The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I think our idea of history is fuked, lol v stoned, Churchill was an occultist, a druid in fact, so was hitler, the aneheube? SS were conducting séances and practising the occult, they were probably working toward the same ends as outlined by freemason albert pike s letter to Mazzini ( outlines the 2 world wars dated August 15, 1871), history is written by the victor but is mostly bullshit and as for german s paying reparations lol u couldn't make this shit up, google rhine meadows concentration camps so many of them were starved to death its unimaginable.....but tune into UK programming and Churchill is a hero, battle of Britain...poppies...fukin poppies u know what this is all about....drugs
no truer word spoken


Well-Known Member
Lmao rambs thought you'd like that lads I've got these 50micron steel screens that came with my blasting tube dya rekon I should use em or just stick to coffee filters?


Well-Known Member
So been out drinkin and backn a few gg's at cheltenham lost a few quid tday .. all good got a take hme coffee from pub to hav wit a spliff wen got hme.. got hme rolled a spliff took lid of coffee spillt the fckr everywer even over smart remote hav to dry the thing off before gf gets hme .... fck my life


Well-Known Member
me 80mg oxy come today, bit scared of it tbh lol last time i had one id also taken a shitload of other drugs and alot more oxy and o'd badly.

fuck it tho just 1 without all the rest i should be fine, fucking expensive 35quid for a single 80mg.

my lappy is fucked carnt work out how to stop this airplane mode, its a common fault from what ive read sumfin to do with the drivers? i carnt work it out for shit,

am on a ethernet cable at the mo.
what make n model laptop mate?


Well-Known Member
Ive just popped my last 2 blues, got a J or 2 of nice weed left, gonna chill with a movie now I think. My mates out so its just me and the dogs tonight, might even drag myself to the shop for a cpl beers


Well-Known Member
me 80mg oxy come today, bit scared of it tbh lol last time i had one id also taken a shitload of other drugs and alot more oxy and o'd badly.

fuck it tho just 1 without all the rest i should be fine, fucking expensive 35quid for a single 80mg.

my lappy is fucked carnt work out how to stop this airplane mode, its a common fault from what ive read sumfin to do with the drivers? i carnt work it out for shit,

am on a ethernet cable at the mo.
ooooooooh I'm buying one slow release


Well-Known Member
Ive just popped my last 2 blues, got a J or 2 of nice weed left, gonna chill with a movie now I think. My mates out so its just me and the dogs tonight, might even drag myself to the shop for a cpl beers
i took 8 down the park with the dog he handled so well like he knew I was fucked lol


Well-Known Member
Did she blind u ghetto? Not that dazzling picture of my penis I'd layer on top
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