t5 bubleponics.. too hard for first time grow?


Active Member
hello! decided to start a stealth opp. The dresser of choise fits perfectly 4 high output 39w 34 in t5 flourescent bulbs @ 15000 lumens aprox. 4 more 36z compact flou pin base bulbs on the way which will add another 12000 lumens. the grow area is aproxamately 5 cubic feet. The plant site houses 4 net pots with aereated water pumpin through the lines. i was wonderin if the area i have to grow is goin to be a problem for plant hight..i have about a foot and a half from pot to bulb. Any suggestions on how to keep plants from exceeding grow space. I figure clones with no veg should work to keep plants short and bushy, or if any dank ass short strains any one could fyi me with. pleeeeaaaase help.



Active Member
What strain are you growing cos a foot and a half isnt a lot to work with.Maybe go for lowryder,mango,lowberry or some other short strain.Also LST'ing(low stess training) would help.Have a look in the growfaq.the links at the top of the page
good luck


Active Member
yea a lil reseach is all it took check out my journal i just recently took more clones so eventualy i will start the scrog


Well-Known Member
cover your thermometer with a piece of cardboard......the uncovered temp gauge pics up the direct light temp NOT the room temp......room temp is what you need to gauge....