California judge order sex change to proceed


Well-Known Member
that is incredibly false.
Please enlighten me then, if you are such an expert on constitutional law. This response from you beckons the idea that I should know already so that's why you didn't include anything to back this statement up, or it simply wasn't at your fingertips or the edge of your cerebral cortex.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
If this person indeed committed an act of murder then he shouldn't be in the prison system but ashes in the wind. I understand my outlook may seem very cold but it is hard enough to keep the library open let alone pay for some murderers sex change. We just can't afford it as a society and if he/she wants that kind of attention they should have moved to somewhere that can accomodate that at a lower price, before committing murder.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please tell me which constitutional right has been violated?
depriving prisoners of medical treatment probably falls under cruel and unusual punishment.

Seems that psychotherapy would be more effective.
for gender dysphoria? LOfuckingL.

let me ask my PsyD wife if she thinks freudian therapy will be effective on someone suffering from gender dysphoria. she might be able to use a good laugh right now.

So we have one yes to the surgery and the rest no. Democracy is a wonderful thing when it is exercised, not circumvented.
too bad for bigots like you, we live in a constitutional republic.


Well-Known Member
Please enlighten me then, if you are such an expert on constitutional law. This response from you beckons the idea that I should know already so that's why you didn't include anything to back this statement up, or it simply wasn't at your fingertips or the edge of your cerebral cortex.
ok, i'll enlighten you.

prisoners still do have certain rights.



Well-Known Member
What causes gender dysphoria?

And, does elective surgery correct this?
In order for someone to be diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria today, they must exhibit a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex). In children, the disturbance is manifested by six (or more) of the following for at least a 6-month duration:

  • repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex
  • in boys, preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire; in girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing
  • strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex
  • a strong rejection of typical toys/games typically played by one’s sex.
  • intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex
  • strong preference for playmates of the other sex
  • a strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy
  • a strong desire for the primary (e.g., penis, vagina) or secondary (e.g., menstruation) sex characteristics of the other gender

In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of the other sex.

Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex.

In children, the disturbance is manifested by any of the following: in boys, assertion that his penis or testes are disgusting or will disappear or assertion that it would be better not to have a penis, or aversion toward rough-and-tumble play and rejection of male stereotypical toys, games, and activities; in girls, rejection of urinating in a sitting position, assertion that she has or will grow a penis, or assertion that she does not want to grow breasts or menstruate, or marked aversion toward normative feminine clothing.

In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics (e.g., request for hormones, surgery, or other procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics to simulate the other sex) or belief that he or she was born the wrong sex.

The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition.

The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


Well-Known Member
/... The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition. .../
Had to look that up.

So are we officially diagnosing the mismatch between the brain and body as the brain being wrong, or the body being wrong?

And if it's the brain that's wrong, why attempt to solve that by surgically altering the body? (perhaps it's easier than correctly altering the brain...)

And if it's really the body that's wrong, why are we diagnosing from the DSM? I thought that was a primarily mental health thing, rather than a physical/anatomical/surgical thing.

The whole thing just seems bizarre, to me (though that doesn't mean i'm trying to invalidate anyone).

I'm not sure i agree that someone who discovers this about themselves after having murdered someone and going to prison, should be... entitled.

If we use "because distress" as the supporting argument... doesn't Prison cause even More distress?

Don't they pretty much tell everyone else who feels miserable for any reason in prison "tough shit, don't do the crime if you can't do the time!"? (not justifying it in all cases either)

Just wondering why this particular type of suffering is different, and why the taxpayers have to fund it, despite the conditional suffering not having been caused by... anyone, really. Prison didn't do that to him. Taxpayers didn't do that to him. His victim didn't do that to him. He was just born that way, right? So why... now?

Is this something that should be covered for free, for everyone, not just incarcerated murderers? If not, i don't think that's fair to all the other gender-dysphoric people out there.

As far as the gender-dysphoric population goes, this guy should be at the back of the line, IMO. Hook up all the innocent sufferers first. If a murderer has to suffer more than an innocent person, that's fine by me! (unless wrongfully convicted, which i won't bother speculating about at this time)

So yeah. If a murderer gets some distress... oh well? Not like he's gonna die of cuntlessness. He made it this far, right?

Non-murderers, generally good people who happen to suffer from such a condition, sure, help them, if it's really that harsh for them.

Otherwise... i think people should pay for their own elective surgeries, instead of taxpayers; especially when said sufferer happens to be guilty of unduly concluding the life of another.

Interesting dilemma though.

Heh, maybe someday they'll be able to use a person's own dna to generate alternative or replacement parts, or even upgrades. (last i checked, they've made some good progress on that, growing new healthy tissues in tubes and dishes and 'installing' them...)

Hell, maybe it's worth endorsing just so the experts can practice and learn more. idk.


Well-Known Member
If this person indeed committed an act of murder then he shouldn't be in the prison system but ashes in the wind. I understand my outlook may seem very cold but it is hard enough to keep the library open let alone pay for some murderers sex change. We just can't afford it as a society and if he/she wants that kind of attention they should have moved to somewhere that can accomodate that at a lower price, before committing murder.
Want a free sex change operation? Move to California and murder someone!


Well-Known Member
jesus fucking christ. no one wants to read your fucking novels.

and it's not elective.
Give it a chance. It's mostly space between lines, lol.

Unless it's life-saving, it's elective. He won't die of cuntlessness. He might suffer, but the family of his victim has and will too, and there are likely other more deserving people who should be helped first.

What i don't understand is, why we're diagnosing a physical defect with a psyche manual, and why we're trying to solve a psyche problem with a knife. The brain is physical, the body is physical, and the link between them is mostly physical (can anyone prove an 'intangible' non-physical link?).

Does it cause Physical pain, to merely exist with a male body attached to a brain that isn't 'male'? Or is the physical pain actually a result of the psychological distress, making it more "neurosis," instead of something that actually needs physically altering?

I mean, is he just writhing on the floor screaming and unresponsive, 24/7? Or is this just... something to latch onto, for a person whose life doesn't have much value after having ruined it?

People have all sorts of problems that cause them pain and suffering, but are not going to kill them. Elective surgery is everything that isn't necessary. He was apparently functional enough to destroy another person. Seems like he wasn't all that impaired by his illness. Or maybe we can blame the gender dyphoria for his murdering another person?


Well-Known Member
Give it a chance. It's mostly space between lines, lol.

Unless it's life-saving, it's elective. He won't die of cuntlessness. He might suffer, but the family of his victim has and will too, and there are likely other more deserving people who should be helped first.

What i don't understand is, why we're diagnosing a physical defect with a psyche manual, and why we're trying to solve a psyche problem with a knife. The brain is physical, the body is physical, and the link between them is mostly physical (can anyone prove an 'intangible' non-physical link?).

Does it cause Physical pain, to merely exist with a male body attached to a brain that isn't 'male'? Or is the physical pain actually a result of the psychological distress, making it more "neurosis," instead of something that actually needs physically altering?

I mean, is he just writhing on the floor screaming and unresponsive, 24/7? Or is this just... something to latch onto, for a person whose life doesn't have much value after having ruined it?

People have all sorts of problems that cause them pain and suffering, but are not going to kill them. Elective surgery is everything that isn't necessary. He was apparently functional enough to destroy another person. Seems like he wasn't all that impaired by his illness. Or maybe we can blame the gender dyphoria for his murdering another person?
jesus fucking christ you are dumb.


New Member
This is pretty obvious the judge is probably a secret faggot. Forget about who would have to pay it he in prison for murder and just like every one else in prison, he doesn't need and definitely doesn't deserve special treatment because he's confused in his mind.


Well-Known Member
depriving prisoners of medical treatment probably falls under cruel and unusual punishment.

for gender dysphoria? LOfuckingL.

let me ask my PsyD wife if she thinks freudian therapy will be effective on someone suffering from gender dysphoria. she might be able to use a good laugh right now.

too bad for bigots like you, we live in a constitutional republic.
So I set the troll bait out and, as I predicted, you gobbled it up. So it "probably" falls under cruel and unusual punishment? So basically you're just talking out your ass, as if you had read this 38 page finding that the wack job judge dictated to his paralegal to type up. You see troll, it can go either way. I got up this morning and read your "little" comments, so I type in "gender dysphoria" and up comes webmd and the first line of treatment says talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist. That was off the top of my head yesterday. Dysphoria definition:
  1. a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
    Who the hell you think came up with that term anyways, a neurologist?
    If it had said something else I would be correcting myself right now. Btw, what is a psyd wife? I write "psyd" and it wants to auto correct to psycho lofuckingl, so like your mentality I will assume that's what u meant to say. You are taking this a little personal, so I also assume this subject hits a little too close to home for you so maybe you have gender issues yourself. Good luck with that. What's with name calling? Bigot? Your talking out your ass again. Your 3rd grade mentality just proves you still can't get past the "B's" in the dictionary. And finally, you are the biggest bigot on this forum. You are against all people with common sense. Fucking keyboard warrior troll bigot. lol...
