doing if not they might be planting you BECAREFUL plz
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Well-Known Member
And many of the poisonous mushrooms won't kill you right away. In fact it often takes several days to a week before you notice something is wrong. By then it is too late, many of your vital organs begin shutting down and over the next few days you die very slowly and very painfully.

So if you really want to get high, yeah go ahead and eat them, whats the worst that could happen?


Active Member
pull off a cap. put it on a piece of printer paper for 30 minutes.the spores will fall from the cap naturally. after 30 minutes take off the cap. if the spores that fell out turned the paper purple its safe and will make you trip. any other color wont do anything or is unsafe.


Well-Known Member
If they have purple spore print like nhrvy said and bruise blue when you squeeze them then they're probably safe


Well-Known Member
when i was in elementary this kid ate wild mushrooms and he lost one of his kidneys
Yeah, when I was in middle school. some younger kids ate angel trumpets (aka: datura, jimson weed) and ended up really fucked up in a bathroom. both kids had some pretty severe (but not permanent?) brain damage, had to have their stomachs pumped, and one had to re-learn certain motor skills.

...years later, one of them was hit by a semi, sued the trucking company, and is now a 19-20yr old millionaire :-?


Well-Known Member
If you found what you think are magical mushrooms in your backyard take them to your local mushroom hunter and have them looked at. Only a trained professional can properly identify mushrooms, anyone else is just asking for trouble.