The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you reckon he will actually grass? bit of a stupid thing to do init? tell someone your gonna grass on em. That said type of bloke who beats up a woman don't sound like someone who's got morals and might actually go through with it.


Well-Known Member
you reckon he will actually grass? bit of a stupid thing to do init? tell someone your gonna grass on em. That said type of bloke who beats up a woman don't sound like someone who's got morals and might actually go through with it.
he owes me 150 I told his mother he beats women. can't take the risk I've familyI'll in the states


Well-Known Member
you reckon he will actually grass? bit of a stupid thing to do init? tell someone your gonna grass on em. That said type of bloke who beats up a woman don't sound like someone who's got morals and might actually go through with it.
he's my best mates nephew 22 on the autism spec so add add n aspurgurs so I took it easy n he was pissed so he's very irrational n impulsive at times...wait till I get my with body suit n kick in that door.


Well-Known Member
not sticking up 4 anyone but its ok for the kid to batter his gf but not get a slap his self?
n autism has a broad spectrum i know autistic peeps n u cant tell anyfin up really??
that said i know autistic people and YOU CAN TELL.
but no onwe should beat girls or disabled tbh a slap maybe haha


Well-Known Member
i aint like a hippie but i think you've gave him a kick in for hitting the woman leave it at that? all drama does is bring attention. Leave it and it'll all die down n be forgotten before you know it.

Sometimes having a grow on is a cunt because people take the piss and even though if i weren't growing i wouldn't think my head everyones a grass lol so i try not to fight anyone.
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Well-Known Member
seen dat b4 lmao think the guy was a downy tho o somat still shunt be kickin kids

Sometimes having a grow on is a cunt because people take the piss and even though if i weren't growing i wouldn't think my head everyones a grass lol so i try not to fight anyone.

well said!!! ninja EVERYONE A GRASS under different pressures
i seen people who meant to be absolute down the line kosure squeal when threatened with 15 to 20 up the batty haha


Well-Known Member
i aint ever grassed tbh n i done about 5 years actually served and i only 27 not been back since started growing different people different lifestyle i suppose ??


Well-Known Member
baddly wanna get some more bodhi sunshine day dream man but everywhere is fucking sold out :( only done 2 from my packet of 11 fucked up n killed the rest but best plants ever grown man. Normally like trying new strains but that shit id grow again for sure.


Well-Known Member
N autism is a large spec u may have ut n not notice it aspurgurs is why stepped in they find it hard to associate with ppl n crap like that he'd not a cripple or mentally retarded he has a job just on a spectrum but I'm sure they though u that in.your bio chem yrs at harverd


Well-Known Member
Nooo,zeddd has it on his head he's a genius with a million degrees n he like to show that all the time my mother's a psychiatric nurse I know disabled compared to learning disabilities


Well-Known Member
he's my best mates nephew 22 on the autism spec so add add n aspurgurs so I took it easy n he was pissed so he's very irrational n impulsive at times...wait till I get my with body suit n kick in that door.
see autism spec...future ref if u wanna call me out have proof u self Richious twat


Well-Known Member
you said he was autistic and u and a mate were gonna beat him up again, wtf you expect me to say u cunt
u dunno the story I beat him off her called his uncle n mother then shit went off when he hit her again but hey he's on the autism spec hq must be full rwtard