Nuggs 2015 russet mite war

Hey nuggs. I do work today. Be home around 6. I can go with ya then if you go at that Time.
On my way home now. They are clean now. A few.dead.ones.and maybe. S9me.eggs. I'm. Going to. Read the. Bottle to.see.about the.eggs. I'm. Almost sure it.kills them too.
her plants are.beginning. to.stink now .the bugs aren't Getting all.the resins
I re sprayed everything today...just in case . I just got done cleaning out the greenhouse veggies planted in the fall. Now i am going to spray it well with bleach. Cant afford all new soil, so i will bleach then turn the soil every few days. Getting DE when i can too
Be sure to grade.DE.
glad you sprayed again . That.should finished. You might. Get a.couple of. The.hanging bug killers. Get like.tws.suggested. and one.sticky too for.Flys and.Nats I
look up dichlorvos . NOT what i ant near my house... (might consider it to protect food in a root celler not lived near.. or a off sit Ghouse and be careful

Case Examples

  • A woman bought pest strips to control mosquitoes in her home. She read on the label, “lasts up to four months and good for use in cabins.” She didn’t see that the product was not to be used in indoor spaces occupied for more than four hours per day. She hung a strip in her living room and bedroom. After the fourth day, she developed headache then stomach problems that lasted for several days after she removed the strips.
  • A family bought pest strips to control bedbugs and tried to mimic a study they found online. They heated the strips in bedrooms, made sure not to sleep in the rooms during the treatment, and ventilated the rooms after removing the strips. Family members reported respiratory problems and stomach problems for several weeks whenever they stayed in their home. Heating the strips releases insecticide vapor at a faster rate and could cause unsafe levels in the air. Their home’s heating system also probably circulated the vapors throughout the home.
  • A woman bought three pest strips to control flies. She opened the packages in her home and immediately smelled an odor, felt nauseated, and burning in the back of her throat. She called the poison center and got fresh air. Opening packages outdoors could minimize this problem.
Be sure to grade.DE.
glad you sprayed again . That.should finished. You might. Get a.couple of. The.hanging bug killers. Get like.tws.suggested. and one.sticky too for.Flys and.Nats I
that doesn't it's. Such a good idea. Now.then....
My grower buddy bought some predator mites the other day,and he went a head and sprinkled the bottle of mites all over our ladys in heavy flower.
now the buds are caked in what looks like white pepper...not all were destroyed but a dam good lot of them!
Also the predator will not clear the problem @ 45.00 dollars a bottle too.
He also hangs 4 pest strips in a sealed co2 room...I do get dizzy after I spent time in there,even with the door open.Also the strips wear out and the eggs carry on.
Be sure to grade.DE.
glad you sprayed again . That.should finished. You might. Get a.couple of. The.hanging bug killers. Get like.tws.suggested. and one.sticky too for.Flys and.Nats I
Yeah, me too :) I have looked at the No Pest strips before, but never bought them, due to the warnings on the box. I have the yellow sticky things though. Thanks for all the help :)
No , But I am going to get some. From time to time I have root aphid problems from fly ins or tainted soil but this all so say it works for everything else we common all so. On the pesticide kill list it calls mites "Acari" but says not for California which Im not sure why it says that. In theory though it should work on all mites with no Chemicals. Budworms and thrips too.
It looks and seems like what we need . I'm going to call the tech and ask some questions Monday. I thought Beauveria bassiana was a predator but, if I read it right it's a fungus according to bioworks. I'm really interested in this TWS thanks for finding and posting it bro. good find! I'll post what their team has to say.