I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
You're right

Self criticism is one of the most valuable aspects of introspection, to someone who can't accept defeat they only see it as an obstacle. To someone who can they become a better person.

Hence Red's current predicament..
Well, Paddy has showed up to jump on the "victory bandwagon". Too bad he had no hand in it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, my drug adeled brain got confused and couldn't differentiate between two turds in the same pile. Now you all can pretend nothing I said was true. Even those johnny-come-latelys who had no part in the matter. But you haven't proven me wrong. What you have proven is that you are nearly unanimus in wishing harm to any that disagree with you or point out you make unwarranted assumptions. Pinhead even went so far as to edit a post made years ago that said exactly the oposite of what he posted.


New Member
Yes, my drug adeled brain got confused and couldn't differentiate between two turds in the same pile. Now you all can pretend nothing I said was true. Even those johnny-come-latelys who had no part in the matter. But you haven't proven me wrong. What you have proven is that you are nearly unanimus in wishing harm to any that disagree with you or point out you make unwarranted assumptions. Pinhead even went so far as to edit a post made years ago that said exactly the oposite of what he posted.

Calm down hun


Well-Known Member
Once again, name calling..
Deep breaths, red. I can see your back again even after completely embarrassing yourself for the third straight day in a row. Getting your ass handed to you by me and everyone else in this forum is taking it's toll on you. We can all see that. Your obsession with me is unhealthy. You obviously are extremely interested, you feel compelled to reply to every post I make. I suggest taking some time away from RIU. Collect yourself and your thoughts. Maybe, change the batteries in your smoke alarms. I don't think this trolling thing is a good fit for you.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Damn take a day or two off and look at the fun one misses!

Why is Red quoting
@overgrowem and attributing it to Lahada?
I wondered when that was going to be noticed!

Yeah, a couple of them were boozers and they'd periodically drop; everyone else would giggle for the rest of the day. One of the boozers didn't get up, smashed his temple and it caused a clot. That was giggles for a week
I'm a medic first aider and I'd just leave him on the floor. I wouldn't even put him in the recovery position!! Lol! :)
We, called it slow-coding. If you brought a particularly nasty piece of work in we didn't necessarily move as fast as we could. Matter of fact a prime time to eat your sandwich was while staring at the MRI.

LOL Passive aggressive surgery........

Dudes like Red don't care if they're right or wrong in the end. What they care about is telling you they're right
So padraper is now defending women! Now THAT is rich.

Yes, my drug adeled brain got confused and couldn't differentiate between two turds in the same pile. Now you all can pretend nothing I said was true. Even those johnny-come-latelys who had no part in the matter. But you haven't proven me wrong. What you have proven is that you are nearly unanimus in wishing harm to any that disagree with you or point out you make unwarranted assumptions. Pinhead even went so far as to edit a post made years ago that said exactly the oposite of what he posted.
Lookie Pumpkin you really don't want to come in here and fire off at these guys in an addled state. They will tie your neurons in a knot, spin you around and light your brainstem on fire. Might want to consider hobbling back to Politics while you still have some motor function left.

See... Even in defeat they can't admit it

Sad shit..
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you said it you misogynistic creeper .

Boy this thread delivered. Thank you guys! I have not had this good a howl in ages.


Well-Known Member
Is there anybody on this forum that actually enjoys Red's company?

Was going through his last 200 posts, and I'll I'm seeing is angry, pissed off comments where he is desperately trying to save face when someone calls him out for his bullshit. I can't find a single one where he comes off as remotely human.
His own families(yes plural he's had 2) didn't like him(they decided they couldn't live another day with him) why would any one on this forum? It is the beginning of spring, and the onset of BBQ season, always a rough time for red, brings up a emotions, lot of hurt, anger and confusion. He is sad human being and I'm sure I'll see him in hell.