I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll check it out and portside it! Trouble is I'm hardly familiar with the US political situation. :)
Ha thats perfect cause nobody there is either :)

You'll say something innocent , it'll get blew straight to hell outta contex , the wolf pack will come in to feed on your soul .

Its not a nice place & can ruin the whole rui experience unless your idea of chillin out is arguing, i'd advise steering clear of that place , its lawless there .


bud bootlegger
It's a great place if you enjoy being berated. And, I do. There's actually some pretty smart fucks in there. IDK. I like to live in reality, and don't mind being taken down a peg or 3 every once in a while.
i venture in once in awhile, actually, i probably read pretty much every new politics thread that pops up in the new posts section when i'm around..
sometimes i'll get bored of you liberals suck and you repubs are douche nozzles stuff rather quickly and will bail in a thread after a few good pages or so..


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the hatred toward liberals..when did pro-choice become a bad thing, or maybe my definition is different then yalls


Well-Known Member


Im puttin you on ignore so I dont have to see that fucking stupid avatar of the blond at the bottom of every message you post.
I don;t know, she's pretty hot. Every time I see her I imagine she's my gf and she's mad at me for something new, but won;t break up with me because she needs me too bad.

I hate it when I come up with what I think is one of my best offerings and all I get is
